Works (150)
2024 review
Fundamental Mechanisms Underlying the Effectiveness of Nanoparticle Additives to Lubricants: 25 Examples Linking Nano- to Macroscale Friction
[Review of ]. LUBRICANTS, 12(6).
2024 manuscript
Fundamental Mechanisms Underlying the Effectiveness of Nanoparticle Additives to Lubricants: 25 Examples Linking Nano- to Macroscale Friction
2024 article
Illuminating Pathways to Dynamic Nanotribology: Light-Mediated Active Control of Interfacial Friction with Nanosuspensions
Leidens, L. M., Michels, A. F., Machado, G., Alvarez, F., Smirnov, A. I., Krim, J., & Figueroa, C. A. (2024, July 16). SMALL, Vol. 7.
2023 article
The Preface
Figueroa, C. A., Krim, J., & Hirano, M. (2023, October). APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE ADVANCES, Vol. 17.
2023 journal article
Tribotronic and electrochemical properties of platinum-nanofluid interfaces formed by aqueous suspensions of 5 and 40 nm TiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles
2022 journal article
Shear activation of ZDDP reaction films in the presence and absence of nanodiamonds
2021 journal article
QCM Study of Tribotronic Control in Ionic Liquids and Nanoparticle Suspensions
2021 journal article
Tribotronic control and cyclic voltammetry of platinum interfaces with metal oxide nanofluids
2020 journal article
Continuum Model Analysis of QCM Nanotribological Data to Obtain Friction Coefficients for 304SS Contacts Lubricated by Water and TiO2 Nanoparticle Suspensions
2020 journal article
Correlation of high frequency QCM sphere-plate stiffness measurements with macroscopic frictional contacts in thin film and bulk stainless steel materials
Contributors: C. Seed n, B. Acharya n, R. Andrus n & n
2020 journal article
Dynamics of Neutral and Charged Nanodiamonds in Aqueous Media Confined between Gold Surfaces under Normal and Shear Loading
ACS OMEGA, 5(18), 10349–10358.
Contributors: L. Su n, n & D. Brenner n
2019 journal article
Dielectric and Electrostatic Properties of the Silica Nanoparticle-Water Interface by EPR of pH-Sensitive Spin Probes
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 123(49), 29972–29985.
Contributors: V. Perelygin n, M. Voinov n, A. Marek n, E. Ou n, n , D. Brenner n, T. Smirnova n , A. Smirnov n
2019 journal article
Nanotribological Performance Factors for Aqueous Suspensions of Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Relation to Macroscale Lubricity
Contributors: B. Acharya n, T. Pardue n, L. Su n, A. Smirnov n , D. Brenner n & n
2019 journal article
Synergistic effect of nanodiamonds on the adsorption of tricresyl phosphate on iron oxide surfaces
Contributors: A. Khajeh n, n & A. Martini n
2019 article
Synergistic effect of nanodiamonds on the adsorption of tricresyl phosphate on iron oxide surfaces (vol 114, 171602, 2019)
Khajeh, A., Krim, J., & Martini, A. (2019, May 27). APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol. 114.
Contributors: A. Khajeh *, n & A. Martini *
2019 journal article
Tuning friction and slip at solid-nanoparticle suspension interfaces by electric fields
Contributors: B. Acharya n, C. Seed n, D. Brenner n, A. Smirnov n & n
2019 journal article
Vibration can enhance stick-slip behavior for granular friction
Contributors: A. Clark *, R. Behringer * & n
2018 journal article
A Tribological Study of γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles in Aqueous Suspension
Tribology Letters, 66(4).
Contributors: T. Pardue n, B. Acharya n, C. Curtis n & n
2018 journal article
In situ, real time studies of thermal reaction film formation temperatures for iron and 304SS surfaces immersed in 5% tricresyl phosphate in base oil
Contributors: B. Acharya n, T. Pardue n, K. Avva n & n
2018 journal article
Interdependent Roles of Electrostatics and Surface Functionalization on the Adhesion Strengths of Nanodiamonds to Gold in Aqueous Environments Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9(15), 4396–4400.
Contributors: L. Su n, n & D. Brenner n
2018 journal article
Simultaneous stress and mass change measurements arising from laser induced detuning of a quartz crystal microbalance
Journal of Applied Physics, 124(2), 024502.
Contributors: L. Goodman n, E. Bililign n, B. Keller n, S. Kenny n & n
2018 journal article
Synergistic Effect of Nanodiamond and Phosphate Ester Anti-Wear Additive Blends
Lubricants, 6(2), 56.
