Works (46)
2024 article
<i>Phytophthora nicotianae</i>: A Quick Diagnostic Guide for Black Shank of Tobacco
Cochran, S., Quesada-Ocampo, L. M., Kerns, J. P., & Thiessen, L. D. (2024, May 6). PLANT HEALTH PROGRESS, Vol. 5.

2024 article
Blend ratios and mixtures of brown patch susceptible and resistant tall fescue cultivars
Powlen, J. S., McCall, D. S., Hensler, K. L., Kerns, J. P., Fidanza, M. A., & Bigelow, C. A. (2024, October 12). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 10.

2024 article
Brown patch severity as affected by cool-season turfgrass species, cultivar, and nitrogen rate
Powlen, J. S., Kerns, J. P., Fidanza, M. A., & Bigelow, C. A. (2024, May 11). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 5.

2024 journal article
Brown patch severity of five tall fescue cultivars as influenced by summer nitrogen rates

2024 article
Effect of mowing timing and clipping collection practices on azoxystrobin distribution, persistence, and efficacy
Freund, D. R., Kerns, J. P., Butler, E. L., Ahmed, K. A., & Gannon, T. W. (2024, September 18). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 9.
2024 article
Environmental and Edaphic Factors that Influence Spring Dead Spot Epidemics
Hutchens, W. J., Henderson, C. A., Straw, C. M., Goatley, J. M., Kerns, J. P., Nita, M., … Mccall, D. S. (2024, February 1). PHYTOPATHOLOGY, Vol. 2.

2024 article
Fifteen years of findings: Advancements in spring dead spot research from 2009 to 2024
Hutchens, W. J., Anders, J. K., Butler, E. L., Kerns, J. P., McCall, D. S., Miller, G. L., & Walker, N. R. (2024, September 22). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 9.
2024 journal article
Influence of fungicide selection and application timing on take-all root rot management under field and greenhouse conditions

2024 article
Turf-Type Tall Fescue Brown Patch Resistance as Influenced by Morphological Characteristics
Powlen, J. S., Fidanza, M. A., Kerns, J. P., Hoagland, L. A., & Bigelow, C. A. (2024, April 17). PLANT HEALTH PROGRESS, Vol. 4.

2023 book
2023 journal article
In Vitro Fungicide Sensitivity and Effect of Organic Matter Concentration on Fungicide Bioavailability in Take-All Root Rot Pathogens Isolated from North Carolina
PLANT HEALTH PROGRESS, 24(2), 162–170.

2022 journal article
Characterization and Aggressiveness of Take-All Root Rot Pathogens Isolated from Symptomatic Bermudagrass Putting Greens
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 112(4), 811–819.

2022 journal article
Geographic Distribution of Ophiosphaerella Species in the Mid-Atlantic United States

2022 journal article
Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Prevalent Plant-Parasitic Nematodes from Turfgrasses in Guangdong, China

2021 journal article
Assessment of fungicide product applications and program approaches for control of downy mildew on pickling cucumber in North Carolina
2021 journal article
Evaluating Fungicide Selections to Manage Pythium Root Rot on Poinsettia Cultivars with Varying Levels of Partial Resistance
PLANT DISEASE, 105(6), 1640–1647.
2021 journal article
Genome Resources for Seven Fungal Isolates That Cause Dollar Spot Disease in Turfgrass, Including Clarireedia jacksonii and C. monteithiana
PLANT DISEASE, 105(3), 691–694.

2021 journal article
Identification of a tractable model system and oxalic acid-dependent symptom development of the dollar spot pathogen Clarireedia jacksonii
PLANT PATHOLOGY, 70(3), 722–734.

2021 journal article
Impact of nitrogen source, fall fertilizers, and preventive fungicides on spring dead spot caused by Ophiosphaerella korrae and O. herpotricha
CROP SCIENCE, 61(5), 3187–3196.

2021 article
Influence of post-application irrigation and mowing timing on fungicide fate on a United States Golf Association golf course putting green
Stephens, C. M., Kerns, J. P., Ahmed, K. A., & Gannon, T. W. (2021, June 16). JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Vol. 6.

