Works (166)
2021 article
Assessing the infiltration of immune cells in the upper trachea mucosa after infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) vaccination and challenge
Maekawa, D., Whang, P., Riblet, S. M., Hurley, D. J., Guy, J. S., & Garcia, M. (2021, November 2). AVIAN PATHOLOGY, Vol. 11.

2020 journal article
A Retrospective Study of Transmissible Viral Proventriculitis in Broiler Chickens in California: 2000-18
AVIAN DISEASES, 64(4), 525–531.

2020 article
Isolation and Propagation of Coronaviruses in Embryonated Eggs
CORONAVIRUSES, 2 EDITION, Vol. 2203, pp. 107–117.

2019 journal article
Lack of influence by endosymbiont Wolbachia on virus titer in the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius
Parasites & Vectors, 12(1).

2018 journal article
Differential attenuation of Marek's disease virus-induced tumours and late-Marek's disease virus-induced immunosuppression

2017 journal article
Evaluation of factors influencing the development of late Marek's disease virus-induced immunosuppression: virus pathotype and host sex
AVIAN PATHOLOGY, 46(4), 376–385.

2017 review
The route of inoculation dictates the replication patterns of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) pathogenic strain and chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccine
[Review of ]. AVIAN PATHOLOGY, 46(6), 585–593.

2016 chapter
Arbovirus infections
In Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of Avian Pathogens (6th ed., pp. 151–156). Athens, GA: American Association of Avian Pathologists.
2016 conference paper
Assessment of the serological response induced by fowlpox virus vector
Proceedings of 65th Western Poultry Disease Conference. Presented at the Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
2016 chapter
Coronaviral enteritis of turkeys
In The Merck Veterinary Manual (11th ed., pp. 194–196). Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Company, Inc.
2016 journal article
Early infection with Marek's disease virus can jeopardize protection conferred by laryngotracheitis vaccines: a method to study MDV-induced immunosuppression
AVIAN PATHOLOGY, 45(6), 606–615.

2016 journal article
Efficacy of various Marek's disease vaccines protocols for prevention of Marek's disease virus-induced immunosuppression
VACCINE, 34(35), 4180–4187.

2016 conference paper
Protective immunity against laryngotracheitis (LT) is enhanced by concurrent vaccination with both herpesvirus of turkeys-vectored LT vaccine and fowl poxvirus-vectored LT vaccine (HVT-LT + FPV-LT)
Proceedings of 65th Western Poultry Disease Conference.
2016 conference paper
Specific antibody responses to laryngotracheitis (LT) virus and fowl poxvirus (FPV) after vaccination with herpesvirus of turkeys- and FPV-vectored vaccines
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Marek’s disease virus and avian herpesviruses. Tours, France.
2016 chapter
Transmissible viral proventriculitis
In Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of Avian Pathogens (6th ed., pp. 299–302). Athens, GA: American Association of Avian Pathologists.
2016 chapter
Turkey coronavirus
In Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of Avian Pathogens (6th ed., pp. 309–312). Athens, GA: American Association of Avian Pathologists.
2016 chapter
Viral encephalitides in poultry
In The Merck Veterinary Manual (11th ed., pp. 301–303). Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Company, Inc.
2015 journal article
Evaluation of the Protection Efficacy of a Serotype 1 Marek's Disease Virus-Vectored Bivalent Vaccine Against Infectious Laryngotracheitis and Marek's Disease
Avian Diseases, 59(2), 255–262.

2015 chapter
Isolation and Propagation of Coronaviruses in Embryonated Eggs
In Coronaviruses (pp. 63–71).

2015 journal article
Novel Receptor Specificity of Avian Gammacoronaviruses That Cause Enteritis
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, 89(17), 8783–8792.

