Jeni L. Burnette is a professor in the department of Psychology at North Carolina State University. She received her undergraduate degree at the University of North Carolina and completed her Ph.D. in Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Burnette’s research is currently focused on understanding how to best implement growth mindset interventions. She has contributed to more than 50 peer-reviewed publications and her work has been funded by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, the Kauffman Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the John Templeton Foundation, and the Marchionne Foundation. Her work has been featured in national media outlets such as the New York Times and the Huffington Post.
Works (123)
2025 conference paper
Addiction stigma: Potential costs and benefits of lay beliefs about the nature of addiction
Annual meeting Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Poster presented at the Annual meeting Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Denver, CO.
2025 conference paper
Designing Let’s Talk: An app for less cringey sex ed conversations between parents and early adolescents
Data blitz presented at the Sexuality Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Denver, CO.
2025 conference paper
Development and Validation of the Mindsets of Loneliness Assessment Tool
Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Denver, CO.
2025 conference paper
Distinguishing between individual and contextual social mobility beliefs: Understanding attitudes toward those in poverty
Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Denver, CO.
2025 journal article
How Mindsets Can Mitigate or Sustain Prejudice
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 1.
2025 conference paper
Partisan Prejudice: Trait essentialism and social essentialism messaging predict partisan prejudice in opposite directions via differing attributions
Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Denver, CO.
2024 journal article
A Test of the Growth Mindset Compensatory Message in the Context of Youth Mental Health
International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 9(3), 1617–1634.
2024 article
Addiction Stigma: Potential Costs and Benefits of Beliefs About the Nature of Addiction
Burnette, J. L., Hoyt, C. L., Becker, W., & Paul A. O'Keefe. (2024, November 18). STIGMA AND HEALTH, Vol. 11.
2024 journal article
Exploring the benefits and costs of a growth mindset in a digital app weight management program
Journal of Health Psychology, 29(11), 1181–1194.

2024 conference paper
Growth mindsets: What are the implications for stigma?
Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.
2024 conference paper
Individual vs. systemic beliefs: How perceptions of socioeconomic mobility shape attitudes towards poverty
Society of Personality and Social Psychology. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.
2024 conference paper
Interventions and implications of adolescents’ growth mindsets on anxiety, mental health, and academic motivation
Learning and the Brain Conference. Presented at the Learning and the Brain Conference, San Francisco, CA.
2024 article
Mindsets of Parenting Ability: Coping With Challenges and Engaging in Parenting
Burnette, J. L., Becker, W., Hoyt, C. L., & Lipsey, N. P. (2024, December 26). JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 12.
2024 article
Partisan Prejudice: The Role of Beliefs About the Unchanging Nature of Ideology and Partisans
Hoyt, C. L., Burnette, J. L., & Moore, M. (2024, November 18). PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN, Vol. 11.
2024 conference paper
Partisan Prejudice: The divergent effects of fixed beliefs about political ideology and political partisans
Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
2024 article
The Role of Health Campaigns in Stigma Toward Those With Anorexia Nervosa
Hoyt, C. L., Burnette, J. L., Marston, A., Moore, M., Rosen, S., & Lavine, I. (2024, August 29). STIGMA AND HEALTH, Vol. 8.

2024 conference paper
Work burnout: Can growth mindsets foster compassion?
Annual meeting Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Poster presented at the Annual meeting Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), San Diego, CA.
2023 article
A growth mindset intervention to improve mental health in adolescents during COVID-19
Lipsey, N. P., Burnette, J. L., Becker, W., Baker, L. R., Mccrimmon, J., & Billingsley, J. (2023, October 6). SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY COMPASS, Vol. 10.

2023 journal article
A systematic review and meta-analysis of growth mindset interventions: For whom, how, and why might such interventions work?
Burnette, J. L., Billingsley, J., Banks, G. C., Knouse, L. E., Hoyt, C. L., Pollack, J. M., & Simon, S. (2022, October 13). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Growth Mindset Interventions: For Whom, How, and Why Might Such Interventions Work? PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN.

