Works (89)
2024 journal article
Aquatic biodegradation of poly(β-hydroxybutyrate) in polylactic acid and maleic anhydride blended fibers
Journal of Polymer Research, 31(4).

2024 article
Assessing and predicting the softness of hygiene tissue containing alternative fibers
Urdaneta, I., Vera, R. E., Marquez, R., Vivas, K. A., Urdaneta, F., Gongora, S., … Gonzalez, R. (2024, December 2). CELLULOSE, Vol. 12.

2024 journal article
Beyond cotton and polyester: An evaluation of emerging feedstocks and conversion methods for the future of fashion industry
Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts, 9(2), 130–159.
2024 journal article
Effect of paper-making additives on biodegradation of lignocellulosic fibers
Effect of Paper-making Additives on Biodegradation of Lignocellulosic Fibers. BIORESOURCES, 19(4), 8028–8043.
2024 journal article
Evaluating chemi-mechanical pulping processes of agricultural residues: High-yield pulps from wheat straw for fiber-based bioproducts

2024 journal article
Textile microfibers valorization by catalytic hydrothermal carbonization toward high-tech carbonaceous materials
ISCIENCE, 27(12).
2024 review
Textiles from non-wood feedstocks: Challenges and opportunities of current and emerging fiber spinning technologies
2023 article
Aerobic aquatic biodegradation of bio-based and biodegradable polymers: Kinetic modeling and key factors for biodegradability
Kwon, S., Zambrano, M. C., Venditti, R. A., & Pawlak, J. J. (2023, November). INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION, Vol. 185.

2023 journal article
Aquatic Aerobic Biodegradation of Commonly Flushed Materials in Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Plant Solids, Seawater, and Lakewater
BIORESOURCES, 19(1), 1150–1164.

2023 journal article
Aquatic Biodegradation of Poly(β-Hydroxybutyrate) and Polypropylene Blends with Compatibilizer and the Generation of Micro- and Nano-Plastics on Biodegradation
Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 31(8), 3619–3631.

2023 journal article
Charting a path to catalytic upcycling of plastic micro/nano fiber pollution from textiles to produce carbon nanomaterials and turquoise hydrogen
RSC SUSTAINABILITY, 1(5), 1177–1183.

2022 article
High-performance sustainable tissue paper from agricultural residue: a case study on fique fibers from Colombia
Kumar, R., Zambrano, F., Peszlen, I., Venditti, R., Pawlak, J., Jameel, H., & Gonzalez, R. (2022, June 28). CELLULOSE.

2022 journal article
Materials challenges and opportunities to address growing micro/nanoplastics pollution: a review of thermochemical upcycling
[Review of Materials challenges and opportunities to address growing micro/ nanoplastics pollution: a review of thermochemical upcycling]. MATERIALS TODAY SUSTAINABILITY, 20.

2022 article
Methods to assess and control dusting and linting in the paper industry: a review
Frazier, R., Zambrano, F., Pawlak, J. J., & Gonzalez, R. (2022, January 16). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 1.

2022 article
Microfiber shedding from nonwoven materials including wipes and meltblown nonwovens in air and water environments
Kwon, S., Zambrano, M. C., Venditti, R. A., Frazier, R., Zambrano, F., Gonzalez, R. W., & Pawlak, J. J. (2022, April 14). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH.

2022 review
Review: The Softness of Hygiene Tissue
[Review of ]. BIORESOURCES, 17(2), 3509–3550.

2022 article
The tissue dust analysis system: a new device and methodology to quantify dusting and linting propensity in hygiene tissue papers
Frazier, R., Zambrano, F., Pawlak, J. J., Peszlen, I., Welsford, D., & Gonzalez, R. (2022, August 13). CELLULOSE, Vol. 8.

2021 review
Bacterial valorization of pulp and paper industry process streams and waste
[Review of ]. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 105(4), 1345–1363.

2021 journal article
Effect of lignocellulosic fiber composition on the aquatic biodegradation of wood pulps and the isolated cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin components: kinetic modelling of the biodegradation process
CELLULOSE, 28(5), 2863–2877.