2015 journal article
Pathogenesis and control of viruses that adversely affect avian gut health
2015 conference paper
Pathogenesis and control of viruses that adversely affect avian gut health
In D. Frame (Ed.), Proceedings of the sixty-fourth Western Poultry Disease Conference. Western Poultry Disease Conference.
Ed(s): D. Frame
2015 chapter
Poult enteritis-mortality syndrome
In J. Brugère-Picoux, J. P. Vaillancourt, M. Bouzouaia, H. L. Shivaprasad, & D. Venne (Eds.), Manual of Poultry Diseases (pp. 484–491). Quebec: Watt Publishing.
Ed(s): J. Brugère-Picoux, J. Vaillancourt, M. Bouzouaia, H. Shivaprasad & D. Venne
2015 journal article
Runting Stunting Syndrome Associated with Transmissible Viral Proventriculitis in Broiler Chickens
AVIAN DISEASES, 59(3), 384–387.

2015 chapter
Turkey coronavirus
In J. Brugère-Picoux, J. P. Vaillancourt, M. Bouzouaia, H. L. Shivaprasad, & D. Venne (Eds.), Manual of Poultry Diseases (pp. 242–247). Quebec: Watt Publishing.
Ed(s): J. Brugère-Picoux, J. Vaillancourt, M. Bouzouaia, H. Shivaprasad & D. Venne
2015 conference paper
Vaccines and vaccination protocols for control of infectious laryngotracheitis in the Colombian poultry industry
Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Pathology. Bucaramanga, Colombia.
2014 journal article
A Chicken Embryo Lethality Assay for Pathogenic Enterococcus cecorum
AVIAN DISEASES, 58(2), 244–248.

2014 conference paper
Biology, epidemiology and control of infectious laryngotracheitis virus
Proceedings of the 2014 Eastern NC Broiler Production Short Course, 26–29. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2014 journal article
Novel Avian Coronavirus and Fulminating Disease in Guinea Fowl, France

2013 chapter
Arbovirus infections
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (13th ed., pp. 473–482). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2013 chapter
Infectious Laryngotracheitis
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (13th ed., pp. 161–179).
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne

2013 chapter
Proventriculitis and proventricular dilatation of broiler chickens
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (13th ed., pp. 1328–1332). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2013 chapter
Turkey coronavirus enteritis
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (13th ed., pp. 376–381). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2013 chapter
Turkey viral hepatitis
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (13th ed., pp. 482–485). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2012 journal article
A Case of Enzootic Nasal Adenocarcinoma in a Ewe
Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine, 2012, 1–4.

2012 journal article
Transmissible Viral Proventriculitis Identified in Broiler Breeder and Layer Hens
Avian Diseases, 56(4), 757–759.

2011 journal article
Birnavirus-associated proventriculitis in French broiler chickens
Veterinary Record, 169(15), 394–396.

2011 journal article
Detection of Chicken Proventricular Necrosis Virus (R11/3 Virus) in Experimental and Naturally Occurring Cases of Transmissible Viral Proventriculitis with the Use of a Reverse Transcriptase-PCR Procedure
AVIAN DISEASES, 55(1), 70–75.

2011 journal article
Physical and Genomic Characteristics Identify Chicken Proventricular Necrosis Virus (R11/3 Virus) as a Novel Birnavirus
AVIAN DISEASES, 55(1), 2–7.

2011 journal article
Replication of recombinant herpesvirus of turkey expressing genes of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in specific pathogen free and broiler chickens following in ovo and subcutaneous vaccination
AVIAN PATHOLOGY, 40(4), 395–403.

2010 chapter
Coronaviral enteritis of turkeys
In C. M. Kahn & S. Line (Eds.), The Merck Veterinary Manual (10th ed., pp. 2402–2403). Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Company, Inc.
Ed(s): C. Kahn & S. Line
2010 journal article
Parvovirus-Associated Cerebellar Hypoplasia and Hydrocephalus in Day Old Broiler Chickens
Avian Diseases, 54(1), 156–160.
2010 chapter
Viral encephalitides in poultry
In C. M. Kahn & S. Line (Eds.), The Merck Veterinary Manual (10th ed., pp. 2488–2489). Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Company, Inc.
Ed(s): C. Kahn & S. Line
2009 chapter
Virally induced gastrointestinal diseases of chickens and turkeys.
In Avian gut function in health and disease (pp. 227–243).

