@article{frazier_davis_vickery_2020, title={Seeing the Forest for Trees: Tools for Analyzing Faculty Research Output}, volume={46}, url={https://doi.org/10.1080/00987913.2020.1806652}, DOI={10.1080/00987913.2020.1806652}, abstractNote={Abstract For academic libraries, because budgetary pressures are nearly universal, it is imperative to evaluate journal packages regularly. This article presents an overview of the data and methods that the NC State University Libraries traditionally uses to evaluate journal packages and presents additional methods to expand our evaluation of publishing and editorial activity. We describe methods for downloading and analyzing Web of Science citation data to identify the most common publishers for NC State affiliated authors as well as the journals in which NC State authors publish most frequently. This article also demonstrates a custom Python web scraping application to harvest NC State affiliated editor data from publishers’ websites. Finally, this article discusses how these data elements are combined to provide a more comprehensive evaluative strategy for our journal investments.}, number={3}, journal={Serials Review}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Frazier, Katharine and Davis, Hilary and Vickery, John}, year={2020}, month={Jul}, pages={184–189} } @article{ciccone_vickery_2015, title={Evidence Based Library and Information Practice}, volume={10}, ISSN={["1715-720X"]}, DOI={10.18438/b86g6q}, abstractNote={Abstract Objectives - To evaluate and compare the results produced by Summon and EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) for the types of searches typically performed by library users at North Carolina State University. Also, to compare the performance of these products to Google Scholar for the same types of searches. Methods - A study was conducted to compare the search performance of two web-scale discovery services: ProQuest’s Summon and EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). The performance of these services was also compared to Google Scholar. A sample of 183 actual user searches, randomly selected from the NCSU Libraries’ 2013 Summon search logs, was used for the study. For each query, searches were performed in Summon, EDS, and Google Scholar. The results of known-item searches were compared for retrieval of the known item, and the top ten results of topical searches were compared for the number of relevant results. Results - There was no significant difference in the results between Summon and EDS for either known-item or topical searches. There was also no significant difference between the performance of the two discovery services and Google Scholar for known-item searches. However, Google Scholar outperformed both discovery services for topical searches. Conclusions - There was no significant difference in the relevance of search results between Summon and EDS. Thus, any decision to purchase one of those products over the other should be based upon other considerations (e.g., technical issues, cost, customer service, or user interface).}, number={1}, journal={EVIDENCE BASED LIBRARY AND INFORMATION PRACTICE}, publisher={EBLIP Journal}, author={Ciccone, Karen and Vickery, John}, year={2015}, pages={34–49} } @article{lippincott_brooks_harvey_ruttenberg_swindler_vickery_2012, title={Librarian, publisher, and vendor perspectives on consortial e-book purchasing: The experience of the TRLN beyond print summit}, volume={38}, DOI={10.1080/00987913.2012.10765412}, abstractNote={Abstract Serials librarians have confronted electronic licensing issues for well over a decade and have developed viable models for acquisitions and resource sharing as libraries transitioned from print to electronic journals. While the case of electronic journals (e-journals) provides valuable lessons and insights, electronic books (e-books) present new, unique challenges for consortial sharing, which demand tailored solutions. With the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN) convened a two-day summit that brought together librarians, publishers, and e-book vendors to discuss the future of consortial e-book acquisitions and sharing.}, number={1}, journal={Serials Review}, author={Lippincott, S. K. and Brooks, S. and Harvey, A. and Ruttenberg, J. and Swindler, L. and Vickery, John}, year={2012}, pages={3–11} } @article{orcutt_norberg_vickery_2011, title={New tricks for old data sources: Mashups, visualizations, & questions your ILS has been afraid to answer}, DOI={10.5703/1288284314899}, abstractNote={Follow this and additional works at: https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/charleston An indexed, print copy of the Proceedings is also available for purchase at: http://www.thepress.purdue.edu/series/charleston. You may also be interested in the new series, Charleston Insights in Library, Archival, and Information Sciences. Find out more at: http://www.thepress.purdue.edu/series/charleston-insights-library-archivaland-information-sciences.}, journal={Something's Gotta Give: Proceedings of the Charleston Conference 2011}, publisher={Purdue University Press}, author={Orcutt, Darby and Norberg, B. and Vickery, John}, year={2011}, pages={199–213} } @misc{vickery_2007, title={'Friends for life, friends for death': Cohorts and consciousness among the Lunda-Ndembu}, volume={40}, number={3}, journal={International Journal of African Historical Studies}, author={Vickery, K. P.}, year={2007}, pages={530–532} } @article{davis_vickery_2007, title={Datasets, a shift in the currency of scholarly communication: Implications for library collections and acquisitions}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1879-095X"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33847264906&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1016/j.serrev.2006.11.004}, abstractNote={As the market of scholarly communication continues to evolve, a number of indicators suggest that the unit of information currency is shifting from a primary focus on journal articles to a broader emphasis on key elements of scholarly communication, namely data sets. This article examines and summarizes recent developments that have contributed to this shift in emphasis. The authors will also consider how this shift may affect some of the core functions of the collections and acquisitions processes.}, number={1}, journal={SERIALS REVIEW}, author={Davis, Hilary M. and Vickery, John N.}, year={2007}, month={Mar}, pages={26–32} }