Works (9)
2023 review
Self-assembly Fundamentals in the Reconstruction of Lignocellulosic Materials: A Review
[Review of ]. BIORESOURCES, 18(2), 4262–4331.
2022 journal article
The Effect of the Kraft Pulping Process, Wood Species, and pH on Lignin Recovery from Black Liquor
FIBERS, 10(2).
2022 journal article
The performance of Acacia mearnsii De Wild for kraft pulping
CIENCIA FLORESTAL, 32(1), 266–286.
2021 journal article
Probing the molecular weights of sweetgum and pine kraft lignin fractions
TAPPI JOURNAL, 20(6), 381–391.
2021 article
Totora fibers as a new source for papermaking
Dick Wille, V. K., Gentil, M., Santana Nunes, G. R., Rosa, R. C., Jardim, J. M., Berger, C., … Pedrazzi, C. (2021, May 12). BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY.
2020 journal article
A Quantitative Comparison of the Precipitation Behavior of Lignin from Sweetgum and Pine Kraft Black Liquors
BIORESOURCES, 15(3), 5464–5480.
2020 review
Insights into the Potential of Hardwood Kraft Lignin to Be a Green Platform Material for Emergence of the Biorefinery
[Review of ]. POLYMERS, 12(8).
2019 journal article
Fundamental molecular characterization and comparison of the 0, D-0, and E stage effluents from hardwood pulp bleaching
TAPPI JOURNAL, 18(6), 341–351.

2018 journal article
Understanding the pulping and bleaching performances of eucalyptus woods affected by physiological disturbance
TAPPI JOURNAL, 17(11), 633–642.