Johnny Rogers Rogers, J. R., Poore, M. H., Shaeffer, A. D., Weaver, A. R., Siciliano, P., & Harmon, D. D. (2024, March 2). Amazing Grazing webinar and workshop series improves producers understanding of pasture ecology. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 102, pp. 7–8. Weaver, A. R., Holcomb, L., Smith, J., Brown, A., Holcomb, D., & Rogers, J. R. (2024, March 2). Effect of grazing native warm season grasses on parasitism and growth in weaned Katahdin lambs. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 102, pp. 95–96. Poore, M. H., Shaeffer, A. D., Rogers, J. R., Weaver, A. R., Siciliano, P., & Harmon, D. (2024, March 2). Pastureland Ecology 1 provides hands-on training in grazing management for USDA-NRCS professionals. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 102, pp. 5–5. Rogers, J. R., Weaver, A. R., & Cope, E. (2023, May). North Carolina Small Ruminant Improvement Program Workshops Build Producer Knowledge of Important Management Techniques. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 101. Franzluebbers, A. J., Poore, M. H., Freeman, S. R., & Rogers, J. R. (2021). Soil nutrient distribution on cattle farms in three physiographic regions of North Carolina. AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 113(1), 590–609. Phipps, K. P., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Henderson, E., Bryant, R., Ashburn, B., … Rogers, J. R. (2020, November). Utilizing craft brewing side streams of trub, hops, and yeast mix (THYM) as a novel feed additive and an alternative to monensin in beef cattle diets. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 50–50. Phipps, K. P., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Henderson, E., Bryant, R., Ashburn, B., … Rogers, J. R. (2020, November). Utilizing craft brewing side streams of trub, hops, and yeast mix (THYM) as a novel feed additive and an alternative to monensin in beef cattle diets. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 9–10. Poore, M. H., Rogers, J. R., & Franzluebbers, A. J. (2019, July). Enhancing production efficiency on southern beef farms with an interactive extension approach using forage management. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 97, pp. 70–70. Rogers, J. R., Poore, M. H., Ingram, S., & Harmon, D. (2019, July). On-farm demonstrations improve producer understanding of using metsulfuron for tall fescue seedhead suppression. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 97, pp. 5–6. Poore, M., Scaglia, G., Andrae, J., Harmon, D., Rogers, J., & Blacklin, S. (2020). Pasture-finished beef production in the south. MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE CATTLE PRODUCTION IN SOUTHERN PASTURES, pp. 265–299. Poore, M. H., Shaeffer, A. D., Rogers, J. R., & Freeman, S. R. (2018, March). Hands-on Workshops Spark Producer Interest in Improving Mineral Programs for Beef Cattle. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 96, pp. 4–4. Rogers, J. R., Poore, M., Shaeffer, A. D., & Freeman, S. R. (2018, March). On-farm workshops improve producers understanding of winter forage management strategies. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 96, pp. 10–10.