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Works (149)
2024 article
Strengthening Relationships: Children's Participation in a Family Group Approach to Family Violence
Pennell, J., Basque, K., Najenson, R., Nixon, P., & Inglis, S. (2024, February 5). FAMILIES IN SOCIETY-THE JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL SERVICES.

2022 monograph
A Restorative Approach to Family Violence

2021 article
After the rise and stall of American feminism: Taking back a revolution
Pennel, J. (2021, November). AFFILIA-JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND SOCIAL WORK, Vol. 36, pp. 684–685.

2021 journal article
Family and Community Approaches to Intimate Partner Violence: Restorative Programs in the United States
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, 27(10), 1608–1629.

2018 chapter
Domestic violence
In Forensic social work: Psychosocial and legal issues with diverse populations and settings.

2017 report
2016 end of year report
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2017 chapter
Family risk and responsive regulation
In Beyond the risk paradigm in child protection. London: Macmillan Education.
2017 chapter
Men who abuse intimate partners: Their evaluation of a responsible fathering program
In Innovations interventions to address intimate partner violence: Research and practice.

2016 report
2015 end of year report
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2016 journal article
At Issue: Could restorative justice reduce U.S. incarceration rates? Yes. Restorative justice: Can it help victims and rehabilitate criminals?
CQ Researcher, 26(6).
2016 report
Family-Centered Practice Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2015? 2016
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2015 report
2014 end-of-year report
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2015 report
Child maltreatment and domestic violence: Before and after enrollment in Strong Fathers
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2015 journal article
Contextual Adaptation of Family Group Conferencing Model: Early Evidence from Guatemala

2015 journal article
Family Group Conferencing in public mental health and social capital theory
JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK, 15(3), 277–296.

2015 report
Family-Centered Practice Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2014-2015
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University, Center for Family & Community Engagement.
2015 motion picture
Reimagining the movement to end gender violence [video]
2014 report
2013 end-of-year report
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2014 chapter
Child and family team meetings: The need for youth participation in educational success
In T. Gal & B. F. Duramy (Eds.), International perspectives and empirical findings on child participation: From social exclusion to child-inclusive policies.
Ed(s): T. Gal & B. Duramy

2014 journal article
Family violence: Fathers assessing and managing their risk to children and women

2014 report
Family-Centered Practice Project: Annual Report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, N.C.: NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2014 article
Restorative justice today: practical applications
2014 chapter
Taking a fresh look: Fathers and family violence
In L. G. Anne Hayden, Venezia Kingi, & A. Morris (Eds.), A restorative approach to family violence: Changing tack. Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate Pub. Limited.
Ed(s): L. Anne Hayden, . Venezia Kingi & A. Morris
2014 report
Youth Leadership Cafe
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, N.C.: NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2014 report
Youth Leadership Cafe: Final Report
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, N.C.: NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2013 report
Center for Family and Community Engagement: First five years
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, N.C.: NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2013 journal article
Family group decision making: Measuring fidelity to practice principles in public child welfare

2013 journal article
Family violence, fathers, and restoring personhood

2013 report
Family-Centered Practice Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2012-2013
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2013 report
Family-Centered Practice Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2012-2013: Summary report
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2013 report
Five-Year Review Report, 2008-2013
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, N.C.: NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2013 report
Fostering Youth Educational Success: Final evaluation report
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, N.C.: NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2013 chapter
Restorative justice and youth offending
In M. S. R. Marie Weil & M. L. Ohmer (Eds.), Handbook of community practice (2nd ed.) (pp. 567–583).
Ed(s): M. Marie Weil & M. Ohmer
2013 report
Strong Fathers Project subcontract: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2012-2013
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2012 journal article
Child and family teams building social capital for at-risk students
Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 39(2), 75–91.
2012 chapter
Decentralization and privatization: The promise and challenges of restorative justice in the United States
In E. Zinsstag & I. Vanfraechem (Eds.), Conferencing and restorative justice: International practices and perspectives (pp. 137–151). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Ed(s): E. Zinsstag & I. Vanfraechem
2012 journal article
Family group conferencing as a culturally adaptable intervention: Reforming intercountry adoption in Guatemala

2012 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2011 - 2012
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2012 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2011 - 2012: Summary
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2012 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2011-2012
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2012 report
Strong Fathers Project subcontract: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2011-2012
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2012 report
Strong fathers: Community guidance
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2011 report
Center for Family and Community Engagement 2010-2011 annual year end review
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, N.C.: NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2011 journal article
Exploring organization culture and climate in community coalitions
Commmunity Development, 43, 1–16.

