Juliana Makuchi Nfah-Abbenyi
Works (72)
2024 article
CRUEL OPTIMISM The Longings of Outsiders within Imbolo Mbue's <i>Behold the Dreamers</i>
2021 journal article
Land of My Dreams
Feminist Africa, 2(2), 95–107. https://journals.ug.edu.gh/index.php/fa/article/view/1518
2020 journal article
Am I Anglophone? Identity politics and postcolonial trauma in Cameroon at war
Journal of the African Literature Association, 14(2), 180–197.
2020 journal article
Fragmented Nation or the Anglophone-Francophone Problem in Cameroon
Journal of the African Literature Association, 14(2), 171–172.
2020 chapter
When real frogs fall from the skies
In J. Ashuntantang & D. Tande (Eds.), Bearing Witness: Poems from a Land in Turmoil (pp. 36–38). Spears Books.
Ed(s): J. Ashuntantang & D. Tande
2019 chapter
Femme nue, femme noire (2003; Calixthe Beyala
In H. Chiang (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bi sexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBT) History (pp. 968–969). Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Ed(s): H. Chiang
2019 chapter
Home is Where You Mend the Roof
[Reprint]. In M. Busby (Ed.), New Daughters of Africa: An International Anthology of Writing by Women of African Descent (pp. 223–228). Amistad.
Ed(s): M. Busby
2019 journal article
Journal of the African Literature Association, 13(1), 1–4.
2017 chapter
Penis, Testicles, and Vagina = Penis, Testikels en Vagina
In Wreed schoon: volkssprookjes op reis (pp. 325–327). Kalmthout: Polis.
2017 chapter
The Girl Who Refused Suitors = Het meisje dat alle jongens afwees
In Wreed schoon: volkssprookjes op reis (pp. 113–118). Kalmthout: Polis.
2017 journal article
Unlocking our silences: the ALA Oral History Project
Journal of the African Literature Association, 11(3), 263–268.
2016 journal article
Anglophone Cameroon literature: A conversation with Bole Butake
Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 53(1), 12.

2016 journal article
Cameroon’s national literatures: An introduction
Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 53(1), 5.

2016 journal article
Francophone Cameroon literature: A conversation with Ambroise Kom
Tydskrif Vir Letterkunde, 53(1), 30.

2016 chapter
The Sacred Door
In A. Curry (Ed.), A River of Stories: Tales and Poems from Across the Commonwealth (Reprint, Vol. 2, pp. 89–91). Commonwealth Education Trust.
Ed(s): A. Curry
2013 chapter
Achebe Tribute
In A. C. Kalu, E. N. Emenyonu, & S. K. Lewis (Eds.), Chinua Achebe (1930-2013): A Tribute (p. 40). Geneva, NY: African Literature Association Books.
Ed(s): A. Kalu, E. Emenyonu & S. Lewis
2013 chapter
American Dream
In A. C. Kalu, J. M. Nfah-Abbenyi; & O. Ajayi-Soyinka (Eds.), Reflections : an anthology of new work by African women poets (pp. 108–109). Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Ed(s): A. Kalu, J. Nfah-Abbenyi; & O. Ajayi-Soyinka
2013 chapter
Home is where you mend the roof
In 27 Views of Raleigh: The City of Oaks in Prose & Poetry (pp. 64–75). Hillsborough, NC: Eno Publishers.
2013 chapter
In A. Kalu & O. Ajayi-Soyinka (Eds.), Reflections: An Anthology of New Work by African Women Poets (pp. 105–107). Boulder, Colo: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Ed(s): A. Kalu & O. Ajayi-Soyinka
2013 journal article
Journal of the African Literature Association, 8(1), 104–173.
2012 journal article
Introduction: Orality and Indigenous Knowledge in the Age of Globalization
The Global South, 5(2), 1–6.
