2019 journal article
Storm Event Nitrogen Dynamics in Waterfowl Impoundments
2019 journal article
Wetland Conditions Differentially Influence Nitrogen Processing within Waterfowl Impoundments
WETLANDS, 40(5), 1117–1131.
2015 journal article
Ecological recycling agriculture can reduce inorganic nitrogen losses - model results from three Finnish catchments
Agricultural Systems, 133, 167–176.
2015 journal article
Quantifying nutrient and suspended solids fluxes in a constructed tidal marsh following rainfall: The value of capturing the rapid changes in flow and concentrations
Ecological Engineering, 78, 41–52.
2015 journal article
Seasonal variation in the quality of dissolved and particulate organic matter exchanged between a salt marsh and its adjacent estuary
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120(7), 1430–1449.
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