2008 chapter
Arbovirus infections
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (12th ed., pp. 416–427). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2008 chapter
Avian enterovirus infections
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadley, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (12th ed., pp. 358–364). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadley, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2008 chapter
Isolation and Propagation of Coronaviruses in Embryonated Eggs
In D. Cavanagh (Ed.), Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 454, pp. 109–117).
Ed(s): D. Cavanagh

2008 chapter
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (12th ed., pp. 137–152). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2008 chapter
Proventriculitis and proventricular dilatation of broiler chickens
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (12th ed., pp. 1272–1277). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2008 chapter
Turkey coronavirus
In L. Dufour-Zavala (Ed.), A laboratory manual for the isolation and identification of avian pathogens (5th ed., pp. 150–152). Athens, GA: American Association of Avian Pathologists.
Ed(s): L. Dufour-Zavala
2008 chapter
Turkey coronavirus enteritis
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (12th ed., pp. 330–338). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2008 chapter
Turkey viral hepatitis
In Y. M. Saif, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, L. K. Nolan, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (12th ed., pp. 428–432). Ames, Iowa: Blackwell/Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald, L. Nolan & D. Swayne
2007 journal article
Experimental evaluation of Musca domestica (Diptera : Muscidae) as a vector of Newcastle disease virus
2007 journal article
Experimental reproduction of transmissible viral proventriculitis by infection of chickens with a novel adenovirus-like virus (Isolate R11/3)
AVIAN DISEASES, 51(1), 58–65.

2007 journal article
Genomic characterization of equine coronavirus
VIROLOGY, 369(1), 92–104.

2006 conference paper
Viral enteritis in turkeys: Lessons learned from the recent emergence of poult enteritis-mortality syndrome
Enteric Diseases of Poultry: Evolving Challenges and New Developments. Presented at the American College of Poultry Veterinarians and Western Poultry Disease Conference, Sacramento, CA.
2005 journal article
Partial characterization of an adenovirus-like virus isolated from broiler chickens with transmissible viral proventriculitis
AVIAN DISEASES, 49(3), 344–351.

2005 chapter
Viral Encephalitides
In C. M. Kahn & S. Line (Eds.), Merck veterinary manual. Whitehouse Station, N.J. : Merck.
Ed(s): C. Kahn & S. Line
2005 chapter
Viral encephalitides in poultry
In The Merck Veterinary Manual (9th ed., pp. 2287–2289). Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck and Company, Inc.
2004 journal article
Antigenic and genomic characterization of turkey enterovirus-like virus (North Carolina, 1988 isolate): Identification of the virus as turkey astrovirus 2
AVIAN DISEASES, 48(1), 206–211.

2004 journal article
Mild infectious laryngotracheitis in broilers in the southeast
AVIAN DISEASES, 48(2), 430–436.

2004 journal article
Ranavirus-associated morbidity and mortality in a group of captive eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina)

2003 chapter
Arbovirus infections
In Y. M. Saif, H. J. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (11th ed., pp. 388–398). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, H. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald & D. Swayne
2003 journal article
Capnocytophaga sp. Isolated from a Cat with Chronic Sinusitis and Rhinitis
Capnocytophaga sp. Isolated from a Cat with Chronic Sinusitis and Rhinitis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41(11), 5321–5324.

2003 journal article
Common RNA replication signals exist among group 2 coronaviruses: evidence for in vivo recombination between animal and human coronavius molecules
VIROLOGY, 315(1), 174–183.

2003 journal article
Enhancement of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli pathogenicity in young turkeys by concurrent turkey coronavirus infection
AVIAN DISEASES, 47(2), 396–405.