2023 conference paper
Challenging beliefs to fight poverty: Mindsets of poverty and attitudes towards America's disadvantaged
International Leadership Association’s (ILA) 25th Global Conference. Presented at the International Leadership Association’s (ILA) 25th Global Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
2023 conference paper
Coping in the wake of challenges: Mindsets and the stories we tell
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Atlanta, GA.
2023 conference paper
Cultivating change: Implications of growth mindset research for CBT clinicians
Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT). Presented at the Annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), Seattle, WA, United States.
2023 conference paper
Double-edged sword effects of public health messaging on eating disorder stigma
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Atlanta, GA.
2023 conference paper
Exploring the benefits of a growth mindset in a digital app weight management program
Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, DC, USA.
2023 conference paper
Exploring the costs of a growth mindset in a digital app weight management program
Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists. Poster presented at the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Charlotte, NC.
2023 article
Growth mindsets of people can promote interracial contact intentions among White Americans via positive expectations and reduced anxiety
Hoyt, C. L. L., Rafferty, D., Earl, S., & Burnette, J. L. L. (2023, August 10). GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS, Vol. 8.

2023 conference paper
Mindsets matter for weight loss and engagement in a digital behavior change weight management program
Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
2023 article
Mindsets of Mental Illness: What Are the Implications for Stigma?
Babij, A. D., Earl, S., Becker, W., Hoyt, C. L., Burnette, J. L., Marston, A., & Crispin, K. (2023, October 16). STIGMA AND HEALTH, Vol. 10.

2023 conference paper
Mindsets of parenting: Engaging in parenting and coping with challenges
Annual meeting Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP). Presented at the Annual meeting Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP), Charlotte, NC.
2023 article
Mindsets of poverty: Implications for redistributive policy support
Hoyt, C. L., Burnette, J. L., Billingsley, J., Becker, W., & Babij, A. D. (2023, September 19). ANALYSES OF SOCIAL ISSUES AND PUBLIC POLICY, Vol. 9.

2023 journal article
Perceptions of relationship value and exploitation risk mediate the effects of transgressors? post-harm communications upon forgiveness

2023 conference paper
Public health messaging alters the justification for, but not level of, eating disorder stigma
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Atlanta, GA.
2023 conference paper
The role of health campaigns in stigma toward those with anorexia
Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP). Poster presented at the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP), Charlotte, NC.
2022 journal article
A systematic review of growth mindset intervention implementation strategies
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 17(2).

2022 journal article
Coping in the time of COVID‐19: Mindsets and the stories we tell
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 53(2), 153–165.

2022 weblog post
Do Growth Mindset Interventions Work?
Burnette, J. L., Hoyt, C. L., & Billingsley, J. (2022, November).
2022 conference paper
Double-edged sword effects for growth mindsets of weight but not for growth mindsets of mental illness
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
2022 conference paper
Equitable growth mindset intervention to alleviate depression in youth
North Carolina State University’s Equity Research Symposium. Presented at the North Carolina State University’s Equity Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2022 conference paper
Frugality mindsets: Exploring entrepreneur’s briefs about the nature of resourcefulness
Annual meeting of Academy of Management (AoM). Presented at the Annual meeting of Academy of Management (AoM), Seattle, WA.
2022 conference paper
Growth mindsets of anxiety: Do the benefits come with societal costs?
Annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Presented at the Annual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), San Francisco, CA.
2022 conference paper
Growth mindsets of parenting ability and psychological flourishing
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), San Francisco, CA.
2022 journal article
Harnessing growth mindsets to help individuals flourish
Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 16(3).
Contributors: , J. Billingsley* & C. Hoyt * n

2022 journal article
Impact of trauma education and growth mindset messaging on public attitudes about the criminal legal system
Journal of Experimental Criminology, 19(3), 635–661.
Contributors: E. McKinsey n, S. Desmarais* , n & B. Garrett *