Contributors: B. Acharya n, K. Avva n, B. Thapa n , T. Pardue n & n
2018 journal article
Tuning Nanoscale Friction by Applying Weak Magnetic Fields to Reorient Adsorbed Oxygen Molecules
2017 journal article
A Combined QCM and AFM Study Exploring the Nanoscale Lubrication Mechanism of Silica Nanoparticles in Aqueous Suspension
Contributors: B. Acharya n, M. Chestnut n, A. Marek n, A. Smirnov n & n
2017 journal article
A comparative study of the nanoscale and macroscale tribological attributes of alumina and stainless steel surfaces immersed in aqueous suspensions of positively or negatively charged nanodiamonds
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 8(1), 2045–2059.
Contributors: C. Curtis n, A. Marek n, A. Smirnov n & n
2017 journal article
A comparative study of the nanoscale and macroscale tribological attributes of alumina and stainless steel surfaces immersed in aqueous suspensions of positively or negatively charged nanodiamonds
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 8, 2045–2059.
2017 journal article
Quartz crystal microbalance apparatus for study of viscous liquids at high temperatures
Contributors: B. Acharya n, M. Sidheswaran*, R. Yungk * & n
2016 journal article
Interactions of Antibacterial Peptides with Nanotubular Lipid Bilayers: Binding Kinetics and Distortions of the Bilayer Structure
Biophysical Journal, 110(3), 79a.
2015 journal article
Tribological properties of nanodiamonds in aqueous suspensions: effect of the surface charge
RSC ADVANCES, 5(96), 78933–78940.
Contributors: Z. Liu n, D. Leininger n, A. Koolivand n, A. Smirnov n , O. Shenderova, D. Brenner n, n
2014 conference paper
Nanodiamond-based nanolubricants: Experiment and modeling
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1703.
Contributors: D. Brenner n, Z. Mahbooba n, F. Saberi-Movahed n, n , Z. Liu n, M. Ivanov, E. Osawa, O. Shenderova
2013 journal article
Scanning tunneling microscope-quartz crystal microbalance study of temperature gradients at an asperity contact
Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(1), 014901.
2013 review
Surface science, MEMS and NEMS: Progress and opportunities for surface science research performed on, or by, microdevices
[Review of ]. PROGRESS IN SURFACE SCIENCE, 88(2), 171–211.
Contributors: D. Berman * & n
2012 review
Friction and energy dissipation mechanisms in adsorbed molecules and molecularly thin films
[Review of ]. ADVANCES IN PHYSICS, 61(3), 155–323.
2012 journal article
Frictional temperature rise in a sliding physisorbed monolayer of Kr/graphene
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24(42), 424201.
Contributors: M. Walker n, C. Jaye n, n & M. Cole*
2012 journal article
Impact of oxygen and argon plasma exposure on the roughness of gold film surfaces
THIN SOLID FILMS, 520(19), 6201–6206.
Contributors: D. Berman n & n
2012 journal article
Temperature dependence of nanoscale friction for Fe on YBCO
Journal of Applied Physics, 111(9), 094916.
2011 journal article
Electrical Contact Resistance and Device Lifetime Measurements of Au-RuO2-Based RF MEMS Exposed to Hydrocarbons in Vacuum and Nitrogen Environments
TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 44(3), 305–314.
Contributors: M. Walker n, D. Berman n, C. Nordquist * & n
2011 journal article
Impact of adsorbed organic monolayers on vacuum electron tunneling contributions to electrical resistance at an asperity contact
Journal of Applied Physics, 110(11), 114307.
Contributors: D. Berman n, M. Walker n, C. Nordquist * & n
2011 journal article
Resolution of the transfer direction of field-evaporated gold atoms for nanofabrication and microelectromechanical system applications
Applied Physics Letters, 98(4), 044102.
Contributors: Z. Yang n, S. Hoffmann *, D. Lichtenwalner n, n & A. Kingon *
2011 journal article
Stick-Slip and the Transition to Steady Sliding in a 2D Granular Medium and a Fixed Particle Lattice
PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 168(12), 2259–2275.
Contributors: , P. Yu * & R. Behringer * n
2010 journal article
A Nano- to Macroscale Tribological Study of PFTS and TCP Lubricants for Si MEMS Applications
TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 38(1), 69–78.