2021 journal article
Hemicellulose and Starch Citrate Chitosan Foam Adsorbents for Removal of Arsenic and Other Heavy Metals from Contaminated Water
BIORESOURCES, 16(3), 5628–5645.

2021 journal article
Impact of dyes and finishes on the aquatic biodegradability of cotton textile fibers and microfibers released on laundering clothes: Correlations between enzyme adsorption and activity and biodegradation rates

2021 journal article
Impact of dyes and finishes on the microfibers released on the laundering of cotton knitted fabrics

2021 article
Waterborne and Airborne Microfibers Shed from Non-Woven Materials in Water and Air Environments
Kwon, S., Zambrano, M. C., Venditti, R. A., Frazier, R., Zambrano, F., Gonzalez, R. W., & Pawlak, J. J. (2021, December 13). (Vol. 12). Vol. 12.
2020 journal article
Aerobic biodegradation in freshwater and marine environments of textile microfibers generated in clothes laundering: Effects of cellulose and polyester-based microfibers on the microbiome
Aerobic biodegradation in freshwater and marine environments of textile microfibers generated in clothes laundering: Effects of cellulose and for polyester-based microfibers on the microbiome. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 151.
Contributors: M. Zambrano n, n , J. Daystar*, M. Ankeny *, C. Goller n & R. Venditti n

2020 journal article
Carboxymethylation of hemicellulose isolated from poplar (Populus grandidentata) and its potential in water-soluble oxygen barrier films
Cellulose, 27(6), 3359–3377.

2020 journal article
Comparison between uncreped and creped handsheets on tissue paper properties using a creping simulator unit
CELLULOSE, 27(10), 5981–5999.

2020 journal article
Effects of Chemical and Morphological Structure on Biodegradability of Fibers, Fabrics, and Other Polymeric Materials
BIORESOURCES, 15(4), 9786–9833.

2019 journal article
Bi-component carbohydrate and lignin nanoparticle production from bio-refinery lignin: A rapid and green method
Bi-component Carbohydrate and Lignin Nanoparticle Production from Bio-refinery Lignin: A Rapid and Green Method. BIORESOURCES, 14(3), 6179–6185.

2019 journal article
Cellulose Transparent and Flexible Films Prepared from DMAc/LiCl Solutions
BIORESOURCES, 14(4), 9021–9032.

2019 journal article
Comparison of Wood and Non-Wood Market Pulps for Tissue Paper Application
BIORESOURCES, 14(3), 6781–6810.
Contributors: T. Assis n, n , L. Pal n , H. Jameel n, R. Venditti n , L. Reisinger*, D. Kavalew*, R. Gonzalez n

2019 journal article
Effect of Pulp Properties, Drying Technology, and Sustainability on Bath Tissue Performance and Shelf Price
BIORESOURCES, 14(4), 9410–9428.
Contributors: Y. Wang n, F. Zambrano n, R. Venditti n , S. Dasmohapatra*, T. De Assis n, L. Reisinger*, n , R. Gonzalez n

2019 journal article
Microfibers generated from the laundering of cotton, rayon and polyester based fabrics and their aquatic biodegradation
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 142, 394–407.

2019 journal article
Techno-economic analysis of hemicellulose extraction from different types of lignocellulosic feedstocks and strategies for cost optimization
Contributors: W. Geng n, R. Venditti n , n , T. De Assis n, R. Gonzalez n , R. Phillips n, H. Chang n

2019 journal article
The influence of lignin content and structure on hemicellulose alkaline extraction for non-wood and hardwood lignocellulosic biomass
CELLULOSE, 26(5), 3219–3230.

2018 journal article
Relationship between human perception of softness and instrument measurements
Relationship between Human Perception of Softness and Instrument Measurements. BIORESOURCES, 14(1), 780–795.
Contributors: Y. Wang n, T. De Assis n, F. Zambrano n, L. Pal n , R. Venditti n , S. Dasmohapatra n, n , R. Gonzalez n

2018 review
Understanding the effect of machine technology and cellulosic fibers on tissue properties - a review
[Review of ]. BioResources, 13(2).
2017 journal article
Cellulose-Lignin Biodegradable and Flexible UV Protection Film
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5(1), 625–631.
2017 journal article
Microbial Paper: Cellulose Fiber-based Photo-Absorber Producing Hydrogen Gas from Acetate using Dry-Stabilized Rhodopseudomonas palustris
BIORESOURCES, 12(2), 4013–4030.

