Works (17)
2015 journal article
The digital body: Telegraphy as discourse network
Theory Culture & Society, 32(1), 93–117.
2013 journal article
"Epistemology Not Ideology OR Why We Need New Germans"
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 10(2-3), 295–300.
2013 journal article
Police media: The governance of territory, speed, and communication
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 10(4), 359–384.
2013 journal article
Screens in the sky: SAGE, surveillance, and the automation of perceptual, mnemonic, and epistemological labor
Social Semiotics, 23(2), 173–195.
2012 book
Communication matters: materialist approaches to media, mobility, and networks
New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): & S. Wiley
2012 article
Strategies for Materializing Communication

2011 book
Communication matters : materialist approaches to media, mobility and networks
New York : Routledge.
Ed(s): . J. Packer & S. Wiley
2010 journal article
Automobility and apparatuses: Commentary on cotton seiler's republic of drivers
History and Technology, 26(4), 361–368.
2010 journal article
From windscreen to widescreen: Screening technologies and mobile communication
Communication Review, 13(4), 309–339.
2010 article
Rethinking Communication After the Mobilities Turn
COMMUNICATION REVIEW, Vol. 13, pp. 263–268.
2010 journal article
What is an archive?: An apparatus model for communications and media history
Communication Review, 13(1), 88–104.
2009 book
Secret agents: popular icons beyond James Bond
New York : Peter Lang.
2008 book
Mobility without mayhem : safety, cars, and citizenship
Durham : Duke University Press.
2007 journal article
Homeland subjectivity: The algorithmic identity of security
Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 4(2), 212–216.
2006 journal article
Becoming bombs: Mobilizing mobility in the war of terror
Cultural Studies (London, England), 20(4-5), 371–399.
2006 book
Thinking with James Carey : essays on communications, transportation, history
New York : Peter Lang,
Ed(s): . J. Packer & R. Craig
2003 book
Foucault, cultural studies, and governmentality
Albany : State University of New York Press.
Ed(s): J. J. Z. Bratich & C. McCarthy