Contributors: B. Miller n, N. Theodore n, M. Brukman n, K. Wahl * & n
2010 journal article
Contact degradation in hot/cold operation of direct contact micro-switches
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20(10), 105028.
Contributors: Z. Yang n, D. Lichtenwalner n, A. Morris, n & A. Kingon *
2010 journal article
Contact voltage-induced softening of RF microelectromechanical system gold-on-gold contacts at cryogenic temperatures
Journal of Applied Physics, 108(4), 044307.
Contributors: D. Berman n, M. Walker n & n
2010 journal article
Evaluation of Oxygen Plasma and UV Ozone Methods for Cleaning of Occluded Areas in MEMS Devices
Contributors: D. Hook n, J. Olhausen*, n & M. Dugger*
2010 journal article
Impact of in situ oxygen plasma cleaning on the resistance of Ru and Au-Ru based rf microelectromechanical system contacts in vacuum
Journal of Applied Physics, 107(8), 084509.
Contributors: M. Walker n, C. Nordquist n, D. Czaplewski n, G. Patrizi n, N. McGruer n & n
2010 journal article
Temperature dependence of single-asperity friction for a diamond on diamondlike carbon interface
Journal of Applied Physics, 107(11), 114903.
Contributors: C. Dunckle*, I. Altfeder*, A. Voevodin *, J. Jones *, n & P. Taborek *
2009 conference paper
A combined scanning tunneling microscope-quartz crystal microbalance study of heating and wear at a sliding interface
2008 Proceedings of the STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2008, 61–63.
2009 journal article
Comparison of Au and Au-Ni Alloys as Contact Materials for MEMS Switches
Contributors: Z. Yang n, D. Lichtenwalner n, A. Morris III, n & A. Kingon n
2009 journal article
Friction, force chains, and falling fruit
Physics Today, 62(9), 66–67.
Contributors: & R. Behringer * *
2009 journal article
Magic-Sized Diamond Nanocrystals
Contributors: I. Altfeder n, J. Hu *, A. Voevodin * & n
2009 conference paper
Nanoscale design of adaptive tribological coatings
2008 Proceedings of the STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2008, 65–67.
2009 journal article
Nanoscale design of adaptive tribological coatings for gold-ytrium based nanocomposites
Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces, 3(4), 145–150.
Contributors: , B. Dawson n, K. Barefoot n, L. Pan n, J. Pearson n, M. Zikry n , C. Baker *, A. Voevodin * n
2009 journal article
Sliding Friction Measurements of Molecularly Thin Ethanol and Pentanol Films: How Friction and Spreading Impact Lubricity
Contributors: B. Miller n & n
2009 journal article
Temperature dependence of asperity contact and contact resistance in gold RF MEMS switches
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 19(2), 025006.
Contributors: C. Brown n, O. Rezvanian n, M. Zikry n & n
2009 journal article
Tribo-Induced Melting Transition at a Sliding Asperity Contact
2008 journal article
Cryogenic Performance of RF MEMS Switch Contacts
Contributors: C. Brown n, A. Morris III, A. Kingon * & n
2008 journal article
Gas adsorption on a C-60 monolayer
Contributors: R. Trasca *, M. Cole*, T. Coffey n & n
2008 conference paper
RF MEMS behavior, surface roughness and asperity contact
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1052, 135–140.
2008 journal article
The role of creep in the time-dependent resistance of Ohmic gold contacts in radio frequency microelectromechanical system devices
Journal of Applied Physics, 104(2), 024513.
Contributors: O. Rezvanian n, C. Brown n, M. Zikry n , A. Kingon n, n , D. Irving n, D. Brenner n
2008 journal article
Tribological degradation of fluorocarbon coated silicon microdevice surfaces in normal and sliding contact
Journal of Applied Physics, 104(3), 034303.
Contributors: D. Hook n, S. Timpe *, M. Dugger* & n
2007 journal article
A new test facility for efficient evaluation of MEMS contact materials
Contributors: Z. Yang n, D. Lichtenwalner n, A. Morris, S. Menzel, C. Nauenheim, A. Gruverman n, n , A. Kingon n
2007 journal article
Dynamics of vapor-phase organophosphates on silicon and OTS
TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 27(3), 269–276.
Contributors: W. Neeyakorn n, M. Varma n, C. Jaye n, J. Burnette n, S. Lee n, R. Nemanich n, C. Grant n , n
2007 journal article
Multiscale analysis of liquid lubrication trends from industrial machines to micro-electrical-mechanical systems
LANGMUIR, 23(18), 9253–9257.