2010 journal article
Plantain Leaf Baby
Mythium: The Journal of Contemporary Literature and Cultural Voices, 1(2), 132–143.
2010 chapter
Slow Poison
In J. Browdy de Hernandez, P. Dongala, O. Jolaosho, & A. Serafin (Eds.), African Women Writing Resistance: An anthology of Contemporary Voices (pp. 198–209). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Ed(s): J. Browdy de Hernandez, P. Dongala, O. Jolaosho & A. Serafin
2010 chapter
Un-Masking the Mediator: Werewere Liking’s Flashes of Light
In J. Conteh-Morgan & I. Assiba d'Almeida (Eds.), "The Original Explosion That Created Worlds" (pp. 63–88).
Ed(s): J. Conteh-Morgan & I. Assiba d'Almeida
2009 journal article
Woman of the Lake
Obsidian: Literature in the African Diaspora, 10-11(2-1), 64–77.
2008 article
Africa after Gender?

2008 book
The Sacred Door and Other Stories: Cameroon Folktales of the Beba
Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
2007 journal article
"Creating a Change in Continuity": A Conversation with Makuchi, Author of The Sacred Door and Other Stories Cameroon Folktales of the Beba
Obsidian: Literature of the African Diaspora, 8(2), 53–66.
2007 chapter
Ecological Postcolonialism in African Women’s Literature
In T. Olaniyan & A. Quayson (Eds.), African Literature: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory (Reprint, pp. 707–714). Blackwell.
Ed(s): T. Olaniyan & A. Quayson
2007 chapter
Market Scene
In A. C. Kalu (Ed.), The Rienner Anthology of African Literature (pp. 564–572). Denver, Colo: Lynne Rienner.
Ed(s): A. Kalu
2007 journal article
The Forest Will Claim You Too
Yellow Medicine Review: A Journal of Indigenous Literature, Art and Thought, 1, 63–80.
2007 chapter
Toward a Lesbian Continuum? Or Reclaiming the Erotic
In T. Olaniyan & A. Quayson (Eds.), African Literature: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory (pp. 746–752). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Ed(s): T. Olaniyan & A. Quayson
2007 journal article
Obsidian: Literature of the African Diaspora, 8(2), 23–25.
2005 chapter book
Gender, Feminist Theory, and Post-Colonial (Women’s) Writing
2005 journal article
Slow Poison
Asian Women, 21, 83–99.
2003 book review
Less than One and Double: A Feminist Reading of African Women’s Writing by Kenneth Harrow
[Review of Less than One and Double: A Feminist Reading of African Women’s Writing, by K. Harrow]. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 5(3), 465–467.
2003 book review
The Origins of African American Literature, 1680-1865 by Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.
[Review of The Origins of African American Literature, 1680-1865, by D. D. Bruce Jr.]. The Southern Quarterly, 41(2), 144–148.
2002 journal article
Ah Deh Whiteman Contri
Worldview, 15(1), 51–58.
2002 chapter
Slow Poison
In N. Obradovic (Ed.), The Anchor Book of Modern African Stories (Reprint, pp. 322–336). New York: Anchor Books.
Ed(s): N. Obradovic
2002 journal article
Tribute: “Possessed by the Sanza, Francis Bebey extolled Africa’s Dignity and Humanism"
ALA Bulletin, 28(1), 45–47.
2001 chapter
Na Wet Dat? Interrogating the Traffic in Post-Colonialism(s)
In G. Radcliffe & G. Turcotte (Eds.), Compr(om)ising Post- Colonialism(s): Challenging Narratives & Practices (pp. 64–73). Sydney, Australia: Dangaroo Press.
Ed(s): G. Radcliffe & G. Turcotte
2001 chapter
Women’s Sexuality and the Use of the Erotic in Calixthe Beyala
In S. Andrade, M. Rice-Maximim, & A. Songolo (Eds.), Atlantic Cross-Currents/Transatlantiques (pp. 101–115). Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
Ed(s): S. Andrade, M. Rice-Maximim & A. Songolo
2000 chapter
Calixthe Beyala
In J. E. Miller (Ed.), Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing (p. 77). London: Routledge.
