Works (12)
2022 journal article
Morality, Risk-Taking and Psychopathic Tendencies: An Empirical Study

2020 journal article
A Qualitative Analysis of Drivers among Military-Affiliated and Civilian Lone Actor Terrorists Inspired by Jihadism
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 44(2), 1–18.

2020 journal article
Application of the TRAP-18 Framework to U.S. and Western European Lone Actor Terrorists
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1–26.

2019 article
Issue Title: Using Multiple Methods to Uncover the Truths about Gender Introduction
Simons-Rudolph, A., & Simons-Rudolph, J. (2019, March). GENDER ISSUES, Vol. 36, pp. 1–2.
2018 journal article
Gender in relationships with self and others Introduction
Gender Issues, 35(1), 1–2.
2018 journal article
How understanding gender can help heal our world introduction
Gender Issues, 35(2), 71–72.
2018 article
Issue Title: Highlighting the Diversity of Our Work Introduction
Simons-Rudolph, A., & Simons-Rudolph, J. (2018, September). GENDER ISSUES, Vol. 35, pp. 179–180.
2018 journal article
Issue Title: Highlighting the Diversity of Our Work Introduction
Gender Issues, 35(3), 179–180.
2017 article
Gender and Intersectional Identities in Academe Introduction
Simons-Rudolph, A., & Simons-Rudolph, J. (2017, June). GENDER ISSUES, Vol. 34, pp. 103–104.
2017 article
Simons-Rudolph, A., & Simons-Rudolph, J. (2017, December). GENDER ISSUES, Vol. 34, pp. 293–294.
2017 journal article
Posttraumatic Stress, Posttraumatic Growth, and Satisfaction With Life in Military Veterans
Military Psychology, 29(5), 434–447.

2014 journal article
Explanations of sleep paralysis among Egyptian college students and the general population in Egypt and Denmark