@article{miller_williams_fawcett_godwin_kays_lashley_crandall_2024, title={Prescribed Fire Programming Experiences, Needs, and Challenges of Southeastern United States Extension Professionals}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1521-0723"]}, DOI={10.1080/08941920.2024.2401169}, journal={SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES}, author={Miller, Hope M. and Williams, Rebecca J. and Fawcett, Jennifer E. and Godwin, David R. and Kays, Laurel and Lashley, Marcus A. and Crandall, Raelene M.}, year={2024}, month={Sep} } @book{boby_fawcett_clabo_harriman_maggard_coulliette_kays_mcnair_2023, title={Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region}, number={1560WSFNR-23-16A}, journal={University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Bulletin}, author={Boby, L.A. and Fawcett, J.E. and Clabo, D. and Harriman, H. and Maggard, A. and Coulliette, B. and Kays, L. and McNair, S.}, year={2023} } @article{godwin_ward_fawcett_wood_crandall_2022, title={Hurricane and Tropical Storm Impacts on Prescribed Fire and Wildfire Management Practices}, url={https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fr452-2022}, DOI={10.32473/edis-fr452-2022}, abstractNote={Hurricanes and tropical storms can significantly alter forested and non-forested areas, creating unique hazards and considerations for wildland firefighters and prescribed burners. Prior to responding to wildfires and planning prescribed fires, fire managers should anticipate how these changes will affect fire behavior, smoke, hazards, and access to the fire.}, journal={EDIS}, author={Godwin, David R. and Ward, Breanne and Fawcett, Jennifer E. and Wood, Gary C. and Crandall, Raelene M.}, year={2022}, month={Mar} } @book{cary_lowdermilk_fawcett_2022, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Prescribed Fire Liability Report for the Southern United States: A Summary of Statutes and Cases}, institution={Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS), NC State University Extension, & Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey, & Leonard L.L.P.}, author={Cary, B. and Lowdermilk, J. and Fawcett, J.E.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @book{fawcett_kays_wood_2021, title={Southeast Prescribed Fire Training Needs Survey Report}, url={https://southernfireexchange.org/wp-content/uploads/Fire-Training-Report3-LR-10.pdf}, institution={Southeast Regional Strategy Committee Prescribed Fire Training Coordination Work Group}, author={Fawcett, Jennifer and Kays, Laurel and Wood, Gary C.}, year={2021}, month={Oct} } @book{lord_fawcett_godwin_2021, title={Thriving on Fire: The Resilient Longleaf Pine}, url={https://americaslongleaf.org/media/nr4c5kl3/longleaf-fire-resiliency-final.pdf.}, journal={America’s Longleaf}, institution={America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative}, author={Lord, Lisa and Fawcett, Jennifer and Godwin, David}, year={2021} } @book{kays_fawcett_query_thompson-welch_bardon_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Fire-Resistant Landscaping in North Carolina}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/fire-resistant-landscaping-in-north-carolina.}, number={AG-874}, institution={North Carolina State University}, author={Kays, L. and Fawcett, J. and Query, J. and Thompson-Welch, H. and Bardon, R.}, year={2020} } @article{xie_fawcett_wang_2020, title={Fuel dynamics and its implication to fire behavior in loblolly pine-dominated stands after southern pine beetle outbreak}, volume={466}, ISSN={["1872-7042"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118130}, abstractNote={Southern pine beetle (SPB) (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimm) outbreaks and wildfire occurrence in recent decades has triggered growing concerns regarding their possible interactions. However, few studies have quantified the fuel characteristics of SPB-killed stands, especially the dynamics of the resulting fuel complex. More importantly, how changes in the fuel complex will affect fire behavior remains unclear. Using field measurements in combination with fire modeling systems, we studied fuel dynamics and its implication to potential fire behaviors by sampling non-outbreak, early post-outbreak (2–3 years), and late post-outbreak (7–8 years) loblolly pine-dominated stands in Georgia and South