@article{gabilondo_newell_chestnut_weng_jones_maggard_2022, title={Circumventing thermodynamics to synthesize highly metastable perovskites: nano eggshells of SnHfO3}, volume={11}, ISSN={["2516-0230"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1039/D2NA00603K}, DOI={10.1039/d2na00603k}, abstractNote={Through a multifaceted synthetic technique and leveraging surface diffusion, a new Sn(ii)-perovskite, SnHfO3, has been synthesized as nano eggshells for the first time.}, journal={NANOSCALE ADVANCES}, author={Gabilondo, Eric A. and Newell, Ryan J. and Chestnut, Jessica and Weng, James and Jones, Jacob L. and Maggard, Paul A.}, year={2022}, month={Nov} }