Contributors: D. Brenner n, D. Irving n, A. Kingon n, n & C. Padgett *
2007 review
2007 journal article
Surface roughness, asperity contact and gold RFMEMS switch behavior
Contributors: O. Rezvanian n, M. Zikry n , C. Brown n & n
2006 journal article
C-60 molecular bearings and the phenomenon of nanomapping
Contributors: T. Coffey n & n
2006 journal article
STM, QCM, and the windshield wiper effect: A joint theoretical-experimental study of adsorbate mobility and lubrication at high sliding rates
LANGMUIR, 22(23), 9606–9609.
Contributors: M. Abdelmaksoud n, S. Lee n, C. Padgett n, D. Irving n, D. Brenner n & n
2006 journal article
Superconductivity dependent friction of water, nitrogen, and superheated he films adsorbed on Pb(111)
Contributors: M. Highland n & n
2005 conference paper
A study of the tribological properties of bound plus mobile phase lubricants with QCM and mems sidewall tribometer
Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - WTC 2005, 777–778.
2005 conference paper
Analysis of cycle lifetimes and failure modes for RF MEMS switches
Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005, 343–344.
2005 book
Applications of the piezoelectric quartz crystal microbalance for microdevice development
In Microscale Diagnostic Techniques (pp. 227–259).
2005 article
2005 journal article
Impact of substrate corrugation on the sliding friction levels of adsorbed films
Contributors: T. Coffey n & n
2005 conference paper
Nano-scale tribology study of organic adlayer-metal interface using quartz crystal microbalance combined with scanning tunneling microscopy
Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005, 791–792.
2005 conference paper
Nanodynamics of vapor-phase organophosphates on silicon and OTS for lubrication purposes
Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005, 793–794.
2005 journal article
OTS adsorption: A dynamic QCM study
Contributors: Y. Hussain n, n & C. Grant n
2005 conference paper
QCM studies of phononic and electronic contributions to sliding friction in adsorbed monolayers
Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005, 489–490.
2005 journal article
Quartz-crystal microbalance studies of the slippage of solid and liquid krypton monolayers on metal(111) and C-60 surfaces
Contributors: T. Coffey n & n
2005 journal article
Scanning tunneling microscopy characterization of the surface morphology of copper films grown on mica and quartz
THIN SOLID FILMS, 489(1-2), 325–329.
2004 journal article
Bridging the gap between macro- and nanotribology: A quartz crystal microbalance study of tricresylphosphate uptake on metal and oxide surfaces
Contributors: M. Abdelmaksoud n, J. Bender n & n
2002 journal article
Nanotribology of a vapor-phase lubricant: A quartz crystal microbalance study of tricresylphosphate (TCP) uptake on iron and chromium
TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 13(3), 179–186.
Contributors: M. Abdelmaksoud n, J. Bender n & n
2002 journal article
Resource Letter: FMMLS-1: Friction at macroscopic and microscopic length scales
American Journal of Physics, 70(9), 890–897.
2002 journal article
Surface science and the atomic-scale origins of friction: what once was old is new again
SURFACE SCIENCE, 500(1-3), 741–758.
2001 journal article
A scanning probe and quartz crystal microbalance study of the impact of C-60 on friction at solid-liquid interfaces
Contributors: T. Coffey n, M. Abdelmaksoud n & *
2001 journal article
Measuring nanomechanical properties of a dynamic contact using an indenter probe and quartz crystal microbalance
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 90(12), 6391–6396.
Contributors: B. Borovsky n, n , S. Syed Asif * & K. Wahl *
2001 journal article
On the current status of quartz crystal microbalance studies of superconductivity-dependent sliding friction
TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 10(1-2), 59–65.
2001 journal article
Study of contacts in an electrostatically actuated microswitch
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 93(1), 19–26.
Contributors: S. Majumder*, N. McGruer *, G. Adams *, P. Zavracky*, R. Morrison* & *
2000 journal article
Scanning tunneling microscope measurements of the amplitude of vibration of a quartz crystal oscillator
Contributors: B. Borovsky n, B. Mason n & n
1999 article
Quartz microbalance studies of superconductivity-dependent sliding friction - Reply
Krim, J. (1999, August 9). PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 83, pp. 1262–1262.
1999 journal article
Tuning friction with noise and disorder
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 59(5), R4737–R4740.