2011 journal article
Family Team Meetings as Principled Advocacy

2011 chapter
Family services for child abuse and maltreatment
In J. W. W. M. P. Koss & A. E. Kazdin (Eds.), Violence against women and children: Navigating solutions (Vol. 2) (pp. 27–45).
Ed(s): J. M. P. Koss & A. Kazdin
2011 chapter
Feminist perspectives on family rights: Social work and restorative justice processes to stop women abuse
In N. P. K. E. Beck & P. B. Leonard (Eds.), Social work and restorative justice: Skills for dialogue, peacemaking, and reconciliation (pp. 195–219).
Ed(s): N. E. Beck & P. Leonard

2011 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2010-2011
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2011 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Comprehensive annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2010-2011
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2011 report
Safety, fairness, stability: Repositioning juvenile justice and child welfare to engage families and communities
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries (pp. 1–65). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Center for Juvenile Justice Reform.
2011 report
Strong Fathers Project Subcontract: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2009-2010
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2011 report
Strong Fathers Project Subcontract: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2010-2011
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2011 report
Strong fathers: Program findings
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2011 report
Wellness and student veterans at North Carolina State University: Survey results, spring 2010
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2010 report
Center for family and community engagement 2009-2010 annual year-end review
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries (p. 11). Raleigh, N.C.: NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2010 journal article
Expedited family group engagement and child permanency

2010 report
Integrating learning, discovery, and engagement through the scholarship of engagement
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries. Raleigh, NC: NCSU Office of Extension, Engagement, and Economic Development.
2010 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2009-2010: Summary
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2010 chapter
Opening conversations across cultural, gender, and generational divides: Family and community engagement to stop violence against women and children
In Restorative justice and violence against women (pp. 177–192). New York: Oxford University Press.
2010 journal article
Supporting family-led processes within a social work agency: Lessons learned
Protecting Children, 25(2), 19–26.
2009 report
Center for family and community engagement 2008-2009 annual year-end review
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries (p. 8). Raleigh, N.C.: NCSU Center for Family and Community Engagement.
2009 chapter
Family-involvement meetings with older children in foster care: Intuitive appeal, promising practices and the challenge of child welfare reform
In M. F. B. Kerman & A. N. Maluccio (Eds.), Achieving permanence for older children and youth in foster care (pp. 266–290).
Ed(s): M. B. Kerman & A. Maluccio
2009 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2008-2009
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2009 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2008-2009: Summary
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2009 journal article
Principled diffusion of family group conferencing in Canadian child welfare
Protecting Children, 23(4), 3–8.
2009 report
Strong Fathers Project Subcontract: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2008-2009
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2009 chapter
Widening the circle: Countering institutional racism in child welfare
In S. Strega & J. Carriere (Eds.), Walking this path together: Anti-racist and anti-oppressive child welfare practice (pp. 78–95). Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing.
Ed(s): . S. Strega & J. Carriere
2008 journal article
Benefits of child and family team meetings: What the research says
MRS Newsletter: Information in Support of North Carolina's Multiple Response System, 1(3), 4–5.
2008 chapter
Family group conferencing
In C. M. Renzetti & J. L. Edleson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence (pp. 238–239). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Ed(s): . C. M. Renzetti & J. Edleson
2008 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2007-2008
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2008 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2007-2008: Summary and projections
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2008 report
School-Based Child and Family Teams Project: Summary report to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, fiscal years 2006-2007 and 2007-2008
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2008 report
School-based child and family teams project: Annual report to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, fiscal year 2007-2008
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2007 report
Family team meeting (FTM) process, outcome, and impact evaluation: Phase II report
Englewood, CO: American Humane Association.
2007 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, fiscal year 2006-2007
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2007 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2006-2007
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2007 report
North Carolina Family-Centered Meetings Project: Annual report to the North Carolina Division of Social Services, fiscal year 2006-2007: Summary and projections
In Technical Report- Not held in TRLN member libraries.
2007 journal article
Proteger tous les membres de la famille: Concertation familiale et violence familiale
Social Work Now, 37, 4–8.
2007 journal article
Safeguarding all family members: FGC and family violence
Social Work Now, 37, 4–8.
2006 conference paper
Culture, safety, and family violence: Restorative justice as peacemaking
In S. J. W. Tie & V. Walters (Eds.), New frontiers in restorative justice: A reviewed selection of conference papers (pp. 81–93). Auckland, NZ: Massey University, Center for Justice & Peace Development, School of Justice & Peace Development.
Ed(s): S. W. Tie & V. Walters
2006 motion picture
Getting everyone to the table: Training points on child and family teams [videorecording]
Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2006 journal article
Restorative practices and child welfare: Toward an inclusive civil society

