Works (43)
2017 journal article
The effect of artificial selection on phenotypic plasticity in maize
Contributors: J. Gage* , D. Jarquin *, C. Romay *, A. Lorenz *, E. Buckler *, S. Kaeppler *, N. Alkhalifah*, M. Bohn *

2012 journal article
Maize HapMap2 identifies extant variation from a genome in flux
Nature Genetics, 44(7), 803–238.
2010 personal communication
Perennial Questions of Hydrology and Climate Response
Glover, J. D., Reganold, J. P., Bell, L. W., Borevitz, J., Brummer, E. C., Buckler, E. S., … Xu, Y. (2010, October 1).

2008 journal article
Climatic adaptation and ecological descriptors of 42 Mexican maize races
CROP SCIENCE, 48(4), 1502–1512.
Contributors: J. Ruiz Corral *, N. Durán Puga, J. Sánchez González, J. Ron Parra, D. González Eguiarte, J. Holland n , G. Medina García *

2008 journal article
Genetic design and statistical power of nested association mapping in maize
GENETICS, 178(1), 539–551.
Contributors: J. Yu *, J. Holland n , M. McMullen* & E. Buckler *

2008 journal article
Quantitative trait loci and epistasis for crown freezing tolerance in the 'Kanota' x 'Ogle' hexaploid oat mapping population
CROP SCIENCE, 48(1), 149–157.
Contributors: D. Wooten n, D. Livingston III, J. Holland n , D. Marshall n & J. Murphy n

2007 review
Genetic architecture of complex traits in plants
[Review of ]. CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY, 10(2), 156–161.
Contributors: J. Holland n

2007 journal article
Genotypic correlation and multivariate QTL analyses for cell wall components and resistance to stalk tunneling by the European corn borer in maize
CROP SCIENCE, 47(2), 485–490.
Contributors: M. Krakowsky *, M. Lee* & J. Holland n

2007 journal article
Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) pollen expresses ACCase target-site resistance
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 384–388.
Contributors: I. Burke*, J. Holland* , J. Burton*, A. York* & J. Wilcut*

2007 journal article
Mapping reciprocal effects and interactions with plant density stress in Zea mays L.
HEREDITY, 99(1), 14–30.
Contributors: M. Gonzalo, T. Vyn *, J. Holland n & L. McIntyre *

2007 journal article
Mapping resistance to Southern rust in a tropical by temperate maize recombinant inbred topcross population
Contributors: M. Jines n, P. Balint-Kurti n , L. Robertson-Hoyt n, T. Molnar, J. Holland n & M. Goodman n

2007 journal article
Precise mapping of quantitative trait loci for resistance to southern leaf blight, caused by Cochliobolus heterostrophus race O, and flowering time using advanced intercross maize lines
GENETICS, 176(1), 645–657.
Contributors: P. Balint-Kurti n , J. Zwonitzer n, R. Wisser n, M. Carson*, M. Oropeza-Rosas n, J. Holland n , S. Szalma n

2007 journal article
QTL mapping with near-isogenic lines in maize
Contributors: S. Szalma n, B. Hostert*, J. LeDeaux*, C. Stuber n & J. Holland n

2007 journal article
Relationships among resistances to Fusarium and Aspergillus ear rots and contamination by fumonisin and aflatoxin in maize
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 97(3), 311–317.
Contributors: L. Robertson-Hoyt*, J. Betrán, G. Payne*, D. White, T. Isakeit, C. Maragos, T. Molnár, J. Holland*
2007 journal article
Relationships of resistance to Fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination with agronomic performance of maize
CROP SCIENCE, 47(5), 1770–1778.
Contributors: L. Robertson-Hoyt n, C. Kleinschmidt*, D. White*, G. Payne n, C. Maragos * & J. Holland n
2006 journal article
A unified mixed-model method for association mapping that accounts for multiple levels of relatedness
Nature Genetics, 38(2), 203–208.
Contributors: J. Yu *, G. Pressoir *, W. Briggs*, I. Bi*, M. Yamasaki *, J. Doebley *, M. McMullen*, B. Gaut*

2006 journal article
Estimating genotypic correlations and their standard errors using multivariate restricted maximum likelihood estimation with SAS Proc MIXED
CROP SCIENCE, 46(2), 642–654.
Contributors: J. Holland n

