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(2025, January 20). Overcoming Big Data Challenges in Satellite Observation: A Variable Resolution Scheme for Modeling Land Surface Phenology. Solomon, D., Ishtiaque, A., Agarwal, A., Gray, J. M., Lemos, M. C., Moben, I., … Jain, M. (2024). The role of rural circular migration in shaping weather risk management for smallholder farmers in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS, 89. Gao, X., Richardson, A. D., Friedl, M. A., Moon, M., & Gray, J. M. (2024, October 28). Thermal Forcing Versus Chilling? Misspecification of Temperature Controls in Spring Phenology Models. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, Vol. 10. Choi, E., & Gray, J. (2025, January 20). Understanding the role of vegetation responses to drought in regulating autumn senescence. Rasmussen, P., Abrahamson, J., Tang, X., Smith, O., Gray, J., Woodcock, C., & Bosch, M. (2023). Assessment of Performance of Tree-Based Algorithms to Reduce Errors of Omisssion and Commission in Change Detection. IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM, pp. 6676–6679. Fidan, E., Gray, J., Doll, B., & Nelson, N. G. (2023). Machine learning approach for modeling daily pluvial flood dynamics in agricultural landscapes. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 167. Gao, X., McGregor, I. R. R., Gray, J. M. M., Friedl, M. A. A., & Moon, M. (2023). Observations of Satellite Land Surface Phenology Indicate That Maximum Leaf Greenness Is More Associated With Global Vegetation Productivity Than Growing Season Length. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, 37(3). Wendelberger, L. J., Gray, J. M., Wilson, A. G., Houborg, R., & Reich, B. J. (2022). Multiresolution Broad Area Search: Monitoring Spatial Characteristics of Gapless Remote Sensing Data. Journal of Data Science. Sodiya, O. E., Parajuli, R., Abt, R. C., & Gray, J. (2022). Spatial Analysis of Forest Product Manufacturers in North Carolina. Forest Science, 69(1), 24–36. Mei, W., Wang, H., Fouhey, D., Zhou, W., Hinks, I., Gray, J. M., … Jain, M. (2022). Using Deep Learning and Very-High-Resolution Imagery to Map Smallholder Field Boundaries. REMOTE SENSING, 14(13). Gao, X., Gray, J. M., & Reich, B. J. (2021). Long-term, medium spatial resolution annual land surface phenology with a Bayesian hierarchical model. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 261. Johnson, M. C., Reich, B. J., & Gray, J. M. (2021, May 21). Multisensor fusion of remotely sensed vegetation indices using space-time dynamic linear models. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES C-APPLIED STATISTICS, Vol. 5. Bolton, D. K., Gray, J. M., Melaas, E. K., Moon, M., Eklundh, L., & Friedl, M. A. (2020). Continental-scale land surface phenology from harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 imagery. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 240. Gao, X., Gray, J., Cohrs, C. W., Cook, R., & Albaugh, T. J. (2021). 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American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, B32E–05. Stanimirova, R., Cai, Z., Melaas, E. K., Gray, J. M., Eklundh, L., Jonsson, P., & Friedl, M. A. (2019). An Empirical Assessment of the MODIS Land Cover Dynamics and TIMESAT Land Surface Phenology Algorithms. REMOTE SENSING, 11(19). Moon, M., Seyednasrollah, B., Richardson, A. D., Gray, J., & Friedl, M. A. (2019). Climate controls on springtime phenology in Eastern Temperate Forests of North America. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, B33K–2629. Sulla-Menashe, D., Gray, J. M., Abercrombie, S. P., & Friedl, M. A. (2019). Hierarchical mapping of annual global land cover 2001 to present: The MODIS Collection 6 Land Cover product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 222, 183–194. Moon, M., Zhang, X., Henebry, G. M., Liu, L., Gray, J. M., Melaas, E. K., & Friedl, M. A. (2019). Long-term continuity in land surface phenology measurements: A comparative assessment of the MODIS land cover dynamics and VIIRS land surface phenology products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 226, 74–92. Seyednasrollah, B., Young, A. M., Hufkens, K., Milliman, T., Friedl, M. A., Frolking, S., … Zona, D. (2019). PhenoCam Dataset v2. 0: Vegetation Phenology from Digital Camera Imagery, 2000-2018. In ORNL DAAC [Data set]. Kruskamp, N., Singh, K. K., Jones, C. K., Gray, J., & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2019). Web-based Decision Analytics For Mapping Host Species Distributions and Forecasting the Spread of Forest Pests and Pathogens. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, IN52A–03. Zhang, Z., Martin, K., Gray, J., Stevenson, K., & Yao, Y. (2018). Evaluating machine learning approaches for mapping flood risk. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, H41M–2286. Zhang, X., Jayavelu, S., Liu, L., Friedl, M. A., Henebry, G. M., Liu, Y., … Gray, J. (2018). Evaluation of land surface phenology from VIIRS data using time series of PhenoCam imagery. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 256, 137–149. Singh, K. K., Chen, Y.-H., Smart, L., Gray, J., & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2018). Intra-annual phenology for detecting understory plant invasion in urban forests. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 142, 151–161. Friedl, M. A., Sulla-menashe, D. J., & Gray, J. (2018). Mapping Annual Land Cover and Phenology from MODIS: Global Data Sets Supporting Modeling and Global Change Science. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, GC14B–08. Kruskamp, N., Gray, J. M., & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2018). Quantifying emerging infectious disease impacts on above ground biomass. