@article{hofwegen_2010, title={Apparent-time evolution of /l/ in one African American community}, volume={22}, number={3}, journal={Language Variation and Change}, author={Hofwegen, J.}, year={2010}, pages={373–396} } @article{van hofwegen_wolfram_2010, title={Coming of age in African American English: A longitudinal study}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1360-6441"]}, DOI={10.1111/j.1467-9841.2010.00452.x}, abstractNote={This study examines trajectories of development in the use of African American English (AAE) for 32 speakers through the first 17 years of their lives based on a unique, longitudinal database. Temporal data points in the analysis include 48 months, Grade 1 (about age 6), Grade 4 (about age 9), Grade 6 (about age 11), Grade 8 (about age 13), and Grade 10 (about age 15). Complementary methods of analysis for assessing AAE include a token‐based Dialect Density Measure (DDM), a type‐based vernacular diversity index, and frequency‐based variation analysis. The study reveals different trajectories and peak periods for the use of AAE, including a ‘roller coaster’ and a curvilinear trajectory; at the same time, there is a common dip among speakers in the overall use of vernacular AAE from Grade 1 through Grade 4. Examination of a selective set of demographic and self‐regard measures shows no significant differences for gender, school racial density, racial peer contacts, and measures of Afro‐centrality, but does show a significant correlation between mothers’ and child use of AAE as well as age/grade.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS}, author={Van Hofwegen, Janneke and Wolfram, Walt}, year={2010}, month={Sep}, pages={427–455} } @article{van hofwegen_2009, title={Cross-generational change in vertical bar 1 vertical bar in Chicano English}, volume={30}, number={3}, journal={English World-Wide}, author={Van Hofwegen, J.}, year={2009}, pages={302–325} }