John Millhauser Millhauser, J. K. (2024, June). How are you, anthropology? Reflections on well-being and the common good. ECONOMIC ANTHROPOLOGY, Vol. 11, pp. 159–167. Millhauser, J. K. (2024, December 9). Producing communities: salt-making in late Postclassic and early Colonial Mexico. WORLD ARCHAEOLOGY, Vol. 12. Wall, J., Bohnenstiehl, D. W. R., Levine, N. S., Millhauser, J. K., Mcgill, D. E., Wegmann, K. W., & Melomo, V. (2023, December 4). A geospatial and archaeological investigation of an African-American cemetery in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROSPECTION, Vol. 12. Millhauser, J. K. (2023). Slow Violence and Vulnerability in the Basin of Mexico. LEGACIES OF THE BASIN OF MEXICO, pp. 348–366. Millhauser, J. K., & Earle, T. K. (2022). Biodiversity and the human past: Lessons for conservation biology. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 272. Millhauser, J. K. (2022, September 1). Islands in the Lake: Environment and Ethnohistory in Xochimilco, New Spain. JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY, Vol. 53, pp. 365–366. Baron, J., & Millhauser, J. (2021). A place for archaeology in the study of money, finance, and debt. JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, 62. Millhauser, J. K. (2020). Let's get fiscal: The social relations of finance and technological change in Aztec and Colonial Mexico. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 60. McGill, D., Millhauser, J. K., McGill, A., Melomo, V., Bohnenstiehl, D., & Wall, J. (2020). Wealth in people and the value of historic Oberlin Cemetery, Raleigh, North Carolina. ECONOMIC ANTHROPOLOGY, 7(2), 176–189. Fargher, L. F., Antorcha-Pedemonte, R. R., Heredia Espinoza, V. Y., Blanton, R. E., Lopez Corral, A., Cook, R. A., … Costa, A. (2020). Wealth inequality, social stratification, and the built environment in Late Prehispanic Highland Mexico: A comparative analysis with special emphasis on Tlaxcallan. JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, 58. Millhauser, J. (2019, December). City, Craft, and Residence in Mesoamerica: Research Papers Presented in Honor of Dan M. Healan. LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY, Vol. 30, pp. 870–872. Millhauser, J. K., & Overholtzer, L. (2020). Commodity Chains in Archaeological Research: Cotton Cloth in the Aztec Economy. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 28(2), 187–240. Millhauser, J. K. (2019, August). Modes of Production and Archaeology. CAMBRIDGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 29, pp. 546–548. Millhauser, J. K., & Morehart, C. T. (2018). 8 Sustainability as a Relative Process: A Long-Term Perspective on Sustainability in the Northern Basin of Mexico. In Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association (Vol. 29, pp. 134–156). Morehart, C. T., Millhauser, J. K., & Juarez, S. (2018). Archaeologies of Political Ecology – Genealogies, Problems, and Orientations. In Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association (Vol. 29, pp. 5–29). Millhauser, J. K. (2017). Debt as a double-edged risk: A historical case from Nahua (Aztec) Mexico. ECONOMIC ANTHROPOLOGY, 4(2), 263–275. Millhauser, J. K., Bloch, L., Golitko, M., Fargher, L. F., Xiuhtecutli, N., Heredia Espinoza, V. Y., & Glascock, M. D. (2018). Geochemical Variability in the Paredon Obsidian Source, Puebla and Hidalgo, Mexico: A Preliminary Assessment and Inter-Laboratory Comparison. ARCHAEOMETRY, 60(3), 453–470. Nichols, D. L., Rodríguez-Alegría, E., & Milhauser, J. K. (2016). Aztec Use of Lake Resources in the Basin of Mexico. In The Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs. Morehart, C. T., & Millhauser, J. K. (2016). Monitoring cultural landscapes from space: Evaluating archaeological sites in the Basin of Mexico using very high resolution satellite imagery. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 10, 363–376. Millhauser, J. K., & Morehart, C. T. (2016). The Ambivalence of Maps: A Historical Perspective on Sensing and Representing Space in Mesoamerica. Digital Methods and Remote Sensing in Archaeology, pp. 247–268. Millhauser, J. K., Fargher, L. F., Heredia Espinoza, V. Y., & Blanton, R. E. (2015). The geopolitics of obsidian supply in Postclassic Tlaxcallan: A portable X-ray fluorescence study. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 58, 133–146. Brumfiel, E., & Millhauser, J. K. (2014). Representing tenochtitlan: Understanding urban life by collecting material culture. Museum Anthropology, 37(1), 6–16. Stoner, W. D., Millhauser, J. K., Rodriguez-Alegria, E., Overholtzer, L., & Glascock, M. D. (2014). Taken with a Grain of Salt: Experimentation and the Chemistry of Archaeological Ceramics from Xaltocan, Mexico. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL METHOD AND THEORY, 21(4), 862–898. Rodriguez-Alegria, E., Millhauser, J. K., & Stoner, W. D. (2013). Trade, tribute, and neutron activation: The colonial political economy of Xaltocan, Mexico. JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, 32(4), 397–414. Millhauser, J. K., Rodríguez-Alegría, E., & Glascock, M. D. (2011). Testing the accuracy of portable X-ray fluorescence to study Aztec and Colonial obsidian supply at Xaltocan, Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38(11), 3141–3152. Fargher, L. F., Blanton, R. E., Espinoza, V. Y. H., Millhauser, J., Xiuhtecutli, N., & Overholtzer, L. (2011). Tlaxcallan: the archaeology of an ancient republic in the New World. Antiquity, 85(327), 172–186. Millhauser, J. K. (2005). Classic and postclassic chipped stone at Xaltocan. In Production and Power at Postclassic Xaltocan (pp. 267–318). Millhauser, J. (2002). Malpaso Valley Obsidian Exchange. Archaeology Southwest, 16(1), 9.