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Works (72)
2010 book
Goddesses, elixirs, and witches: Plants and sexuality throughout human history (1st ed.)
New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
2010 article
Medicine and Health Care in Early Christianity
Riddle, J. M. (2010, April). JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND ALLIED SCIENCES, Vol. 65, pp. 253–255.
2009 article
Plague and the End of Antiquity: The Pandemic of 541-750
Riddle, J. (2009, April). JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND ALLIED SCIENCES, Vol. 64, pp. 250–252.

2008 book
A history of the Middle Ages, 300-1500
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
2008 journal article
Early history and leadership of the Padua Botanical Garden
, 77, 38–39.
2007 chapter
Research procedures in evaluating Medieval medicine
In The Medieval hospital and medical practice (pp. 3–17).
2007 chapter
Women's medicines in sncient Jewish dources: gertility rnhancers and inhibiters
In I. L. Finkel & M. J. Geller (Eds.), Disease in Babylonia (pp. 200–214).
Ed(s): I. Finkel & M. Geller

2006 review
Regarding medical subject
[Review of ]. Medical History, 50(4), 553–554.
2005 chapter
Die Grosse Hexenverfolgung und die Unterdrkung der Geburtenkontrolle: Die Theorie von Heinsohn und Steiger aus der Sicht eines Geschictswissenschaftlers
In G. Heinsohn & O. Steiger (Eds.), Die Vernichtung der weisen Frauen: Vol. (pp. 471–473). Erftstadt: Ein Murz Buch.
Ed(s): G. Heinsohn & O. Steiger
2004 article
Greek and Roman medicine
2004 journal article
Kidney and urinary therapeutics in early medieval monastic medicine
Journal of Nephrology, 17(2), 324–328.
2004 journal article
Techniques: Bioprospecting historical herbal texts by hunting for new leads in old tomes
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 25(9), 494–498.

2004 chapter
The great witch-hunt and the suppression of birth control: Heinsohn and Steiger's theory from the perspective of an historian
In G. Heinsohn & O. Steiger (Eds.), Witchcraft, populations catastrophe and economic crisis in Renaissance Europe: an Alternative macroeconomic explanation (IKSF discussion paper no. 31 ) (Vol. 31, pp. 1–38). Bremen: Institut fur Konjunktur- und Strukturforschung, Universitut Bremen.
Ed(s): G. Heinsohn & O. Steiger
2003 article
The history of medications for women: Materia medica woman.
2003 article
The measure of multitude: Population in medieval thought.
JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HISTORY, Vol. 37, pp. 555–556.
2002 chapter
History as a tool in identifying 'new' old drugs
In B. S. Buslig & J. A. Manthey (Eds.), Flavonoids in cell function Publishers, c2002. Advances in experimental medicine and biology ; v. 505 (pp. 89–94).
Ed(s): . B. S. Buslig & J. Manthey
2001 chapter
Birth, contraception, and abortion
In Encyclopedia of European social history (Vol. 2, pp. 181–191). Detroit: Charles Scribners.
2001 article
Greek medicine: From the heroic to the Hellenistic age: A source book.
Riddle, J. M. (2001, March). ISIS, Vol. 92, pp. 152–153.
2001 chapter
Science, technology, and health
In World eras: Roman Republic and Empire, 264 B.C.E.--476 C. E. (Vol. 3, pp. 375–414). Detroit: Manly, Inc.
2000 chapter
In Encyclopedia of Greece and Hellenic tradition (Vol. 1, pp. 1–2). London and Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publications.
2000 review
Clinical cases - In Liber de Plantis by Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) and in the Speyer Herbal (1456) - Medical and pharmaceutical terminology in the Middle Ages, vol 1, text, vol 2, index
[Review of ]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 74(1), 148–149.
2000 chapter
In Encyclopedia of Greece and Hellenic tradition (Vol. 1, pp. 390–391). London and Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publications.
2000 article
De morbis acutis et chroniis
2000 chapter
In Encyclopedia of Greece and Hellenic tradition (Vol. 2, pp. 1633–1634). London and Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publications.
1999 chapter
Contraception and abortion
In P. B. G. W. Bowerbock & O. Grabar (Eds.), Late antiquity: A guide to the Postclassical world: Vol. (pp. 392–393). Cambridge: Belknap Press.
Ed(s): P. G. W. Bowerbock & O. Grabar
1999 chapter
Fees and feces: laxatives in ancient medicine with particular emphasis on pseudo-Mesue
In E. S.-S. J. A. C. Greppin & J. L. Gueriguian (Eds.), The diffusion of Greco-Roman medicine into the Middle East and the Caucasus: Vol. (pp. 7–26). Delmar, NY: Caravan Books.
Ed(s): E. J. A. C. Greppin & J. Gueriguian
1999 article
Historical data as an aid in pharmaceutical prospecting and drug safety determination
Riddle, J. M. (1999, April). JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, Vol. 5, pp. 195–201.