Ed(s): J. Miller
2000 chapter
Tsitsi Dangarembga
In J. E. Miller (Ed.), Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing (p. 189). London: Routledge.
Ed(s): J. Miller
2000 chapter
Werewere Liking
In J. E. Miller (Ed.), Who’s Who in Contemporary Women’s Writing (p. 36). London: Routledge.
Ed(s): J. Miller
1999 journal article
Ah Deh Whiteman Contri
Thamyris, 6(2), 231–240.
1999 chapter
Bridging North and South . . . Notes Towards True Dialogue and Transformation
In N. Amin (Ed.), Canadian Woman Studies: An Introductory Reader (pp. 18–24). Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education Inc.
Ed(s): N. Amin
1999 journal article
Contemporary African American Theater: Afrocentricity in the works of Larry Neal, Amiri Baraka, and Charles Fuller by Nilgun Anadolu-Okur
College Literature, 26(1), 214–215.
1999 book review
Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms, and Epistemologies by Sandra Harding
[Review of Is Science Multicultural? Postcolonialisms, Feminisms, and Epistemologies, by S. Harding]. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 1(4), 629–631.
1999 journal article
Women in Action
ISIS International Manila.
1999 book
Your Madness, Not Mine: Stories of Cameroon
Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.
1998 chapter
Calixthe Beyala: 1961-
In P. Parekh (Ed.), Postcolonial African Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook (pp. 75–83). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Ed(s): P. Parekh
1998 chapter
Ecological Postcolonialism in African Women’s Literature
In P. Murphy (Ed.), The Literature of Nature: An International Sourcebook (pp. 344–349). Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishing.
Ed(s): P. Murphy
1998 chapter
Flabberwhelmed or Turning History on its Head? The Postcolonial Woman-as-subject in Changes
In A. U. Azodo & G. Wilentz (Eds.), Emerging Perspectives on Ama Ata Aidoo (pp. 281–302). Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press.
Ed(s): A. Azodo & G. Wilentz
1997 journal article
Bridging North and South . . . Notes Towards True Dialogue and Transformation
Canadian Woman Studies, 17(2), 145–148.
1997 book
Gender in African Women’s Writing: Identity, Sexuality, and Difference
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
1997 journal article
Market Scene
[Fiction]. The Toronto Review of Contemporary Writing Abroad, 15(3), 45–53.
1997 journal article
Your Madness, Not Mine
Crab Orchard Review, 2(2), 186–194.
1996 chapter
Calixthe Beyala's 'femme-fillette': Womanhood and the Politics of (M)Othering
In O. Nnaemeka (Ed.), The Politics of (M)Othering: Womanhood, Identity, and Resistance in African Literature (pp. 101–113). London: Routledge.
Ed(s): O. Nnaemeka
1996 journal article
The Healer
Callaloo, 19(3), 771–776.
1995 chapter
Why (what) am I (doing) here: A Cameroonian Woman?
In M. Gillett & A. Beer (Eds.), Our Own Agendas: Autobiographical Essays by Women Associated with McGill University (pp. 250–261). Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Ed(s): M. Gillett & A. Beer
1994 journal article
Le petit prince de Belleville and Maman a un amant by Calixthe Beyala
Notre Librairie, (118), 183.
1994 journal article
Reflections of an African woman
Canadian Woman Studies, 14(2), 25–28.
1993 journal article
Women and Gender in Beba Folktales
Simone De Beauvoir Institute Bulletin, 91–103.
1992 journal article
Linda Alcoff and 'Positionality': Rethinking the Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory
Comparative Literature in Canada/ Littérature Comparée Au Canada, 23(2), 93–100.
Updated: March 22nd, 2023 11:11
2006 - present