2022 conference paper
Implementing a growth mindsets mental health intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), San Francisco, CA.
2022 conference paper
Leaders and the fight against poverty: Believing in meritocracy can sustain prejudice against those in poverty
Annual meeting of the International Leadership Association (ILA). Presented at the Annual meeting of the International Leadership Association (ILA), Washington D.C.
2022 conference paper
Mindset interventions: A systematic review of existing implementation strategies
Mindsets in action. Crafting promising avenues for growth mindset research and interventions, Annual meeting of Academy of Management (AoM). Presented at the Annual meeting of Academy of Management (AoM), Seattle, WA.
2022 journal article
Mindsets of criminality: predicting punitive and rehabilitative attitudes
Psychology, Crime & Law, 30(9), 1087–1104.

2022 conference paper
Mindsets of mental illness: Are there double-edged sword effects of growth mindsets on prejudice?
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), San Francisco, CA.
2022 journal article
The implications of mindsets of poverty for stigma against those in poverty
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 53(5), 385–407.

2022 journal article
Well‐being in the time of <scp>COVID</scp>‐19: Do metaphors and mindsets matter?
International Journal of Psychology, 57(1), 87–95.
Contributors: , C. Hoyt *, N. Buttrick * & L. Auster-Gussman* n
2021 journal article
Believing in the American Dream Sustains Negative Attitudes toward Those in Poverty
Social Psychology Quarterly, 84(3), 203–215.
Contributors: C. Hoyt *, n , R. Forsyth *, M. Parry * & B. DeShields*

2021 conference paper
Developing and testing a growth mindset intervention to improve youth mental health
Intervention Science preconference, Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Virtual Conference. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Virtual Conference.
2021 journal article
Does a Growth Mindset Enable Successful Aging?
Contributors: P. Heslin *, n & N. Ryu *
2021 journal article
Experimental evidence that apologies promote forgiveness by communicating relationship value
Scientific Reports, 11(1).
Contributors: D. Forster *, J. Billingsley*, n , D. Lieberman *, Y. Ohtsubo * & M. McCullough *

2021 conference paper
Frugality Mindsets: Exploring Entrepreneurs’ Beliefs About the Nature of Resourcefulness
Annual meeting of the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Presented at the Annual meeting of the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Munich, Germany – Virtual Event.
2021 article
Growth mindsets of anxiety: Do the benefits to individual flourishing come with societal costs?
Hoyt, C. L., Burnette, J. L., Nash, E., Becker, W., & Billingsley, J. (2021, November 29). JOURNAL OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 11.
Contributors: C. Hoyt *, n , E. Nash*, W. Becker n & J. Billingsley n

2021 journal article
Growth mindsets: defining, assessing, and exploring effects on motivation for entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs
Current Psychology, 42(11), 8855–8873.
Contributors: J. Billingsley*, N. Lipsey*, n & J. Pollack n

2021 conference paper
Harnessing Growth Mindsets for Positive Social Change
In C. L. Hoyt, M. C. Murphy, A. Rattan, & L. E. Wallace (Eds.), Annual meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP).
Ed(s): C. Hoyt, M. Murphy, A. Rattan & L. Wallace
2021 conference paper
Mindsets of addiction and stigma toward those with addiction
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Virtual Conference. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Virtual Conference.
2021 conference paper
Mindsets of poverty: Implications for judgments and decisions
Annual meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP). Presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP), Santa Barbara, CA.
2021 conference paper
The mixed blessing of anxiety mindsets on well-being and activism
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Virtual Conference. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Virtual Conference.
2020 conference paper
Consequences of Obesity Public Health Messages: A Mindset Approach
Obesity Initiative Research Symposium. Presented at the Obesity Initiative Research Symposium, Athens, GA.
2020 conference paper
Double-edged sword effects of growth mindsets
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), New Orleans, LA.
2020 journal article
Forgiveness takes place on an attitudinal continuum from hostility to friendliness: Toward a closer union of forgiveness theory and measurement.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(4), 861–880.
Contributors: D. Forster *, J. Billingsley n, V. Russell n, T. McCauley *, A. Smith *, n , Y. Ohtsubo *, J. Schug, D. Lieberman *, M. McCullough *