2006 chapter
Stopping domestic violence or protecting children? Contributions from restorative justice
In D. Sullivan & L. Tifft (Eds.), The handbook of restorative justice: A global perspective (pp. 286–298). New York: Routledge; London: Taylor & Francis.
Ed(s): . D. Sullivan & L. Tifft
2005 journal article
Advancing social workers' responsiveness to health disparities: The case of breast cancer screening
HEALTH & SOCIAL WORK, 30(3), 221–232.

2005 chapter
At the conference: Advancing cultural safety
In J. Pennell & G. Anderson (Eds.), Widening the circle: The practice and evaluation of family group conferencing with children, youths, and their families (pp. 33–51). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Ed(s): & G. Anderson
2005 chapter
Before the conference: Promoting family leadership
In J. Pennell & G. Anderson (Eds.), Widening the circle: The practice and evaluation of family group conferencing with children, youths, and their families (pp. 13–32). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Ed(s): & G. Anderson
2005 chapter
Checking for model fidelity
In J. Pennell & G. Anderson (Eds.), Widening the circle: The practice and evaluation of family group conferencing with children, youths, and their families (pp. 107–121). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Ed(s): & G. Anderson
2005 chapter
Collaborative planning and ongoing training
In J. Pennell & G. Anderson (Eds.), Widening the circle: The practice and evaluation of family group conferencing with children, youths, and their families (pp. 73–87). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Ed(s): & G. Anderson
2005 chapter
Costs of family group conferencing
In J. Pennell & G. Anderson (Eds.), Widening the circle: The practice and evaluation of family group conferencing with children, youths, and their families (pp. 156–158). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Ed(s): & G. Anderson
2005 chapter
Empowerment research and program evaluation
In Handbook of community practice (pp. 620–635).
2005 report
Family team meeting (FTM) process, outcome, and impact evaluation
Englewood, CO: American Humane Association.
2005 article
Safety conferencing - Toward a coordinated and inclusive response to safeguard women and children
Pennell, J., & Francis, S. (2005, May). VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, Vol. 11, pp. 666–692.

2005 chapter
Safety for mothers and their children
In J. Pennell & G. Anderson (Eds.), Widening the circle: The practice and evaluation of family group conferencing with children, youths, and their families (pp. 163–181). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Ed(s): & G. Anderson
2005 chapter
Widening the circle
In J. Pennell & G. Anderson (Eds.), Widening the circle: The practice and evaluation of family group conferencing with children, youths, and their families (pp. 1–8). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Ed(s): & G. Anderson
2005 book
Widening the circle: The practice and evaluation of family group conferencing with children, youths, and their families
Washington, DC: NASW Press.
2004 journal article
Family group conferencing in child welfare: Responsive and regulatory interfaces
Restorative Justice, Responsive Regulation, and Social Welfare, 31(1), 117–135.
2004 chapter
From agency client to community-based consumer: The family group conference as a consumer-led group in child welfare
In M. J. G. C. D. Garvin & L. M. Gutierrez (Eds.), Handbook of social work with groups (pp. 415–431). New York: Guilford Press.
Ed(s): M. C. D. Garvin & L. Gutierrez
2004 journal article
Increasing the cultural responsiveness of family group conferencing
SOCIAL WORK, 49(2), 291–300.

