Jerica Knox
Works (11)
2024 journal article
Patterns of ethnic–racial identity and critical consciousness and associations with science, technology, engineering, and math engagement and perceived barriers: A latent class analysis of youth of color.
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 9.
2023 journal article
STEM‐related outcomes for adolescents with differing perceptions of school racial climate: A latent class analysis
Science Education, 107(3), 651–676.

2022 journal article
Relations Between Parental Attachment, Empathy, and Bystander Help-Seeking Preference Following Peer Aggression
Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31(9), 2401–2411.

2022 journal article
The role of inclusion, discrimination, and belonging for adolescent <scp>Science, Technology, Engineering and Math</scp> engagement in and out of school
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59(8), 1447–1464.

2022 journal article
The roles of school racial climate and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics classroom climate in adolescents’ gender and racial peer inclusion and attribution decisions
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 226, 105573.

2021 article
Improving the Content Validity of the Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey (TRACES) and the Child and Adolescent PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (CAPC-5): A Collaborative Research Methodological Approach
Pane Seifert, H. T., Wise-Kriplani, M., Knox, J., & Amaya-Jackson, L. (2021, October 14). PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA-THEORY RESEARCH PRACTICE AND POLICY.

2021 article
Longitudinal examination of resilience among child welfare-involved adolescents: The roles of caregiver-child relationships and deviant peer affiliation
Yoon, S., Sattler, K., Knox, J., & Xin, Y. (2021, November 12). DEVELOPMENT AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY.

2021 journal article
School Connectedness and Bystander Intervention: The Moderating Role of Perceived Exclusion and Privilege Among African American Students
School Psychology Review, 50(2-3), 316–329.

2021 journal article
Socio-Ecological Predictors of Resilience Development Over Time Among Youth With a History of Maltreatment
CHILD MALTREATMENT, 26(2), 162–171.

2020 journal article
Father involvement in kinship care: A risk and resilience perspective

2020 journal article
The Mediating Effect of Empathy on the Relation Between Child Self-Expressiveness in Family and Prosocial Behaviors