2020 journal article
Growth Mindset Messaging in Stigma-Relevant Contexts: Harnessing Benefits Without Costs
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7(2), 157–164.
Contributors: C. Hoyt * & n

2020 journal article
Growth mindsets and psychological distress: A meta-analysis
Clinical Psychology Review, 77, 101816.
Contributors: , L. Knouse *, D. Vavra *, . E. O'Boyle & M. Brooks* n

2020 journal article
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: A Mindset Intervention for Obese Youth
The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 181(6), 443–457.
Contributors: K. Orvidas n, n , J. Schleider *, J. Skelton *, M. Moses* & J. Dunsmore *

2020 conference paper
Mindset interventions: A call for improving implementation fidelity
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), New Orleans, LA.
2020 conference paper
Mindsets: A new era of research. Speakers: Jeni Burnette, Aneeta Rattan, Elizabeth Canning, and Crystal Hoyt
Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Presented at the Annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), New Orleans, LA.
2020 conference paper
Parenting mindsets: Precursors and Predictors
Annual meeting of Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Virtual Conference. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Virtual Conference.
2020 journal article
Self-Regulation Mindsets: Relationship to Coping, Executive Functioning, and ADHD
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 39(2), 101–116.
Contributors: , A. Babij n, L. Oddo * & L. Knouse n n
2019 journal article
A Growth Mind-Set Intervention Improves Interest but Not Academic Performance in the Field of Computer Science
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(1), 107–116.
Contributors: , C. Hoyt *, V. Russell *, B. Lawson*, C. Dweck * & E. Finkel * n

2019 journal article
A Growth Mindset Intervention: Enhancing Students’ Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Career Development
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 44(5), 878–908.
Contributors: , J. Pollack n , R. Forsyth *, C. Hoyt *, A. Babij n, F. Thomas n, A. Coy * n

2019 chapter
An evolutionary perspective on forgiveness
In Handbook of Forgiveness (pp. 52–62).
Contributors: J. Billingsley *, n & M. McCullough
2019 journal article
Failing and feeling bad: how we think about experiencing negative emotions during setbacks
Motivation and Emotion, 44(3), 436–452.

2019 journal article
Growth Mindsets of Alcoholism Buffer Against Deleterious Effects of Drinking Identity on Problem Drinking Over Time
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44(1), 233–243.
Contributors: K. Lindgren *, n , C. Hoyt *, K. Peterson * & C. Neighbors *

2019 journal article
Mindsets of Addiction: Implications for Treatment Intentions
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 38(5), 367–394.
Contributors: , R. Forsyth n, S. Desmarais n & C. Hoyt n n

2019 journal article
Mindsets of health and healthy eating intentions
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49(6), 372–380.
Contributors: F. Thomas n, n & C. Hoyt *

2019 journal article
Public Health Messages and Weight-Related Beliefs: Implications for Well-Being and Stigma
Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
Contributors: C. Hoyt *, n , F. Thomas n & K. Orvidas n

2019 journal article
Randomized Trial of a Single-Session Growth Mind-Set Intervention for Rural Adolescents’ Internalizing and Externalizing Problems
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 49(5), 660–672.
Contributors: J. Schleider *, n , L. Widman n , C. Hoyt * & M. Prinstein *

2018 journal article
Mindsets applied to fitness: Growth beliefs predict exercise efficacy, value and frequency
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 36, 156–161.
Contributors: K. Orvidas n, n & V. Russell *

2018 journal article
Sexual Assertiveness Skills and Sexual Decision-Making in Adolescent Girls: Randomized Controlled Trial of an Online Program
American Journal of Public Health, 108(1), 96–102.
Contributors: L. Widman n , C. Golin n, K. Kamke n, n & M. Prinstein n

2018 journal article
Social dominance orientation moderates the effectiveness of mindset messages
British Journal of Social Psychology, 57(2), 448–460.
Contributors: C. Hoyt *, R. B. Forsyth * & n

2018 journal article
Understanding sexual prejudice: The role of political ideology and strategic essentialism
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49(1), 3–14.
Contributors: C. Hoyt *, T. Morgenroth * & n

2018 journal article
Wealth inequality and activism: Perceiving injustice galvanizes social change but perceptions depend on political ideologies
European Journal of Social Psychology, 48(1), O81–O90.