2021 journal article
Pythium spp. Associated with Root Rot and Stunting of Winter Crops in North Carolina
PLANT DISEASE, 105(11), 3433–3442.
2021 journal article
Pythium spp. Associated with Root Rot and Stunting of Winter Wheat in North Carolina
PLANT DISEASE, 105(4), 986–996.
2020 journal article
Oxalic Acid Production inClarireedia jacksoniiIs Dictated by pH, Host Tissue, and Xylan

2019 journal article
Effect of post-application irrigation on fungicide movement and efficacy against Magnaporthiopsis poae
CROP PROTECTION, 122, 106–111.

2019 journal article
Influence of Nitrogen Rate and Timing, Fungicide Application Method, and Simulated Rainfall after Fungicide Application on Brown Patch Severity in Tall Fescue

2019 journal article
Ralstonia solanacearum Species Complex: A Quick Diagnostic Guide
2018 journal article
Development and validation of a weather-based warning system to advise fungicide applications to control dollar spot on turfgrass
PLOS ONE, 13(3).

2018 journal article
Fitness Attributes of Pythium aphanidermatum with Dual Resistance to Mefenoxam and Fenamidone
Plant Disease, 102(10), 1938–1943.
2017 journal article
Brachypodium: A Potential Model Host for Fungal Pathogens of Turfgrasses
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 107(6), 749–757.

2016 journal article
Morphological and molecular characterization of Xiphinema species from Shenzhen, China
HELMINTHOLOGIA, 53(1), 62–75.

2016 journal article
Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Bacterial Etiolation of Creeping Bentgrass Putting Green Turf Caused by Acidovorax avenae
PLANT DISEASE, 100(3), 577–582.
2016 journal article
Population dynamics of Belonolaimus longicaudatus in Central North Carolina
Journal of Nematology, 48(4), 322–323.
2015 journal article
Bacterial etiolation of creeping bentgrass as influenced by biostimulants and trinexapac-ethyl
CROP PROTECTION, 72, 119–126.
2015 article
First Report of Trichodorus obtusus on Turfgrass in North Carolina, USA
Ye, W., Zeng, Y., & Kerns, J. (2015, February). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 99, pp. 291–291.

2015 journal article
Molecular Characterisation and Diagnosis of Root-Knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) from Turfgrasses in North Carolina, USA
PLOS ONE, 10(11).

2015 journal article
Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Relationships of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Turfgrasses in North Carolina and South Carolina, United States
PLANT DISEASE, 99(7), 982–993.

2015 journal article
Snow cover has variable effects on persistence of fungicides and their suppression of microdochium patch on amenity turfgrass
PLANT PATHOLOGY, 64(6), 1417–1428.

2014 journal article
Development of a semi-selective medium for improved isolation of the turfgrass dollar spot pathogen Sclerotinia homoeocarpa from host tissues

2014 journal article
First report and morphological and molecular characterization of Meloidogyne incognita from Radermachera sinica in China
Nematropica, 44(2), 118–129.
2014 journal article
Morphological and molecular characterization of two isolates of Paratrichodorus porosus from Shenzhen, China
HELMINTHOLOGIA, 51(4), 323–330.

2014 journal article
Sclerotinia homoeocarpa Overwinters in Turfgrass and Is Present in Commercial Seed
PLOS ONE, 9(10).

2013 journal article
Modification of a commercially-available ELISA kit to determine chlorothalonil and iprodione concentration on golf course turfgrass
2009 journal article
Preventive Control of Pythium Root Dysfunction in Creeping Bentgrass Putting Greens and Sensitivity of Pythium volutum to Fungicides
PLANT DISEASE, 93(12), 1275–1280.

2008 journal article
Influence of Temperature on Pathogenicity of Pythium volutum Toward Creeping Bentgrass
PLANT DISEASE, 92(12), 1669–1673.
2008 journal article
Pathogenicity of Pythium species associated with Pythium root dysfunction of creeping bentgrass and their impact on root growth and survival
PLANT DISEASE, 92(6), 862–869.
2007 article
First report of pythimn root dysfunction of creeping bentgrass caused by Pythium volutum in North Carolina
Kerns, J. P., & Tredway, L. P. (2007, May). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 91, pp. 632–632.
Updated: January 24th, 2020 13:39
2012 - present
2008 - 2012