2016 journal article
Characterization of Clostridium ljungdahlii OTA1: a non-autotrophic hyper ethanol-producing strain
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 101(4), 1615–1630.
Contributors: J. Whitham n, M. Schulte n, B. Bobay *, J. Bruno-Barcena n , M. Chinn n , M. Flickinger n , n , A. Grunden n

2016 journal article
Degradation of lignocellulose and lignin by Paenibacillus glucanolyticus

2015 journal article
Bacterial biodegradation and bioconversion of industrial lignocellulosic streams
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(7), 2939–2954.

2015 journal article
Metabolic Response of Clostridium ljungdahlii to Oxygen Exposure
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81(24), 8379–8391.
Ed(s): R. Parales

2014 journal article
Crosslinked PVA nanofibers reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals: Water interactions and thermomechanical properties
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131(11), n/a-n/a.

2014 journal article
Isolation of Paenibacillus glucanolyticus from pulp mill sources with potential to deconstruct pulping waste

2014 journal article
Properties of surface acetylated microfibrillated cellulose relative to intra- and inter-fibril bonding
CELLULOSE, 21(3), 1541–1552.
2013 journal article
Development of an acetylation reaction of switchgrass hemicellulose in ionic liquid without catalyst
Contributors: A. Ayoub n , R. Venditti n , n , H. Sadeghifar n & A. Salam n

2013 journal article
Enhanced absorbent products incorporating cellulose and its derivatives: A review
BioResources, 8(4), 6556–6629.
Contributors: M. Hubbe n, A. Ayoub n , J. Daystar n, R. Venditti n & n

2013 journal article
Novel Hemicellulose–Chitosan Biosorbent for Water Desalination and Heavy Metal Removal
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 1(9), 1102–1109.
Contributors: A. Ayoub n , R. Venditti n , n , A. Salam n & M. Hubbe n

2012 journal article
Combined Application of Extrusion and Irradiation Technologies: A Strategy Oriented for Green and Cost-Effective Chemistry
Combined application of extrusion and irradiation technologies: A strategy oriented for green and cost-effective chemistry. BioResources, 8(1), 3–5.
2012 journal article
Dimensional and hygroexpansive behaviors of cellulose microfi brils (MFs) from kraft pulp-based fibers as a function of relative humidity
HOLZFORSCHUNG, 66(8), 1001–1008.
2012 conference paper
Extraction and utilization of hemicelluloses for new biomaterial applications
Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology (ICPPB '12), vols. I and II, 885–890.
2012 journal article
Piezoelectric Effect of Cellulose Nanocrystals Thin Films
ACS Macro Letters, 1(7), 867–870.
2012 journal article
Survey of Soy Protein Flour as a Novel Dry Strength Agent for Papermaking Furnishes
2011 journal article
A comparative study of energy consumption and physical properties of microfibrillated cellulose produced by different processing methods
CELLULOSE, 18(4), 1097–1111.

2011 journal article
Crosslinked hemicellulose citrate–chitosan aerogel foams
Crosslinked hemicellulose citrate-chitosan aerogel foams. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 84(4), 1221–1229.

2011 journal article
Incorporation of carboxyl groups into xylan for improved absorbency
CELLULOSE, 18(4), 1033–1041.

2011 journal article
Water vapor barrier properties of coated and filled microfibrillated cellulose composite films
BioResources, 6(4), 4370–4388.

2010 journal article
Dimensional changes of starch microcellular foam during the exchange of water with ethanol and subsequent drying
BioResources, 5(1), 121–134.
2010 journal article
Effect of Moisture on Electrospun Nanofiber Composites of Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Cellulose Nanocrystals
BIOMACROMOLECULES, 11(9), 2471–2477.