2006 journal article
Gains from selection during the development of semiexotic inbred lines from Latin American maize accessions
Maydica, 51(1), 15–23.
2006 journal article
Heritabilities and correlations of fusarium ear rot resistance and fumonisin contamination resistance in two maize populations
CROP SCIENCE, 46(1), 353–361.
Contributors: L. Robertson n, C. Kleinschmidt*, D. White*, G. Payne n, C. Maragos * & J. Holland n
2006 journal article
Identification of quantitative trait loci for resistance to southern leaf blight and days to anthesis in a maize recombinant inbred line population
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 96(10), 1067–1071.
Contributors: P. Balint-Kurti* , M. Krakowsky, M. Jines*, L. Robertson*, T. Molnár, M. Goodman*, J. Holland*

2006 article
Major M. Goodman - A laudation
Maydica, Vol. 51, pp. 3–13.
2006 journal article
Mapping density response in maize: A direct approach for testing genotype and treatment interactions
GENETICS, 173(1), 331–348.
Contributors: M. Gonzalo*, T. Vyn *, J. Holland n & L. McIntyre *

2006 journal article
Panzea: a database and resource for molecular and functional diversity in the maize genome

2006 journal article
QTL mapping for fusarium ear rot and fumonisin contamination resistance in two maize populations
Crop Science, 46(4), 1734–1743.
2006 journal article
Registration of 20 GEM maize breeding germplasm lines adapted to the southern USA
CROP SCIENCE, 46(2), 996–998.

2006 journal article
Responses to selection for partial resistance to crown rust in oat
CROP SCIENCE, 46(3), 1260–1265.
Contributors: J. Long *, J. Holland n , G. Munkvold * & J. Jannink *

2004 journal article
Recovery of exotic alleles in semiexotic maize inbreds derived from crosses between Latin American accessions and a temperate line

2003 journal article
Combining ability of a tropical-derived maize population with isogenic BT and conventional testers
Maydica, 48(1), 1–8.
2003 journal article
Estimating and interpreting heritability for plant breeding: An update
Plant Breeding Reviews, 22, 9.
2003 article
Genome-wide genetic diversity among components does not cause cultivar blend responses
CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 43, pp. 1618–1627.

2003 journal article
Testcross performance of semiexotic inbred lines derived from Latin American maize accessions
CROP SCIENCE, 43(6), 2272–2278.

2002 review
Breeding perennial grain crops
[Review of ]. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES, 21(2), 59–91.

2002 journal article
Correlated responses to selection for greater beta-glucan content in two oat populations
CROP SCIENCE, 42(3), 730–738.

2002 journal article
Genomic regions controlling vernalization and photoperiod responses in oat
Contributors: J. Holland n , V. Portyanko*, D. Hoffman & M. Lee*

2002 journal article
Recurrent selection for broad adaptation affects stability of oat
EUPHYTICA, 126(2), 265–274.

2001 journal article
A linkage map of hexaploid oat based on grass anchor DNA clones and its relationship to other oat maps
GENOME, 44(2), 249–265.
Contributors: V. Portyanko, D. Hoffman, M. Lee & J. Holland*

2001 journal article
Correlated responses of fatty acid composition, grain quality, and agronomic traits to nine cycles of recurrent selection for increased oil content in oat
EUPHYTICA, 122(1), 69–79.
Contributors: J. Holland* , K. Frey* & E. Hammond*

2001 journal article
Enhancing disease resistance of crops through breeding and genetics
Dealing with Genetically Modified Crops.
Ed(s): C. R. F. Wilson & D. Hildebrand
2001 journal article
Genetic relationships of crown rust resistance, grain yield, test weight, and seed weight in oat
CROP SCIENCE, 41(4), 1041–1050.

2001 journal article
Polymorphism of PCR-based markers targeting exons, introns, promoter regions, and SSRs in maize and introns and repeat sequences in oat
GENOME, 44(6), 1065–1076.
Contributors: J. Holland* , S. Helland, N. Sharopova & D. Rhyne

2001 journal article
Selection for greater beta-glucan content in oat grain
CROP SCIENCE, 41(4), 1085–1091.

2000 journal article
Recurrent selection in oat for adaptation to diverse environments
EUPHYTICA, 113(3), 195–205.
Contributors: J. Holland* , Å. Bjørnstad, K. Frey, M. Gullord, D. Wesenberg & T. Buraas

1994 journal article
CROP SCIENCE, 34(4), 953–957.