2017 journal article
An Integrative Theoretical Model of Public Support for Ex-Offender Reentry
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62(8), 2131–2152.
Contributors: C. Rade n, S. Desmarais n & n

2017 journal article
An online growth mindset intervention in a sample of rural adolescent girls
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(3), 428–445.
Contributors: , M. Russell n , C. Hoyt *, K. Orvidas n & L. Widman n n

2017 journal article
Incremental theories of weight and healthy eating behavior
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47(6), 320–330.
Contributors: J. Ehrlinger *, n , J. Park *, M. Harrold * & K. Orvidas n

2017 chapter
Mindsets of body weight
In The Science of Lay Theories: How Beliefs Shape Our Cognition, Behavior, and Health (pp. 319–339).
Contributors: , C. Hoyt * & K. Orvidas n n

2017 journal article
The obesity stigma asymmetry model: The indirect and divergent effects of blame and changeability beliefs on antifat prejudice.
Stigma and Health, 2(1), 53–65.

2017 journal article
Weight beliefs and messages: Mindsets predict body‐shame and anti‐fat attitudes via attributions
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47(11), 616–624.
Contributors: , C. Hoyt *, C. Dweck * & L. Auster-Gussman* n

2016 journal article
Do you believe happiness can change? An investigation of the relationship between happiness mindsets, well-being, and satisfaction
The Journal of Positive Psychology, 13(2), 101–109.
Contributors: D. Van Tongeren * & n

2015 journal article
Creating a measure of portion control self-efficacy
Eating Behaviors, 16, 23–30.
Contributors: L. Fast*, J. Harman *, J. Maertens *, * & F. Dreith*
2015 chapter
Forgiveness and health in nonmarried dyadic relationships
In Forgiveness and Health: Scientific Evidence and Theories Relating Forgiveness to Better Health (pp. 239–254).
2015 journal article
Intergroup forgiveness of race-related offenses.
Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(3), 402–412.
Contributors: D. Davis *, C. DeBlaere *, J. Hook *, * , D. Van Tongeren *, K. Rice *, E. Worthington *
2014 journal article
A meta-analysis of intergroup forgiveness
The Journal of Positive Psychology, 9(1), 81–95.
Contributors: D. Van Tongeren *, * , . E. O'Boyle, E. Worthington Jr. & D. Forsyth *
2014 journal article
Self-Control and Forgiveness
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(4), 443–450.
Contributors: , E. Davisson *, E. Finkel *, D. Van Tongeren *, C. Hui * & R. Hoyle * *

2014 journal article
“Obesity Is a Disease”
“Obesity Is a Disease.” Psychological Science, 25(4), 997–1002.
Contributors: C. Hoyt *, * & L. Auster-Gussman*

2013 journal article
Gender Bias in Leader Evaluations
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(10), 1306–1319.
Contributors: C. Hoyt * & *

2013 journal article
Implicit Theories of Work and Job Fit: Implications for Job and Life Satisfaction
Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35(4), 360–372.
Contributors: & J. Pollack* *

2013 journal article
Mind-sets matter: A meta-analytic review of implicit theories and self-regulation.
Psychological Bulletin, 139(3), 655–701.
Contributors: , . E.H. O'Boyle, E. VanEpps *, J. Pollack* & E. Finkel * *
2012 journal article
Buffering against weight gain following dieting setbacks: An implicit theory intervention
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(3), 721–725.
Contributors: & E. Finkel * *
2012 journal article
Collectivistic Self-Construal and Forgiveness
Counseling and Values, 57(1), 109–124.
Contributors: J. Hook *, E. Worthington Jr., S. Utsey*, D. Davis * & *