2004 journal article
Should we invite her and his side of the family to the FGC?
Together (London, England), (2004 Summer), 8–9.
2003 journal article
Are we following key FGC practice? Views of conference participants
Protecting Children, 18(1-2), 16–21.
2003 journal article
Family group decision making: After the conference progress in resolving violence and promoting well-being
Promising Results, Potential New Directions: International FGDM Research and Evaluation in Child Welfare [Special Issue], 18(2).
2002 book
Family group conferencing: Evaluation guidelines (2nd ed.)
Denver, CO: American Humane Association.
2002 chapter
Feminist praxis, Making family group conferencing work
In H. Strang & J. Braithwaite (Eds.), Restorative justice and family violence (pp. 108–127). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ed(s): H. Strang & J. Braithwaite
2002 chapter
Principles for FGC evaluation
In J. P. C. Harper & M. Weil (Eds.), Family group conferencing: Evaluation guidelines (2nd ed.) (pp. 13–32). Denver, CO: American Humane Association.
Ed(s): J. C. Harper & M. Weil
2001 journal article
Building social responsibility through family group conferencing
Social Work With Groups (Haworth Press), 24(3/4), 67–87.
2001 journal article
Family group conferencing and welfare reform: A partnership strategy for safety and economic sufficiency
Protecting Children, 10(3), 52–61.
2001 book
Family group conferencing: Evaluation guidelines (1st ed.)
Denver, CO: American Humane Association.
2000 conference paper
Family group conferencing: Building partnerships with African American, Latino/Hispa?os, and Native American families and communities
1999 Family Group Decision Making National Roundtable and International Evaluation Conference: Summary proceedings, Seattle, WA, May 12, 13 & 14, 1999, 49–54. Englewood, CO: American Humane Association, Children's Division.
2000 journal article
Family group decision making: Protecting children and women
Child Welfare (New York, N.Y.), 79(2), 131–158.
2000 chapter
Family group decision-making and family violence
In G. Burford & J. Hudson (Eds.), Family group conferences: New directions in community-centered child and family practice (pp. 171–192). Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter.
Ed(s): . G. Burford & J. Hudson
2000 chapter
Initiating conferencing: Community practice issues
In G. Burford & J. Hudson (Eds.), Family group conferences: New directions in community-centered child and family practice (pp. 253–261).
Ed(s): . G. Burford & J. Hudson
2000 conference paper
Partnership-building evaluation in Newfoundland/Labrador and North Carolina
1999 Family Group Decision Making Roundtable and International Conference on Evaluating Family Group Decision Making: Summary of the Proceedings, 129–132. Englewood, CO: American Humane Association, Children's Division.
1999 chapter
Family group decision making
In B. R. Compton & B. Galaway (Eds.), Social work processes (6th ed.) (pp. 278–283). Pacific Grove, Calif.: Brooks/Cole.
Ed(s): . B. R. Compton & B. Galaway
1999 conference paper
Family group decision making: After the conference - Progress in resolving violence and promoting well-being
1998 National Roundtable on Family Group Decision Making: Summary of proceedings, 3–6. Englewood, Co: American Humane Association.
1999 book
Family group decision making: After the conference, progress in resolving violence promoting well-being: Outcome report summary
Ottawa: Health Canada.
1999 article
Feminist links, postmodern interruptions: Critical pedagogy and social work