Contributors: Y. Braiman *, H. Hentschel*, F. Family *, C. Mak* & n
1998 article
Atomic-scale friction in Xe/Ag and N-2/Pb
Dayo, A., & Krim, J. (1998, May). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS, Vol. 19, pp. 827–834.
1998 conference paper
Contact resistance modeling and measurements of an electrostatically actuated micromechanical switch
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dynamic Systems and Control Division (Publication) DSC, 66, 341–346.
1998 journal article
1998 journal article
1998 journal article
Quartz-crystal microbalance studies of the velocity dependence of interfacial friction
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 58(9), 5157–5159.
1998 conference paper
Study of contacts in an electrostatically actuated microswitch
Electrical Contacts, Proceedings of the Annual Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, 127–132.
1998 journal article
Superconductivity-dependent sliding friction
Physical Review Letters, 80(8), 1690–1693.
1997 journal article
Dominance of phonon friction for a xenon film on a silver (111) surface
Physical Review Letters, 79(24), 4798–4801.
Contributors: M. Tomassone *, J. Sokoloff *, A. Widom* & *
1997 conference paper
Measurement and modeling of surface micromachined, electrostatically actuated microswitches
International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Proceedings, 2, 1145–1148.
1997 journal article
Quartz crystal microbalance studies of disorder-induced lubrication
Faraday Discussions, 107, 389–397.
1997 conference paper
Skewed height distributions of kinetically roughened films
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 440, 311–315.
1996 journal article
Adequacy of the lifshitz theory for certain thin adsorbed films
Physical Review Letters, 76(19), 3606–3609.
1996 journal article
Adsorption isotherms and thermal fluctuations
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 53(4), 2073–2082.
1996 journal article
Atomic-scale origins of frictiont
Langmuir, 12(19), 4564–4566.
1996 journal article
Fractal scaling behavior of water flow patterns on inhomogeneous surfaces
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 54(6), 6511–6515.
Contributors: M. Tomassone * & *
1996 journal article
1996 journal article
1996 journal article
Sliding friction of solid xenon monolayers and bilayers on Ag(111)
Physical Review Letters, 76(5), 803–806.
1996 journal article
Surface morphology and kinetic roughening of Ag on Ag(111) studied with scanning tunneling microscopy
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 54(1), 349–353.
1995 journal article
Electronic contributions to sliding friction
Tribology Letters, 1(2-3), 211–218.
1995 conference paper
Probing surface roughness and porosity through adsorption of wetting layers
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 366, 231–239.
1994 book
Adsorbate surface tension effects for isotherms recorded on fractally rough surfaces
In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis (Vol. 87, pp. 91–98).
1994 journal article
Adsorption isotherm study of the fractal scaling behavior of vapor-deposited silver films
Physical Review E, 49(5), 4179–4184.
1994 journal article
Atomic-scale friction measurements on silver and chemisorbed oxygen surfaces
Thin Solid Films, 253(1-2), 190–193.
1994 journal article
Quartz crystal microbalance and synchrotron X-ray reflectivity study of water and liquid xenon adsorbed on gold and quartz
Surface Science, 306(3), 359–366.
Contributors: R. Chiarello*, * & C. Thompson *
1994 conference paper
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the dynamic scaling properties of rough vapor-deposited silver films
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 317, 111–116.
1994 journal article
Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the thick film limit of kinetic roughening
Physical Review Letters, 73(26), 3564–3567.
Contributors: G. Palasantzas * & *
1994 journal article
Spreading diffusion and its relation to sliding friction in molecularly thin adsorbed films
Physical Review E, 49(5), 4154–4156.
1994 journal article
X-ray-reflectivity study of the growth kinetics of vapor-deposited silver films
Physical Review B, 49(7), 4902–4907.
1993 journal article
Determination of an atomic-scale frictional force law through quartz-crystal microbalance measurements
Physical Review B, 48(12), 9134–9137.
Contributors: J. Sokoloff *, * & A. Widom*
1993 journal article
Effect of the form of the height-height correlation function on diffuse x-ray scattering from a self-affine surface
Physical Review B, 48(5), 2873–2877.
Contributors: G. Palasantzas * & *
1993 journal article
Roughness exponents: A paradox resolved
Physical Review E, 48(2), 1576–1578.
Contributors: & J. Indekeu * *
1993 journal article
Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of self-affine fractal roughness in ion-bombarded film surfaces
Physical Review Letters, 70(1), 57–60.
