@article{maddalena_packer_2015, title={The digital body: Telegraphy as discourse network}, volume={32}, number={1}, journal={Theory Culture & Society}, author={Maddalena, K. and Packer, J.}, year={2015}, pages={93–117} } @article{packer_2013, title={"Epistemology Not Ideology OR Why We Need New Germans"}, volume={10}, number={2-3}, journal={Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies}, author={Packer, J.}, year={2013}, pages={295–300} } @article{reeves_packer_2013, title={Police media: The governance of territory, speed, and communication}, volume={10}, number={4}, journal={Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies}, author={Reeves, J. and Packer, J.}, year={2013}, pages={359–384} } @article{packer_2013, title={Screens in the sky: SAGE, surveillance, and the automation of perceptual, mnemonic, and epistemological labor}, volume={23}, number={2}, journal={Social Semiotics}, author={Packer, J.}, year={2013}, pages={173–195} } @book{packer_wiley_2012, title={Communication matters: materialist approaches to media, mobility, and networks}, publisher={New York: Routledge}, year={2012} } @article{packer_wiley_2012, title={Strategies for Materializing Communication}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1479-4233"]}, DOI={10.1080/14791420.2011.652487}, abstractNote={More recently, in their introduction to the edited volume New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics, Diana Coole and Samantha Frost echoed this sentiment, suggesting that the turn to materiality is largely a reaction to the exhaustion of a text-centered, social-constructionist paradigm. In fall 2009, we hosted a symposium at North Carolina State University, the goal of which was to assemble scholars from the fields of communication and cultural studies to engage with what is now being called a materialist turn in social theory. Subsequently, these presentations were compiled into Communication Matters: A Materialist Approach to Media, Mobility, and Networks. In the process of engaging with the scholars who contributed to the symposium and the book, we identified five distinct yet overlapping strategies for thinking about the materiality of communication. While these strategies focus specifically on communication, media, and culture, they are informed by the broader conceptual shift toward materiality occurring in philosophy and social theory.}, number={1}, journal={COMMUNICATION AND CRITICAL-CULTURAL STUDIES}, author={Packer, Jeremy and Wiley, Stephen B. Crofts}, year={2012}, pages={107–113} } @book{j. packer_wiley_2011, title={Communication matters : materialist approaches to media, mobility and networks}, ISBN={9780415782241}, publisher={New York : Routledge}, year={2011} } @article{packer_2010, title={Automobility and apparatuses: Commentary on cotton seiler's republic of drivers}, volume={26}, number={4}, journal={History and Technology}, author={Packer, J.}, year={2010}, pages={361–368} } @article{packer_oswald_2010, title={From windscreen to widescreen: Screening technologies and mobile communication}, volume={13}, number={4}, journal={Communication Review}, author={Packer, J. and Oswald, K.}, year={2010}, pages={309–339} } @article{wiley_packer_2010, title={Rethinking Communication After the Mobilities Turn}, volume={13}, ISSN={["1547-7487"]}, DOI={10.1080/10714421.2010.525458}, abstractNote={Much recent research in the field of communication has focused on mobile communication, including studies of the diffusion, uses, and social impli- cations of mobile phones, mobile gaming, and mobile social media (Katz, 2008; Katz & Aakhus, 2002; Kavoori & Arceneaux, 2006). The works pre- sented in this special issue of The Communication Review ,h owever, address ad ifferent set of questions about communication and mobility by starting from a different place. These articles are concerned with the production of social space, asking how social space itself is constituted through practices that include, but are not reducible to, mobility, communication, and mobile communication. This approach differs from traditional understandings of the field of communication on several fronts. First, by situating questions of communication within a more general analysis of the production of social space, this work attempts to counter- act a media-centric conceptualization of the social that has characterized much communication research. Such a conceptualization is evident when we frame research as "the effects of television on children," "the ways in which Facebook is changing social networking," or "the impact of mobile phones on everyday life," for example. As Patrick D. Murphy (2005) argued, if our aim is to understand the significance of media and communication technologies in social, economic, and cultural life, we should not begin by placing those technologies at the center of analysis, which in effect answers the question in advance. In place of a media-centric approach, the work presented here situates communication technologies and discursive practices within a broader social field that includes the social relations of production and reproduction, social networks and interactions, the circulation of capital,}, number={4}, journal={COMMUNICATION REVIEW}, author={Wiley, Stephen B. Crofts and Packer, Jeremy}, year={2010}, pages={263–268} } @article{packer_2010, title={What is an archive?: An apparatus model for communications and media history}, volume={13}, number={1}, journal={Communication Review}, author={Packer, J.}, year={2010}, pages={88–104} } @book{secret agents: popular icons beyond james bond_2009, ISBN={9780820486697}, publisher={New York : Peter Lang}, year={2009} } @book{packer_2008, title={Mobility without mayhem : safety, cars, and citizenship}, ISBN={9780822339526}, publisher={Durham : Duke University Press}, author={Packer, J.}, year={2008} } @article{packer_2007, title={Homeland subjectivity: The algorithmic identity of security}, volume={4}, number={2}, journal={Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies}, author={Packer, J.}, year={2007}, pages={212–216} } @article{packer_2006, title={Becoming bombs: Mobilizing mobility in the war of terror}, volume={20}, number={4-5}, journal={Cultural Studies (London, England)}, author={Packer, J.}, year={2006}, pages={371–399} } @book{j. packer_craig_2006, title={Thinking with James Carey : essays on communications, transportation, history}, ISBN={9780820474052}, publisher={New York : Peter Lang,}, year={2006} } @book{j. z. bratich_mccarthy_2003, title={Foucault, cultural studies, and governmentality}, ISBN={9780791456644}, publisher={Albany : State University of New York Press}, year={2003} }