Jordan Kern
Works (62)
2025 journal article
Multi-objective optimization of sustainable aviation fuel production pathways in the US Corn Belt
2024 journal article
Dual Impacts of Space Heating Electrification and Climate Change Increase Uncertainties in Peak Load Behavior and Grid Capacity Requirements in Texas
Earth's Future, 12(6).

2024 journal article
Exploring the benefits of integrated energy-water management in reducing economic and environmental tradeoffs
Environmental Research: Energy, 1(3), 035010.
2024 journal article
Green hydrogen exports in New Zealand and Chile can improve electricity supply security if configured as local energy insurance
Energy, 304, 131930.

2024 journal article
High-resolution, open-source modeling of inland flooding impacts on the North Carolina bulk electric power grid
Environmental Research: Energy, 1(1), 015005.
2024 journal article
Investigating the effects of cooperative transmission expansion planning on grid performance during heat waves with varying spatial scales
2024 magazine article
Utilities Are Planning for the Wrong Kind of Hurricane
Kern, J. (2024, October). Heatmap News.
2023 journal article
An open-source framework for balancing computational speed and fidelity in production cost models
Environmental Research: Energy, 1(1), 015003.

2023 newspaper article
Blackouts experienced during low temps last month are bound to happen again
Kern, J. (2023, January). The Post and Courier.
2023 newspaper article
Droughts and heat waves could worsen air pollution for vulnerable communities
Kern, J. (2023, March). L.A.Times.
2023 journal article
Opportunities for wave energy in bulk power system operations

2023 newspaper article
Rolling blackouts can protect power grid from serious damage
Kern, J. (2023, January). CBS 17 WNCN.
2023 newspaper article
Sturdier, more weatherproof. Improvements being made to power grid to prevent prolonged outages
Kern, J. (2023, August). ABC 11.
2023 journal article
U.S. West Coast droughts and heat waves exacerbate pollution inequality and can evade emission control policies
Nature Communications, 14(1).

2022 journal article
Assessing risks for New England's wholesale electricity market from wind power losses during extreme winter storms
Energy, 251, 123886.

2022 journal article
Assessing the Bonneville Power Administration’s Financial Vulnerability to Hydrologic Variability
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 148(10).

2022 magazine article
Climate change makes West Coast more susceptible to blackouts
Kern, J. (2022, January). The Hill.
2022 magazine article
Duke Energy aims to double renewable energy capacity by 2030
Kern, J. (2022, February). Renewable Energy World.
2022 magazine article
Extreme Weather is Weakening U.S. Hydropower and Stressing Energy Grids
Kern, J. (2022, September). TIME Magazine.
2022 journal article
Hard-coupling water and power system models increases the complementarity of renewable energy sources
Applied Energy, 321, 119386.

2022 newspaper article
How global warming could further mess up electric power on the West Coast
Kern, J. (2022, January). Jefferson Public Radio.
2022 magazine article
How the Western drought is pushing the power grid to the brink
Kern, J. V. (2022, August). Vox.
2022 journal article
Managing weather- and market price-related financial risks in algal biofuel production
Renewable Energy, 200, 111–124.

2022 newspaper article
Officials investigate after fire, explosion at Hoover Dam
Kern, J. (2022, July). AP. News.
2022 newspaper article
Southwest megadrought pushes hydropower to the brink
Kern, J. (2022, May). E.&E.News EnergyWire.
2022 newspaper article
West Coast power grid at mercy of climate change — and prices may soar, study finds
Kern, J. (2022, January). Sun Herald.
2022 magazine article
What the Western drought reveals about hydropower
Kern, J. (2022, September). E&E News EnergyWire.
2021 journal article
Analysis of fixed volume swaps for hedging financial risk at large-scale wind projects

2021 journal article
Characterizing weather-related biophysical and financial risks in algal biofuel production
Applied Energy, 294, 116960.

2021 journal article
Core process representation in power system operational models: Gaps, challenges, and opportunities for multisector dynamics research
ENERGY, 238.