2003 chapter
Enterovirus infections
In Y. M. Saif, H. J. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (11th ed., pp. 326–331). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, H. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald & D. Swayne
2003 conference paper
Immunohistochemical detection of turkey coronavirus in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues using monoclonal antibody-based immunoperoxidase procedure
Proceedings 11th International Symposium World Assoc Vet Lab Diagnosticians, 10–11. Bangkok, Thailand: Thai Veterinary Medical Association.
2003 book
In Y. M. Saif, H. J. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (11th ed., pp. 121–134). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, H. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald & D. Swayne
2003 chapter
In Y. M. Saif, H. J. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (11th ed., pp. 121–134). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, H. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald & D. Swayne
2003 journal article
Mechanical transmission of turkey coronavirus by domestic houseflies (Musca domestica linnaeaus)
Avian Diseases, 47(1), 149–153.
2003 chapter
Poult enteritis-mortality syndrome
In Y. M. Saif, H. J. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (11th ed., pp. 1171–1180). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, H. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald & D. Swayne
2003 chapter
Turkey coronavirus enteritis
In Y. M. Saif, H. J. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (11th ed., pp. 300–308). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, H. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald & D. Swayne
2003 journal article
Turkey viral hepatitis
Animal Health and Production Compendium, 313–314.
2003 chapter
Turkey viral hepatitis
In Y. M. Saif, H. J. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. R. Glisson, L. R. McDougald, & D. E. Swayne (Eds.), Animal Health and Production Compendium (11th ed., pp. 313–314). Wallingford, United Kingdom: Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International.
Ed(s): Y. Saif, H. Barnes, A. Fadly, J. Glisson, L. McDougald & D. Swayne
2002 journal article
Development of a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of turkey coronavirus antibodies
AVIAN DISEASES, 46(2), 334–341.

2002 journal article
Prevalence of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in Naturally Occurring Cases of Poult Enteritis–Mortality Syndrome
Avian Diseases, 46(2), 360–369.

2001 journal article
Baculovirus expression of turkey coronavirus nucleocapsid protein
AVIAN DISEASES, 45(1), 136–143.

2001 journal article
Mortality patterns associated with poult enteritis mortality syndrome (PEMS) and coronaviral enteritis in turkey flocks raised in PEMS-affected regions
AVIAN DISEASES, 45(4), 985–991.

2000 journal article
Avian infectious laryngotracheitis

2000 journal article
Characterization of a coronavirus isolated from a diarrheic foal
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 38(12), 4523–4526.
2000 journal article
Comparison of virus isolation, immunohistochemistry, and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction procedures for detection of turkey coronavirus
AVIAN DISEASES, 44(3), 624–631.

2000 journal article
High mortality and growth depression experimentally produced in young turkeys by dual infection with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and turkey coronavirus
AVIAN DISEASES, 44(1), 105–113.

2000 journal article
Limited transmission of turkey coronavirus in young turkeys by adult Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae)

2000 journal article
Parvovirus Infection of Keratinocytes as a Cause of Canine Erythema Multiforme
Veterinary Pathology, 37(6), 647–649.
2000 review
Poult enteritis complex

2000 review
Turkey coronavirus is more closely related to avian infectious bronchitis virus than to mammalian coronaviruses: a review
[Review of ]. AVIAN PATHOLOGY, 29(3), 207–212.

1999 journal article
Hydranencephaly and cerebellar hypoplasia in two kittens attributed to intrauterine parvovirus infection

1999 magazine article
Lighting Program Does Not Improve the Response of Poults to PEMS Infection
Siopes, T., Davis, J., Barnes, J., Donaldson, W., Scott, R., & Guy, J. (1999, May). Turkey World, 24–25.
1999 journal article
Sequence analysis of the matrix nucleocapsid gene region of turkey coronavirus
INTERVIROLOGY, 42(1), 22–29.

1999 journal article
Sequence analysis of the turkey coronavirus nucleocapsid protein gene and 3 ' untranslated region identifies the virus as a close relative of infectious bronchitis virus
VIRUS RESEARCH, 65(2), 187–193.