2012 chapter
Forgiveness and the psychology of peace
In Psychology of Peace (pp. 1–42).
2012 journal article
I Can Do That
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(2), 257–268.
Contributors: C. Hoyt *, * & A. Innella*
2012 journal article
Self-Efficacy in the Face of Threats to Entrepreneurial Success: Mind-Sets Matter
Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 34(3), 287–294.
2011 journal article
Against the odds: academic underdogs benefit from incremental theories
Social Psychology of Education, 14(3), 331–346.
Contributors: J. Davis*, * , S. Allison* & H. Stone *

2011 journal article
Forgiveness Results From Integrating Information About Relationship Value and Exploitation Risk
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(3), 345–356.
Contributors: , M. McCullough *, D. Tongeren * & D. Davis * *
2011 journal article
Leadership in extreme contexts: A groupthink analysis of the May 1996 Mount Everest disaster
Journal of Leadership Studies, 4(4), 29–40.
Contributors: , J. Pollack* & D. Forsyth * *
2010 journal article
Erratum to “Insecure attachment and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of rumination, empathy and forgiveness” [Personality and Individual Differences 46 (2009) 276–280]
Personality and Individual Differences, 49(7), 832.
Contributors: , D. Davis *, J. Green *, E. Worthington * & E. Bradfield* *
2010 journal article
Implicit Theories of Body Weight: Entity Beliefs Can Weigh You Down
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(3), 410–422.
2010 journal article
Individual differences in implicit theories of leadership ability and self-efficacy: Predicting responses to stereotype threat
Journal of Leadership Studies, 3(4), 46–56.

2010 journal article
Individual differences in implicit theories of relationships and partner fit: Predicting forgiveness in developing relationships
Personality and Individual Differences, 48(2), 144–148.
2009 chapter
Fairness and Preference for Underdogs and Top Dogs
In Social Decision Making: Social Dilemmas, Social Values, and Ethical Judgments (pp. 291–314).
2009 chapter
Fairness and preference for underdogs and top dogs
In Social Decision Making: Social Dilemmas, Social Values, and Ethical Judgments (pp. 291–314).

2009 journal article
Insecure attachment and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of rumination, empathy, and forgiveness
Personality and Individual Differences, 46(3), 276–280.
Contributors: , D. Davis *, J. Green *, E. Worthington Jr. & E. Bradfield* *
2008 journal article
"I didn't do it:" Responsibility biases in open and closed groups.
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 12(3), 210–222.
Contributors: & D. Forsyth * *
2008 journal article
Third-Party Forgiveness: (Not) Forgiving Your Close Other's Betrayer
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34(3), 407–418.
Contributors: J. Green *, * & J. Davis*

2007 journal article
Attachment and trait forgivingness: The mediating role of angry rumination
Personality and Individual Differences, 42(8), 1585–1596.
Contributors: , K. Taylor*, E. Worthington * & D. Forsyth * *

2007 journal article
Attempting to Improve the Academic Performance of Struggling College Students by Bolstering Their Self–esteem: An Intervention that Backfired
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26(4), 447–459.
Contributors: D. Forsyth, N. Lawrence*, * & R. Baumeister *
2007 journal article
How to Break Murphy's Law: Be an Optimist, but One Who Brings an Umbrella
PsycCRITIQUES, 52(33).
Ed(s): D. Wedding
2007 journal article
Reaching the Summit Is Only Half of the Goal: When Group Decision Making Goes Bad
PsycCRITIQUES, 52(28).
Ed(s): D. Wedding

2007 journal article
Vengefully ever after: Destiny beliefs, state attachment anxiety, and forgiveness.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(5), 871–886.
Contributors: E. Finkel *, * & L. Scissors*

Updated: August 18th, 2022 11:47