2021 magazine article
Extreme Heat Could Also Mean Power and Water Shortages
Kern, J. (2021, July). Wired Magazine.
2021 newspaper article
How Our Hydropower System Is Impacting The Drought Gripping The American West
Kern, J. (2021, June). National Public Radio.
2021 newspaper article
Hydropower decline adds strain to power grids in drought
Kern, J. (2021, October). ABC News.
2021 newspaper article
Less water means more gas’: how drought will test California’s stressed power grid
Kern, J. (2021, June). The Guardian (UK).
2021 newspaper article
Not Just Wildfire: The Growing Ripple Effects Of More Extreme Heat And Drought
Kern, J. (2021, July). National Public Radio.
2021 newspaper article
Plummeting reservoir levels could soon force Oroville hydropower offline
Kern, J. (2021, July). Los Angeles Times.
2021 journal article
Retail Load Defection Impacts on a Major Electric Utility's Exposure to Weather Risk

2021 journal article
Technology Pathways Could Help Drive the U.S. West Coast Grid's Exposure to Hydrometeorological Uncertainty
Earth's Future, 10(1).

2021 journal article
The Effects of Climate Change on Interregional Electricity Market Dynamics on the U.S. West Coast
Earth's Future, 9(12).

2021 newspaper article
Water Supply Dropping in Western Reservoirs
Kern, J. (2021, August). The Weather Channel.
2020 journal article
A retrospective study of the 2012-2016 California drought and its impacts on the power sector

2020 journal article
An open source model for quantifying risks in bulk electric power systems from spatially and temporally correlated hydrometeorological processes
Environmental Modelling & Software, 126, 104667.

2020 journal article
Compound hydrometeorological extremes across multiple timescales drive volatility in California electricity market prices and emissions
Applied Energy, 276, 115541.

2020 newspaper article
Decline in hydropower hampered by drought will impact utility costs
Kern, J. (2020, August). San Jose Mercury News.
2020 journal article
Development of an irradiance-based weather derivative to hedge cloud risk for solar energy systems
Renewable Energy, 164, 1230–1243.

2020 journal article
PowNet: A Network-Constrained Unit Commitment/Economic Dispatch Model for Large-Scale Power Systems Analysis
Journal of Open Research Software, 8(1), 5.
2019 journal article
Integrating wind, photovoltaic, and large hydropower during the reservoir refilling period

2019 article
PowNet: a power systems analysis model for large-scale water-energy nexus studies
(Version 1). Version 1.
2018 journal article
A new solution to mitigate hydropeaking? Batteries versus re-regulation reservoirs

2018 journal article
Multiobjective Optimal Siting of Algal Biofuel Production with Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Watersheds with Nutrient Trading Markets

2017 journal article
Evaluating the Financial Vulnerability of a Major Electric Utility in the Southeastern U.S. to Drought under Climate Change and an Evolving Generation Mix
Environmental Science & Technology, 51(15), 8815–8823.
2017 journal article
The impact of wind power growth and hydrological uncertainty on financial losses from oversupply events in hydropower-dominated systems
Applied Energy, 194, 172–183.
2016 journal article
Evaluating the relative impacts of operational and financial factors on the competitiveness of an algal biofuel production facility
Bioresource Technology, 220, 271–281.
2016 journal article
Low natural gas prices and the financial cost of ramp rate restrictions at hydroelectric dams
Energy Economics, 61, 340–350.
2016 journal article
Using life cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis in a real options framework to inform the design of algal biofuel production facilities
Bioresource Technology, 225, 418–428.
2015 journal article
Mitigating hydrologic financial risk in hydropower generation using index-based financial instruments
Water Resources and Economics, 10, 45–67.
2015 journal article
Natural gas price uncertainty and the cost‐effectiveness of hedging against low hydropower revenues caused by drought
Water Resources Research, 51(4), 2412–2427.
2014 journal article
An integrated reservoir-power system model for evaluating the impacts of wind integration on hydropower resources
Renewable Energy, 71, 553–562.

2014 report
Analysis of Potential Policy Changes on the Financial Viability of Residential Solar in North Carolina
UNC Chapel Hill Institute for the Environment.
2014 newspaper article
Solar: A Sound Investment
Kern, J., & Record. Kern, J. (2014, December 14). [Opinion editorial]. Greensboro News.
2014 journal article
The Impacts of Wind Power Integration on Sub-Daily Variation in River Flows Downstream of Hydroelectric Dams
Environmental Science & Technology, 48(16), 9844–9851.
2011 journal article
Influence of Deregulated Electricity Markets on Hydropower Generation and Downstream Flow Regime
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 138(4), 342–355.
Updated: August 5th, 2022 17:45
2018 - present
2018 - present
2018 - present
2015 - 2018
2014 - 2014
2009 - 2014
Updated: August 5th, 2022 17:46
2010 - 2014
2009 - 2010
2003 - 2007