2010 journal article
Longitudinal and concurrent dimensional changes of cellulose aggregate fibrils during sorption stages

2010 journal article
Monitoring Cellulase Protein Adsorption and Recovery Using SDS-PAGE
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49(18), 8333–8338.

2010 journal article
Nanofiber Composites of Polyvinyl Alcohol and Cellulose Nanocrystals: Manufacture and Characterization
BIOMACROMOLECULES, 11(3), 674–681.
2010 journal article
Synthesis and Characterization of Starch Citrate−Chitosan Foam with Superior Water and Saline Absorbance Properties
Synthesis and Characterization of Starch Citrate-Chitosan Foam with Superior Water and Saline Absorbance Properties. BIOMACROMOLECULES, 11(6), 1453–1459.

2010 journal article
The effect of chemical composition on microfibrillar cellulose films from wood pulps: Mechanical processing and physical properties
BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 101(15), 5961–5968.
2010 journal article
The effect of chemical composition on microfibrillar cellulose films from wood pulps: water interactions and physical properties for packaging applications
CELLULOSE, 17(4), 835–848.
2008 journal article
A colloidal probe microscopy study of cellulose/gypsum interactions

2008 journal article
A sustainable economy
BioResources, 3(1), 1–2.
2008 journal article
Carbonized starch microcellular foam-cellulose fiber composite structures
BioResources, 3(4), 1063–1080.
2008 journal article
Development of Cross-Linked Starch Microcellular Foam by Solvent Exchange and Reactive Supercritical Fluid Extrusion
Contributors: S. Patel n, R. Venditti n , n , A. Ayoub* & S. Rizvi *

2008 journal article
Effect of alkyl ketene dimer reacted starch on the properties of starch microcellular foam using a solvent exchange technique

2007 journal article
Aspects of the preparation of starch microcellular foam particles crosslinked with glutaraldehyde using a solvent exchange technique

2007 journal article
Development and characterization of novel starch and alkyl ketene dimer microcellular foam particles

2007 journal article
Hard-to-remove water in cellulose fibers characterized by thermal analysis: A model for the drying of wood-based fibers
TAPPI Journal, 6(7), 10–16.
2007 journal article
Local morphological and dimensional changes of enzyme-degraded cellulose materials measured by atomic force microscopy
CELLULOSE, 14(6), 643–653.
2007 journal article
Rheology of carboxymethyl cellulose solutions treated with cellulases
BioResources, 2(1), 20–33.
2007 journal article
Studies of the heat of vaporization of water associated with cellulose fibers characterized by thermal analysis
CELLULOSE, 14(3), 195–204.

2007 journal article
Surface and pore structure modification of cellulose fibers through cellulase treatment

2007 journal article
Technique for the measurement of dimensional changes of natural microfibril materials under variable humidity environments
Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing, 445, 632–640.

2006 journal article
A novel method to evaluate fibre hornification by high resolution thermogravimetric analysis
Appita Journal, 59(6), 481–485.
2006 journal article
Changes in pore size distribution during the drying of cellulose fibers as measured by differential scanning calorimetry

2006 journal article
Hard to remove water in cellulose fibers characterized by high resolution thermogravimetric analysis - methods development
CELLULOSE, 13(1), 23–30.

2005 journal article
Chemical force microscopy of cellulosic fibers

2005 conference paper
High resolution thermo-gravimetric analysis of pulp drying
Advances in Paper Science and Technology: Transactions of the 13th Fundamental research symposium, vols 1-3, 161–186.
2005 journal article
The effect of fibre properties on fibre fractionation using a hydrocyclone
Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 31(3), 132–137.
2005 journal article
The compressive response of a stratified fibrous structure
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS, 37(11), 1132–1142.

2004 journal article
Relationships between the local sheet structure and Z-direction compressive characteristics of paper
Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 30(9), 256–262.
2004 journal article
Three storage phosphor systems for beta-radiographic imaging of paper

2003 journal article
Measurement of the local compressive characteristics of polymeric film and web structures using micro-indentation
POLYMER TESTING, 22(5), 515–528.

journal article
Paper's appearance: A review
Hubbe, M. A., Pawlak, J. J., & Koukoulas, A. A. BioResources, 3(2), 627–665.