1999 chapter
In J. Stannard, K. E. Stannard, & R. Kay (Eds.), Pristina medicamenta: Ancient and medieval medical botany. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Ed(s): J. Stannard, . K. E. Stannard & R. Kay
1998 conference paper
Classical, medieval and modern uses of St. John's Wort, March 16-17, Anaheim, California
First International Conference on St. John's Wort, , 1–14. Bethesda, MD: American Herbal Products Association.
1998 article
Meanings of sex difference in the middle ages: Medicine, science, and culture.

1997 review
Anglo-Saxon medicine, in Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 7
[Review of ]. Speculum, 72(1), 121–122.
1997 book
Contributing consultant, editor of sections on Mesopotamian medicine; Egyptian medicine; Greek and Roman medicine
In: Ancient healing: unlocking the mysteries of health and healing through the ages. Lincolnwood, Ill.: Publications International, 1997.
1997 book
Eve's herbs: A history of contraception and abortion in the West
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
1997 chapter
Old drugs, old and new history
In G. J. Higby & E. C. Stroud (Eds.), The inside story of medicines, a symposium (pp. 15–30). Madison, Wis.: American Institute of the History of Pharmacy.
Ed(s): . G. J. Higby & E. Stroud
1997 review
Western medieval medicine: Medieval Latin medicine
[Review of ]. Society for Ancient Medicine Review, 24(1996/1997), 214–216.
1996 chapter
Contraception and early abortion in the Middle Ages
In V. L. Bullough & J. A. Brundage (Eds.), Handbook of medieval sexuality: Vol. (pp. 261–277). New York: Garland Publishing.
Ed(s): V. Bullough & J. Brundage
1996 chapter
In Oxford classical dictionary. 3rd edition: Vol. (pp. 483–484). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1996 chapter
In F. A. C. Mantello & A. G. Rigg (Eds.), Medieval Latin: An introduction and bibliographical guide: Vol. (pp. 406–410). Washington: Catholic University of America Press.
Ed(s): F. Mantello & A. Rigg
1996 chapter
The medicines of Greco-Roman antiquity as a source of medicines for today
In Prospecting for drugs in ancient and Medieval European texts: Vol. (pp. 7–17). Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.
1995 journal article
Everybody, the historian, and the scientist (President's address)
, 37, 159–164.
1995 chapter
Historical role of herbs in contraception
In D. L. Gustine & H. E. Flores (Eds.), Current topics in plant physiology, Volume 15: Vol. (pp. 68–74). Rockville, MS: American Society of Plant Physiologists.
Ed(s): D. Gustine & H. Flores
1995 chapter
Manuscript sources for birth control
In Manuscript sources of medieval medicine: Vol. (pp. 145–158). New York: Garland.
1995 journal article
Qusta ibn Luqa: Physical ligatures and the recognition of the placebo effect, with an edition and translation
, 1(1), 1–48.
1994 chapter
Alberto, le pietre e I minerali
In Alberto Magno e le scienze: Vol. (pp. 219–253). Bologna: Edizione Studio Domenicano.
1994 journal article
Ever since Eve...: Birth control in the ancient world
, 29–35.
1993 chapter
High medicine and low medicine in the Roman Empire
In Aufstief und niedergand der Romischen welt: Vol. 37/1 (pp. 102–120). Berlin: Walter de Gruyer.
1993 chapter
In I. Jacob & W. Jacob (Eds.), The healing past: Pharmaceuticals in the Biblical and rabbinic world: Vol. . Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Ed(s): I. Jacob & W. Jacob
1992 journal article
Oral contraceptives in ancient and Medieval times [Reprint]
American Scientist, 80, 226–233.
1992 book
Quid pro quo: Studies in the history of drugs
In Variorum collected works series. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
1992 chapter
In Christopher Columbus encyclopedia (Vol. 2, pp. 648–650). New York: Simon and Schuster.
1991 journal article
Oral contraceptives and early-term abortifacients during Classical antiquity and the Middle Ages
, 132, 1–32.
1990 chapter
The Pseudo-Hippocratic Dynamidia
In Die hippokratischen Epidemien: Theorie-Praxis-Tradition (Vol. 27, pp. 283–311). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag (Sudhoffs Archiv, Beiheft 27).
1987 chapter
Folk tradition and folk medicine: Recognition of drugs in classical antiquity
In Folklore and folk medicines: Vol. (pp. 33–61). Madison, WI: American Institute for the History of Pharmacy.
1985 journal article
ISIS, 76(283), 319–330.

