Works (6)
2023 journal article
Conflicting constraints on male mating success shape reward size in pollen‐rewarding plants
American Journal of Botany, 110(6).

2021 journal article
Nectar addition changes pollinator behavior but not plant reproduction in pollen‐rewarding <i>Lupinus argenteus
American Journal of Botany, 108(3), 402–410.

2019 journal article
Pollen and vegetative secondary chemistry of three pollen‐rewarding lupines
American Journal of Botany, 106(5), 643–655.

2018 journal article
Microenvironment and functional-trait context dependence predict alpine plant community dynamics
JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 106(4), 1323–1337.

2018 journal article
Why are some plant–nectar robber interactions commensalisms?
Oikos, 127(11), 1679–1689.

2016 journal article
Cyanide two-step: Fruits lead and seeds follow in the chemical phenology of a subtropical cherry
Southwestern Naturalist, 61(1), 57–60.