1998 journal article
Case presentation: Immunoperoxidase in formalin-fixed tissues to diagnose eastern equine encephalomyelitis
Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian, 20(3), 373–376.
1998 conference paper
Identification of Turkey Coronavirus in Commercial Turkey Flocks
In S. R. Clark & J.-P. Vaillancourt (Eds.), Proceedings & Technical Supplement of the Roche Turkey Coronavirus Workshop (pp. 179–180).
Ed(s): S. Clark & J. Vaillancourt
1998 conference paper
New Methods for Diagnosis of Turkey Coronavirus Infections
Proceedings of the 49th North Central Avian Disease Conference and Symposium on Enteric and Emerging Diseases, 8–10.
1998 conference paper
Poult Enteritis Mortality Syndome (“Spiking Mortality”) of Turkeys
Proceedings of the 10th Symposium of the Portuguese Branch of the World Poultry Science Association, 28–31.
1998 conference paper
Update on Poult Enteritis-Mortality Syndrome
Proceedings of the forty-seventh Western Poultry Disease Conference : March 8-10, 1998, Sacramento, California., 39–42. Davis, CA: Conference & Event Services, University of California.
1998 journal article
Update on poult enteritis mortality syndrome, 1997
Proceedings of the ... Western Poultry Disease Conference, 47(1998), 39–42.
1998 article
Virus infections of the gastrointestinal tract of poultry
Guy, J. S. (1998, August). POULTRY SCIENCE, Vol. 77, pp. 1166–1175.

1997 journal article
Antigenic characterization of a turkey coronavirus identified in poult enteritis- and mortality syndrome-affected turkeys
AVIAN DISEASES, 41(3), 583–590.

1997 chapter
Arbovirus Infections
In B. W. Calnek, H. J. Barnes, C. W. Beard, W. M. Reid, & H. W. Yoder (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (10th ed., pp. 765–772). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): B. Calnek, H. Barnes, C. Beard, W. Reid & H. Yoder
1997 journal article
Characterization of an avian adenovirus associated with inclusion body hepatitis in day-old turkeys
AVIAN DISEASES, 41(3), 726–731.

1997 journal article
Effect of a live attenuated intranasal vaccine on latency and shedding of feline herpesvirus 1 in domestic cats
ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, 142(12), 2389–2400.

1997 chapter
Enterovirus Infections
In B. W. Calnek, H. J. Barnes, C. W. Beard, W. M. Reid, & H. W. Yoder (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (10th ed., pp. 706–710). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): B. Calnek, H. Barnes, C. Beard, W. Reid & H. Yoder
1997 chapter
In B. W. Calnek, H. J. Barnes, C. W. Beard, W. M. Reid, & H. W. Yoder (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (10th ed., pp. 527–540). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): B. Calnek, H. Barnes, C. Beard, W. Reid & H. Yoder
1997 conference paper
Pathology of Spiking Mortality of Turkeys
Proceedings of the forty-sixth Western Poultry Disease Conference : March 1-4, 1997, Sacramento, California, 40–42. Davis, CA: Conference & Event Services, University of California.
1997 chapter
Poult Enteritis and Mortality Syndrome ("Spiking Mortality") of Turkeys
In B. W. Calnek, H. J. Barnes, C. W. Beard, W. M. Reid, & H. W. Yoder (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (10th ed., pp. 1025–1030). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): B. Calnek, H. Barnes, C. Beard, W. Reid & H. Yoder
1997 journal article
Poult Enteritis and Mortality Syndrome ("Spiking Mortality"): An Acute, Transmissible Disease of Unknown Etiology
Zootecnica International, 20, 44–47.
1997 journal article
Syndrome entéritique mortel du dindonneau
Bulletin De l'Académie Vétérinaire De France, (3), 243.
1997 chapter
Turkey Viral Hepatitis
In B. W. Calnek, H. J. Barnes, C. W. Beard, W. M. Reid, & H. W. Yoder (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry (10th ed., pp. 773–776). Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): B. Calnek, H. Barnes, C. Beard, W. Reid & H. Yoder
1996 conference paper
A Field Study and Evaluation of a Potential Diagnostic Test for Spiking Mortality of Turkeys
Proceedings of the 20th Annual North Carolina Turkey Industry Days Conference, 16–21.
1996 book review
Book review. B. Ritchie: Avian viruses--function and control
[Review of Avian viruses: function and control, by B. W. Ritchie]. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 209, 625.
1996 journal article
Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies against Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus
Avian Diseases, 40(1), 49.

