@article{alston_eagle_2024, title={Squeezed in: Writing Instruction Over Time}, ISSN={["1554-8430"]}, DOI={10.1177/1086296X241266854}, abstractNote={The purpose of this study was to understand the nature of writing instruction across time and grade bands. We used quantitative and qualitative analyses of teacher interviews and video records of classroom instruction of English language arts writing instruction in 97 fourth- through eighth-grade classrooms in 2010 and 2018. Video records showed a decline in writing instruction across time and grade bands. Teacher lessons focused on the first five Common Core Writing Standards with little attention to the latter five. The lessons included aspects of a writing process approach that used instructional scaffolding, models, student practice, and teacher feedback. Lessons were less likely to include the use of authentic texts, text analysis, and student discussion. Teacher interviews pointed to curricular constraints, a view of writing as peripheral, and comfort with teaching writing as hindrances to quality writing instruction. These findings demonstrate a need for curricular and instructional resources to support teachers in offering consistently quality writing instruction.}, journal={JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH}, author={Alston, Chandra L. and Eagle, Jessica L.}, year={2024}, month={Aug} } @article{himes_spires_krupa_borden_eagle_2023, title={Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global during a Pandemic: A New Learning Ecology Perspective}, volume={13}, ISSN={["2227-7102"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13111099}, DOI={10.3390/educsci13111099}, abstractNote={Building on new learning ecology theory and situated in the COVID-19 pandemic context, a qualitative research design was used to examine student and teacher perspectives on Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global. Drawing on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Project-Based Learning (PjBL), PBI Global supports participants toward engaging in inquiry-to-action aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Data sources for this study included transcripts from student and teacher focus groups conducted before, during, and after the PBI Global process. Three themes emerged (1) creating global awareness of water issues, (2) learning to collaborate in remote and hybrid contexts, and (3) enhancing self-efficacy through iterative learning. The discussion focuses on the affordances and challenges of engaging in PBL during non-voluntary online learning, as well as study limitations and directions for future research.}, number={11}, journal={EDUCATION SCIENCES}, author={Himes, Marie P. and Spires, Hiller A. and Krupa, Erin E. and Borden, Margaret L. and Eagle, Jessica L.}, year={2023}, month={Nov} } @article{little_drake_cohen-vogel_eagle_2022, title={When School Doesn’t Start at Age 5: Elementary Principal Leadership of Pre-K Programs in Schools}, volume={123}, ISSN={0013-5984 1554-8279}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/720563}, DOI={10.1086/720563}, abstractNote={Today, about 50% of US elementary schools have a pre-kindergarten (pre-K) program located in the building. This article systematically reviews the empirical literature on principal leadership of pre-K programs in elementary schools. We collected studies using academic database searches, scanning reference lists of relevant articles, and consulting with experts in the field. Our efforts yielded 16 sources for review. Using thematic synthesis, we analyzed the data to reveal key findings related to principal leadership of pre-K programs. There has been limited scholarly attention to principal leadership in the pre-K context. Prominent themes in the existing literature on the topic include (1) a common framing of the “colliding” worlds of pre-K and K–12 education, (2) principals’ beliefs about pre-K, (3) the scope of principal responsibility for pre-K programs, and (4) principal preparation to lead pre-K programs. We unearthed limited evidence on the topic but charted a path for future research on pre-K principal leadership. Future research should focus on the design of principal capacity building efforts that have direct, positive impacts for students.}, number={1}, journal={Elementary School Journal}, publisher={University of Chicago Press}, author={Little, M. and Drake, T.A. and Cohen-Vogel, L. and Eagle, J.}, year={2022}, month={Sep}, pages={176–202} } @article{yuan_wang_eagle_2019, title={Empowering English Language Learners through Digital Literacies: Research, Complexities, and Implications}, volume={7}, ISSN={["2183-2439"]}, DOI={10.17645/mac.v7i2.1912}, abstractNote={In the context of an increasingly global society and rapidly changing technology, English Language Learners (ELLs) need support to develop digital literacies to prepare for a future in which learning new technology is an intuitive process. In the past few decades, technological advances have been shifting how information is produced, communicated, and interpreted. The Internet and digital environments have afforded a broader range of opportunities for literacy practices to take place. Technology has transformed the social practices and definitions of literacy, which leads to transformative implications for the teaching and learning environments facing ELLs. Despite immigrants’ attraction to the US, the tension between the public school system and emergent bilingual students has garnered broad attention. There is a need for a more appropriate teaching pedagogy that embraces the cultural identities of ELLs, and empowers ELLs as critical consumers and producers of information. Though complex, the authors advocate for examining this issue using an asset perspective rather than a deficit lens. Using the sociocultural perspective of learning and critical theory, this paper aims to define and conceptualize ELL learning, establish a shared vision of digital literacies, and review the literature on how practices of digital literacies empower ELLs to become active learners. In the final section, implications and future research directions are articulated in order to move the digital literacy field forward.}, number={2}, journal={MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION}, author={Yuan, Chang and Wang, Lili and Eagle, Jessica}, year={2019}, pages={128–136} } @article{johnson_mchugh_eagle_spires_2019, title={Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global in Kindergarten Classroom: Inquiring About the World}, volume={47}, ISSN={["1573-1707"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-019-00946-4}, DOI={10.1007/s10643-019-00946-4}, number={5}, journal={EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION JOURNAL}, author={Johnson, Lauren and McHugh, Sarah and Eagle, Jessica L. and Spires, Hiller A.}, year={2019}, month={Sep}, pages={607–613} }