1985 conference paper
Byzantine commentaries on Dioscorides
Symposium on Byzantine Medicine -- (Dumbarton Oaks papers, no. 38A), 95–102.
1985 book
Dioscorides in medicine and pharmacy
In . Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
1985 chapter
Dioskurides im Mittelalters
In Lexikon des Mittelalters: Vol. (pp. 1095–1097). Munchen und Zurich: Artemis Verlag.
1984 journal article
1981 chapter
In P. O. Kristeller & P. Crantz (Eds.), Catalogus translationum et commentarium = Medieval and renaissance Latin translations and commentaries: Vol. (pp. 1–43). Washington: Catholic University Press.
Ed(s): P. Kristeller & P. Crantz
1981 journal article
Pseudo-Dioscorides' ex herbis femininis and early Medieval medical botany
Journal of the History of Botany, 14, 43–81.
1980 chapter
Albert on stones and minerals
In Albertus Magnus and the sciences commemorative essays 1980: Vol. (pp. 203–234). Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies.
1979 journal article
Book reviews, lectures, and marginal notes: Three previously unknown sixteenth century contributors to pharmacy, medicine and botany: Ioannes Manardus, Franscisus Frigimelica, and Melchoir Guilandinus
, 21, 143–155.
1977 book
Marbode of Rennes' De lapidibus considered as a medical text together with a critical text, translation and Marbode's minor lapidaries
In Beiheft 20: Sudhoffs Archiv. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag GMpH.
1974 chapter
In Dictionary of scientific biography, Volume 4A : Vol. (pp. 119–123). New York: Charles Schribner's Sons.
1974 journal article
Theory and practice in medieval medicine
Viator Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 5, 157–184.
1973 journal article
Amber in ancient pharmacy: The transmission of information about a single drug
, 15, 3–17.
1971 conference paper
The Latin alphabetical Dioscorides manuscript group
Actes du XIIIe Congis International de Histoire des Sciences. Acts Section IV, 4, 204–209. Moscow.
1970 journal article
Lithotherapy in the Middle Ages... lapidaries considered as medical texts
Reprinted, 12, 39–50.
1970 book
Tiberius Gracchus: Destroyer or reformer of the Republic?
In Problems in European civilization. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath and Company.
1965 journal article
The introduction and use of eastern drugs in the early Middle Ages
, 49, 185–198.
1964 chapter
Amber: An historical-etymological problem
In M. F. Gyles & E. W. Davis (Eds.), Laudatores temporis acti: Studies in memory of Wallace Everett Caldwell: Vol. (pp. 110–120). Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Ed(s): M. Gyles & E. Davis
1964 journal article
Pomum ambrae: Amber and ambergris in plague remedies
, 48, 111–122.