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, B14B–06. Singh, K. K., Madden, M., Gray, J., & Meentemeyer, R. K. (2018). The managed clearing: An overlooked land-cover type in urbanizing regions? PLOS ONE, 13(2). Richardson, A. D., Hufkens, K., Milliman, T., Aubrecht, D. M., Chen, M., Gray, J. M., … Frolking, S. (2018, March 13). Tracking vegetation phenology across diverse North American biomes using PhenoCam imagery. SCIENTIFIC DATA, Vol. 5. Gray, J. M., Khan, A., & Friedl, M. A. (2018). USA-NPN Observations Reveal the Ecological Relevance of Remotely Sensed Phenology. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, B53C–05. Pickard, B., Gray, J., & Meentemeyer, R. (2017). Comparing Quantity, Allocation and Configuration Accuracy of Multiple Land Change Models. LAND, 6(3). Zhang, X., Wang, J., Gao, F., Liu, Y., Schaaf, C., Friedl, M., … Henebry, G. M. (2017). Exploration of scaling effects on coarse resolution land surface phenology. Remote Sensing of Environment, 190, 318–330. Riveros-Iregui, D. A., Moser, H. A., Christenson, E. C., Gray, J., Hedgespeth, M. L., Jass, T. L., … Emanuel, R. E. (2017). Impacts of Extreme Flooding on Hydrologic Connectivity and Water Quality in the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Implications for Vulnerable Populations. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. Richardson, A. D., Hufkens, K., Milliman, T., Aubrecht, D. M., Chen, M., Gray, J. M., … Thom, J. E. (2017). PhenoCam Dataset v1. 0: Vegetation phenology from digital camera imagery, 2000–2015. In ORNL DAAC [Data set]. Gray, J. M., Sills, E. O., & Amanatides, M. M. (2017). Using Remote Sensing and Synthetic Controls to Understand Deforestation Drivers and their Moderation by Forest Use in Kalimantan, Indonesia. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, GC52C–07. Singh, K. K., & Gray, J. (2017). Water savings from reduced alfalfa cropping in California’s Upper San Joaquin Valley. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, IN51F–0069. Chen, M., Melaas, E. K., Gray, J. M., Friedl, M. A., & Richardson, A. D. (2016). A new seasonal-deciduous spring phenology submodel in the Community Land Model 4.5: impacts on carbon and water cycling under future climate scenarios. Global Change Biology, 22(11), 3675–3688. Melaas, E. K., Sulla-Menashe, D., Gray, J. M., Black, T. A., Morin, T. H., Richardson, A. D., & Friedl, M. A. (2016). Multisite analysis of land surface phenology in North American temperate and boreal deciduous forests from Landsat. Remote Sensing of Environment, 186, 452–464. Gray, J. M., Friedl, M. A., & Singh, K. K. (2016). Multisource Image Kalman Filtering for Rapid Phenological Monitoring and Forecasting. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Abstracts, B43B–0599. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. Zhang, X., Jayavelu, S., Wang, J., Henebry, G. M., Gray, J. M., Friedl, M. A., … Shuai, A. (2016). Validation of VIIRS Land Surface Phenology using Field Observations, PhenoCam Imagery, and Landsat data. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Abstracts, B33J–06. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. Gray, J. M., & Friedl, M. A. (2015). Incorporating phenology into yield models. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Abstracts, B43A–0540. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. Melaas, E. K., Sulla-menashe, D. J., Gray, J. M., & Friedl, M. A. (2015). Using three decades of Landsat data to characterize changes and vulnerability of temperate and boreal forest phenology to climate change. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Abstracts, B21G–0548. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union. Friedl, M. A., Gray, J. M., Melaas, E. K., Richardson, A. D., Hufkens, K., Keenan, T. F., … O’Keefe, J. (2014). A tale of two springs: using recent climate anomalies to characterize the sensitivity of temperate forest phenology to climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 9(5), 054006. Gray, J. M., Frolking, S., Kort, E. A., Ray, D. K., Kucharik, C. J., Ramankutty, N., & Friedl, M. A. (2014). Direct human influence on atmospheric CO2 seasonality from increased cropland productivity. Nature, 515(7527), 398–401. Klosterman, S. T., Hufkens, K., Gray, J. M., Melaas, E., Sonnentag, O., Lavine, I., … Richardson, A. D. (2014). Evaluating remote sensing of deciduous forest phenology at multiple spatial scales using PhenoCam imagery. Biogeosciences, 11(16), 4305–4320. Keenan, T., Bohrer, G., Friedl, M., Gray, J., Hollinger, D., Munger, J. W., … Yang, B. (2014). Increased carbon uptake in the eastern US due to warming induced changes in phenology. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Abstracts, 16. Munchen: European Geosciences Union. Gray, J., Friedl, M., Frolking, S., Ramankutty, N., Nelson, A., & Gumma, M. K. (2014). Mapping Asian Cropping Intensity With MODIS. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(8), 3373–3379. Li, L., Friedl, M., Xin, Q., Gray, J., Pan, Y., & Frolking, S. (2014). Mapping Crop Cycles in China Using MODIS-EVI Time Series. Remote Sensing, 6(3), 2473–2493. Keenan, T. F., Gray, J., Friedl, M. A., Toomey, M., Bohrer, G., Hollinger, D. Y., … Richardson, A. D. (2014). Net carbon uptake has increased through warming-induced changes in temperate forest phenology. Nature Climate Change, 4(7), 598–604. Milliman, T. E., Richardson, A. 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Song, C., Gray, J., & Gao, F. (2011). Remote Sensing of Vegetation with Landsat Imagery. In Advances in Environmental Remote Sensing (pp. 3–29). Song, C., Gray, J. M., & Zhang, S. (2008). Retrieving LAI from Remotely Sensed Images: Spectral Indices vs Spatial Texture. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Abstracts, B33D–03. Washington, D.C.: American Geophysical Union.