1991 book
Characterization of The Surface Fractal Dimension of Evaporated Silver and Gold Films Through Adsorption Isotherm Measurements
In Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis (Vol. 62, pp. 217–224).
1991 journal article
Nanotribology of a Kr monolayer: A quartz-crystal microbalance study of atomic-scale friction
Physical Review Letters, 66(2), 181–184.
1991 journal article
Sliding friction measurements of molecularly thin films
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 9(4), 2566–2569.
1991 journal article
X-ray reflectivity and adsorption isotherm study of fractal scaling in vapor-deposited films
Physical Review Letters, 67(24), 3408–3411.
Contributors: R. Chiarello*, V. Panella*, * & C. Thompson *
1990 journal article
Experimental observation of interfacial slippage at the boundary of molecularly thin films with gold substrates
Physical Review B, 41(6), 3466–3472.
Contributors: E. Watts *, * & A. Widom*
1990 journal article
Pfeifer, Cole, and Krim reply
Physical Review Letters, 65(5), 663.
Contributors: P. Pfeifer *, M. Cole & *
1990 journal article
Slippage of simple liquid films adsorbed on silver and gold substrates
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 8(4), 3417–3420.
Contributors: , E. Watts * & J. Digel* *
1989 journal article
Influence of Surface Melting Characteristics on the Wetting Behavior of Solid Adsorbed Films
Langmuir, 5(3), 567–570.
1989 journal article
Measurement of protein hydration shells using a quartz microbalance
Physical Review Letters, 63(16), 1743–1746.
1989 journal article
Multilayer adsorption on a fractally rough surface
Physical Review Letters, 62(17), 1997–2000.
Contributors: P. Pfeifer *, Y. Wu *, M. Cole* & *
1989 journal article
Roughness and porosity characterization of carbon and magnetic films through adsorption isotherm measurements
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 7(3), 2481–2485.
1988 journal article
Damping of a crystal oscillator by an adsorbed monolayer and its relation to interfacial viscosity
Physical Review B, 38(17), 12184–12189.
1988 journal article
Neutron-scattering study of methane bilayer and trilayer films on graphite
Physical Review B, 37(9), 4735–4742.
Contributors: J. Larese *, M. Harada *, L. Passell*, * & S. Satija*
1988 journal article
Surface melting of multilayer oxygen films on graphite studied by neutron diffraction
Physical Review B, 38(13), 8967–8973.
1987 journal article
Summary abstract: Influence of film melting characteristics on the wetting behavior of multilayer oxygen films adsorbed on graphite
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 5(4), 1096–1097.
1987 journal article
Triple-point wetting and surface melting of oxygen films adsorbed on graphite
Physical Review Letters, 58(6), 583–586.
1986 journal article
A LEED study of methane films adsorbed on graphite in the monolayer range
Surface Science, 177(1), 25–35.
1986 journal article
Fiber texture and surface composition of evaporated gold films on quartz
Thin Solid Films, 137(2), 297–303.
1986 journal article
Journal De Physique Paris, 47(10), 1757–1762.
1986 journal article
Q factors of quartz oscillator modes as a probe of submonolayer-film dynamics
Physical Review B, 34(2), 1403–1404.
1985 journal article
A LEED and neutron diffraction study of hexane adsorbed on graphite in the monolayer range: uniaxial commensurate-incommensurate transition
Surface Science, 162(1-3), 446–451.
Contributors: , J. Suzanne*, H. Shechter*, R. Wang* & H. Taub * *
1985 journal article
Incomplete wetting of He4 films on Ag and Au(111) surfaces
Physical Review B, 31(12), 7643–7650.
Contributors: A. Migone*, * , J. Dash * & J. Suzanne*
1985 journal article
1985 journal article
Journal De Physique Paris, 46(3), 425–433.
1984 journal article
Complete and incomplete wetting of krypton and oxygen on graphite: Reentrant type-2 growth on a scale of substrate strength
Physical Review B, 29(2), 983–987.
Contributors: M. Bienfait*, J. Seguin *, J. Suzanne*, E. Lerner*, * & J. Dash *
1984 journal article
Triple-point wetting of light molecular gases on Au(111) surfaces
Physical Review Letters, 52(8), 640–643.
Contributors: , J. Dash * & J. Suzanne* *
1984 journal article
Wetting and nonwetting of molecular films at zero temperature
Physical Review B, 29(9), 5074–5080.
Contributors: R. Muirhead*, J. Dash * & *