1996 magazine article
Managing Enteric Disease Problems: Is Spiking Mortality of Turkeys Something New?
Ferket, P. R., Barnes, H. J., Guy, J. S., & Edens, F. W. (1996, June). World Poultry, 24–25.
1996 conference paper
Poult Enteritis Mortality Syndrome ("Spiking Mortality of Turkeys") and Related Disorders--An Update
Proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of the United States Animal Health Association, 100, 564–575.
1996 conference paper
Poult Enteritis and Mortality Syndrome ("Spiking Mortality"): An Acute, Transmissible Disease of Unknown Etiology
Enteric Disease Control. Symposium of the American Association of Avian Pathologists, 59–62. Louisville, KY: American Association of Avian Pathologists.
1996 conference paper
Spiking Mortality of Turkeys-- An Acute, Transmissible Enteric Disease of Unknown Etiology
Proceedings of the Pfizer Animal Health Pacesetter Conference, 13–17.
1995 journal article
AVIAN DISEASES, 39(2), 337–342.

1995 journal article
Immunologic, histologic, and virologic features of herpesvirus-induced stromal keratitis in cats
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 56(1), 51–55.
1995 conference paper
Spiking Mortality of Turkeys and Related Disorders--An Update
Proceedings of the 19th Annual North Carolina Turkey Industry Days Conference, 16–21.
1995 conference paper
Spiking mortality of turkeys and related disorders
Proceedings of the 19th Annual North Carolina Turkey Industry Days Conference, 1–4.
1995 magazine article
The dilemma of laryngotracheitis control: Are modified-live virus vaccines the answer or part of the problem?
Guy, J. S. (1995, November). Broiler Industry Magazine, 28–34.
1995 conference paper
The role of cryptosporidia in spiking mortality of turkeys
Proceedings of the Western Poultry Disease Conference, 44, 64–68.
1994 conference paper
Current understanding of the laryngotracheitis problem
In F. J. Hoerr, J. Gelb, & S. A. Naqi (Eds.), Symposium on Respiratory Diseases of Chickens and Turkeys (pp. 22–25). American Association of Avian Pathologists.
Ed(s): F. Hoerr, J. Gelb & S. Naqi
1994 journal article
AVIAN DISEASES, 38(3), 563–571.

1994 journal article
AVIAN DISEASES, 38(3), 572–582.

1994 journal article
Transmission of enteric pathogens of turkeys by darkling beetle larva (Alphitobius diaperinus)
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 3, 61–65.

1993 journal article
Alphaviruses identified as causes of disease in North Carolina turkey flocks
POPMED Forum, 2, 1–4.
1993 journal article
Clinical and laboratory findings in chronic conjunctivitis in cats: 91 cases (1983-1991)
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 203(6), 834–837.
1993 journal article
Controlling Laryngotracheitis
Zootechnica International, 16, 51–53.
1993 journal article
AVIAN DISEASES, 37(2), 389–395.

1993 journal article
Egg-Production Drop in Turkeys Associated with Alphaviruses: Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus and Highlands J Virus
Avian Diseases, 37(4), 1163.

1993 journal article
High Mortality of Domestic Turkeys Associated with Highlands J Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Infections
Avian Diseases, 37(2), 585.

1992 journal article
Immunohistochemical demonstration of influenza A nucleoprotein in lungs of turkeys with natural and experimental influenza respiratory disease
Avian Pathology, 21(4), 547–557.