Carolina, USA. We found that the loadings of 1-hr, 10-hr, 100-hr, 1000-hr fuels, and litter depth were significantly greater in post-outbreak stands than in non-outbreak stands. Stand structure was altered in post-outbreak stands, which contained fewer live pines and more hardwoods. We used the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS) combined with actual data to construct representative fuel beds from the field data. These customized fuel beds were then used to model surface fire behavior that could be altered by the changes in fuel loading and stand structure resulting from SPB outbreaks. Both FCCS and BehavePlus fire modeling systems predicted a faster rate of spread and longer flame lengths in post-outbreak stands than in non-outbreak stands. Late post-outbreak stands under extremely dry conditions were predicted to have the most extreme fire behavior. Our results fill a critical knowledge gap, which will help forest managers make informed decisions on the management of loblolly pine-dominated stands after the southern pine beetle outbreak.}, journal={FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, author={Xie, Hongtao and Fawcett, Jennifer E. and Wang, G. Geoff}, year={2020}, month={Jun} } @book{weir_bauman_cram_kreye_baldwin_fawcett_treadwell_scasta_twidwell_2020, title={Prescribed Fire: Understanding Liability, Laws and Risk}, url={http://pods.dasnr.okstate.edu/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-11743/NREM-2905web.pdf}, number={NREM-2905}, institution={Oklahoma State University}, author={Weir, J.R. and Bauman, P. and Cram, D. and Kreye, J.K. and Baldwin, C. and Fawcett, J.E. and Treadwell, M. and Scasta, J.D. and Twidwell, D.}, year={2020} } @book{campbell_fawcett_godwin_boby_2020, title={Smoke Management Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region}, number={WSFNR-20-91A}, author={Campbell, J.H. and Fawcett, J.E. and Godwin, D.R. and Boby, L.A.}, year={2020} } @article{fawcett_parajuli_bardon_boby_kays_strnad_2020, title={Tools for Quickly Adapting During Pandemics, Disasters, and Other Unique Events}, volume={58}, ISSN={1077-5315 0022-0140}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.34068/joe.58.02.05}, DOI={10.34068/joe.58.02.05}, abstractNote={Amid the current COVID-19 pandemic, Cooperative Extension personnel across the nation are quickly adapting to daily changes while continuing to respond to the needs of clients. This article provides examples of how we in North Carolina State Extension Forestry have responded to the challenges we have faced thus far. The solutions and tools described can be used in the current situation and for future pandemics, disasters, and other unique events that require "alternative" arrangements. The needs of landowners, farmers, youths, and the public at large will not diminish during this unprecedented time; therefore, we should continue to innovate to ensure that our impact is not diminished.}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Extension}, publisher={Clemson University}, author={Fawcett, Jennifer and Parajuli, Rajan and Bardon, Robert and Boby, Leslie and Kays, Laurel and Strnad, Renee}, year={2020}, month={Apr} } @book{kays_fawcett_2020, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Wildland Fire Programming for Extension and Outreach Professionals}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/wildland-fire-programming-for-extension-outreach-professionals}, number={AG-861}, institution={North Carolina State University}, author={Kays, L. and Fawcett, J.}, year={2020} } @book{boby_fawcett_long_2018, title={Relationships Among Wildfire, Prescribed Fire and Drought at Fort Benning, Georgia}, url={https://southernfireexchange.org/wp-content/uploads/2018-1.pdf}, number={2018-1}, journal={Southern Fire Exchange}, author={Boby, Leslie and Fawcett, Jennifer and Long, Alan}, year={2018} } @book{weir_coffey_russell_baldwin_twidwell_cram_bauman_fawcett_2017, title={Prescribed Burning: Spotfires and Escapes}, url={http://pods.dasnr.okstate.edu/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-10793/NREM-2903web.pdf}, number={NREM 2903}, institution={Oklahoma State University}, author={Weir, John R. and Coffey, R.Seth and Russell, Morgan L. and Baldwin, Carol E. and Twidwell, Dirac and Cram, Doug and Bauman, Pete and Fawcett, Jennifer}, year={2017} }