Works (15)
2013 journal article
Extrauterine Listeriosis in the gravid mouse influences embryonic growth and development
PLoS One, 8(8).
2010 journal article
Identification and Characterization of Two Bordetella avium Gene Products Required for Hemagglutination
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 78(6), 2370–2376.

2008 journal article
A Listeria monocytogenes mutant defective in bacteriophage attachment is attenuated in orally inoculated mice and impaired in enterocyte intracellular growth
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 76(9), 4046–4054.

2006 journal article
The effect of preharvest calcium loading on tenderness of beef longissimus, supraspinatus and semitendinosus muscle
JOURNAL OF MUSCLE FOODS, 17(2), 155–164.

2003 journal article
Effects of high dietary calcium propionate and dietary cation-anion balance on calcium metabolism and longissimus muscle tenderness in finishing steers
Professional Animal Scientists, 19(6), 424.

2003 journal article
Influence of extracellular bactericidal agents on bacteria within macrophages
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 71(2), 1016–1019.

2003 journal article
Influence of pregnancy on the pathogenesis of listeriosis in mice inoculated intragastrically
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 71(9), 5202–5209.

2003 journal article
The product of the fimI gene is necessary for Escherichia coli type 1 pilus biosynthesis
JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 185(16), 5007–5011.

2001 journal article
Characterization of Escherichia coli type 1 pilus mutants with altered binding specificities
JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 183(13), 4099–4102.

2001 journal article
Formation of antibiotic, biodegradable polymers by processing with Irgasan DP300R (Triclosan) and its inclusion compound with beta-cyclodextrin
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 82(2), 300–309.

2001 journal article
p-nitrobenzoic acid alpha(2u) nephropathy in 13-week studies is not associated with renal carcinogenesis in 2-year feed studies
Toxicologic Pathology, 29(5), 507–513.

2000 journal article
Experimental Salmonella typhi infection in the domestic pig, Sus scrofa domestica

2000 journal article
Genetic characterization of Escherichia coli type 1 pilus adhesin mutants and identification of a novel binding phenotype
JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 182(14), 4012–4021.

2000 journal article
Host and bacterial factors involved in the innate ability of mouse macrophages to eliminate internalized unopsonized Escherichia coli

1999 journal article
Formation of antibiotic, biodegradable/bioabsorbable polymers by processing with neomycin sulfate and its inclusion compound with beta-cyclodextrin