1999 conference paper
Mainstreaming family group conferencing
Building strong partnerships for restorative practices: Proceedings of the conference sponsored by Department of Social Work, University of Vermont; State of Vermont Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services and the Department of Corrections; and Real Justice, (1999), 72–82. Burlington, VT: Dept. of Social Work, University of Vermont.
1999 journal article
Participatory research as social work practice: When is it viable?
Journal of Progressive Human Services, 10(2), 31–53.
1999 journal article
Research review on family group decision making: Canada
Protecting Children, 14(4), 31.
1999 motion picture
Saputjinik = Healing each other [videorecording]
St. John's, Newfoundland: Memorial University of Newfoundland.
1998 conference paper
Evaluating FGDM: What are the expected outcomes and how can they best be measured (Part 1)
1997 National Roundtable Series on Family Group Decision Making: Assessing the promise and implementing the practice: Summary of proceedings, 49–58. Englewood, Colorado: American Humane Association, Children's Division.
1998 conference paper
Family group decision making for preventing the abuse of women and children
In L. J. K. C. Oblin, K. Gill, & E. Robinson (Eds.), Widening the circle: Collaborative research for mental health promotion in native communities: Proceedings of the conference: Widening the Circle: Developing Partnerships for Aboriginal Mental Health, Institute of Community & Family Psychiatry, 1998 (pp. 34–384748).
Ed(s): L. C. Oblin, . K. Gill & E. Robinson
1998 book
Family group decision making: Communities stopping family violence: Questions and answers
Ottawa: Health Canada; Englewood, CO: Distributed in the United States by American Humane Association.
1998 motion picture
Widening the circle: The family group decision making experience [videorecording]
St. John's, Newfoundland: Memorial University of Newfoundland.
1997 chapter
Communities of concern for resolving child and adult abuse: The family group decision making project
In Ties that bind: An anthology of readings on social work and social welfare in Newfoundland and Labrador (pp. 280–289). St. John's, NF: Jesperson Press.
1996 chapter
Attending to context: Family group decision making in Canada
In A. M. J. Hudson, G. Maxwell, & B. Galaway (Eds.), Family group conferences: Perspectives on policy & practice (pp. 206–220). Annandale, NSW: Federation Press; New York: Criminal Justice Press.
Ed(s): A. J. Hudson, . G. Maxwell & B. Galaway
1996 book
Community research as empowerment: Feminist links, postmodern interruptions
Toronto; New York: Oxford University Press.
1996 journal article
Family group decision making: Generating indigenous structures for resolving family violence
Protecting Children, 12(3), 17–21.
1996 journal article
Reunification as an extended family matter
Community Alternatives, 8(2), 33–55.
1995 conference paper
Developing a family empowerment model in partnership with community and government
In K. Kufeldt & L. Greene (Eds.), Chair in Child Protection 1994 Symposium Proceedings Protection through Empowerment: Caring for Children and Families (pp. 17–23). St. John's, NF: School of Social Work, Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Ed(s): . K. Kufeldt & L. Greene
1995 chapter
Encountering or countering women abuse
In P. Taylor & C. Daly (Eds.), Gender dilemmas in social work: Issues affecting women in the profession (pp. 89–105). Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars' Press.
Ed(s): P. Taylor & C. Daly
1995 journal article
Feminism and labor unions: Transforming state regulation of women's programs
Journal of Progressive Human Services, 6(1), 45–72.
1995 chapter
The family group decision making project: An innovation in child and family welfare
In B. Galaway & J. Hudson (Eds.), Canadian child welfare: Research and policy implications (pp. 140–153). Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Publications.
Ed(s): . B. Galaway & . J. Hudson
1994 conference paper
A Canadian innovation of family group decision making
International Year of the Family Conference Papers Strengthening Families, 40–49. Wellington, NZ: International Year of the Family Committee and Government of New Zealand Social Welfare Department.
1994 conference paper
Family group decision making: New roles for 'old' partners in resolving family violence
Conference Proceedings Linkages '94: Federal Family Violence Initiative, 17–19. Ottawa, Ont.: Federal Family Violence Initiative, Health Canada, Family Violence Prevention Division.
1994 conference paper
New roles for 'old' partners in resolving family violence
Proceedings of Beyond Badgley: Responses to the Report Sexual Offences Against Children, 45–47. Ottawa, Ont.: National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Health Programs and Services Branch, Health Canada.
1994 journal article
Widening the circle: The family group decision making project
Journal of Child and Youth Care, 9(1), 1–12.
1993 journal article
Eradicating classism in shelters: Past and present alternatives
NCADV Voice, 3–6.
1993 journal article
Feminist social work education in mainstream and nonmainstream classrooms
Affilia, 8(3), 317–338.
1993 chapter
Honouring the professing in the profession
In Oval works: Feminist social work scholarship (Discussion paper series, issue 1). St. John's, NL: Memorial University of Newfoundland, School of Social Work.
1993 journal article
Should shelter staff unionize?
Perception, 17(3), 25–27.
1990 journal article
Consensual bargaining: Labor negotiations in battered-women's programs
Journal of Progressive Human Services, 1(1), 59–74.
1990 chapter
Knitting empowering configurations
In Living the changes (pp. 188–196). Winnipeg: University of Manitoba.
1989 conference paper
An exploration of job interest, satisfaction, and commitment in social movement organizations
Worn paths and unbroken trails: The volunteer movement at the turning point, Proceedings of the 1989 Conference of the Association of Voluntary Action Scholars, 458–464. Walla Walla, WA: Inland Printing and MBA Publishing.
1987 journal article

1987 journal article
Labor unions in shelters--A feminist contradiction?
Aegis : Magazine on Ending Violence Against Women, 32, 25–29.
1987 journal article
Union participation of Canadian and American social workers: Contrasts and forecasts
Social Service Review (Chicago, Ill.), 61(1), 117–131.

1984 journal article
Personal self, professional self and the women's movement
Atlantis, 9, 50–58.
Restorative justice, domestic violence and the law: A panel discussion
Augusta-Scott, T., Goodmark, L., & Pennell, J. In K. S. T. August-Scott & L. M. Tutty (Eds.), Innovations in interventions to address intimate partner violence: Research and practice.
Ed(s): K. T. August-Scott & L. Tutty