1992 journal article
Isolation of Feline Herpesvirus 1 from the Trigeminal Ganglia of Acutely and Chronically Infected Cats
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 6(2), 102–103.

1992 journal article
AVIAN PATHOLOGY, 21(1), 77–86.

1991 journal article
AVIAN DISEASES, 35(2), 348–355.

1991 journal article
Marek's disease virus isolates with unusual tropism and virulence for ocular tissues: Clinical findings, challenge studies and pathological features
Avian Pathology, 20(3), 461–474.

1991 journal article
AVIAN DISEASES, 35(1), 197–203.

1990 journal article
Feline ocular disease and the rhinotracheitis virus
Veterinary Medicine Report, 1(2), 155–165.
1990 journal article
Reactivation of latent pseudorabies virus infection in vaccinated commercial sows
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 51(3), 354–358.
1990 journal article
AVIAN DISEASES, 34(1), 106–113.

1989 journal article
An Outbreak of Influenza (H1N1) in Turkey Breeder Hens
Avian Diseases, 33(2), 370.

1989 journal article
Discovery of Noninfectious Viral Genes Complementary to Marek's Disease Herpes Virus in Quail Susceptible to Cholesterol-Induced Atherosclerosis
The Journal of Nutrition, 119(2), 294–298.

1989 journal article
Epidemiologic survey of bovine disease in Suriname
Bulletin of Pan American Health Organization, 23(4), 424–430.
1989 journal article
Experimental ocular herpesvirus infection in the cat: Sites of virus replication, clinical features and effects of corticosteroid administration
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 30, 1758–1768.
1989 journal article
In vitro susceptibility of feline herpesvirus-1 to vidarabine, idoxuridine, trifluridine, acyclovir, or bromovinyldeoxyuridine
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 50(1), 158–160.
1989 journal article
Restriction Endonuclease Analysis of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Viruses: Comparison of Modified-Live Vaccine Viruses and North Carolina Field Isolates
Avian Diseases, 33(2), 316.

1989 conference paper
Understanding laryngotracheitis
Proceedings of the N.C. State University Poultry Supervisor's Short Course, 42–46. Raleigh, NC: N.C. State University Extension and Continuing Education.
1988 journal article
Inclusion body hepatitis in one‐day‐old turkeys
Avian Diseases, 32(3), 587–590.
1988 journal article
Interaction of Reovirus and Cryptosporidium baileyi in Experimentally Infected Chickens
Avian Diseases, 32(3), 381.

1988 journal article
Intestinal and Bursal Cryptosporidiosis in Turkeys Following Inoculation with Cryptosporidium sp. Isolated from Commercial Poults
Avian Diseases, 32(3), 445.

1987 conference paper
Avian cryptosporidiosis ‐ An update
Proceedings of the Western Poultry Disease Conference, 36, 49–50.
1987 journal article
Experimental Reproduction of Enteritis in Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) with Cryptosporidium and Reovirus
Avian Diseases, 31(4), 713.

1986 journal article
Diagnosis of Canine Viral Infections
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 16(6), 1145–1156.

1986 chapter
Experimental production of enteritis in bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) with Cryptosporidium and reovirus
In Proceedings of the Western Poultry Disease Conference (Vol. 35, pp. 107–109).
1986 journal article
Intestinal Cryptosporidiosis and Reovirus Isolation from Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) with Enteritis
Avian Diseases, 30(3), 603.

1986 report
Pan American Health Organization Publication
(No. VPH 85; Vol. 27, pp. 1–64). Washington, D.C.: Pan American Health Organization.
1985 journal article
Bovine herpesvirus‐1 infection of cattle: Kinetics of antibody formation after intranasal exposure and abortion induced by the virus
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 46(4), 893–898.
1985 journal article
Comparison of the pneumopathogenicity of two strains of bovine viral diarrhea virus
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 46(1), 151–153.
1985 journal article
Kinetics of antibody formation after the reactivation of bovine herpesvirus‐1 infection in cattle
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 46(4), 899–901.
1984 journal article
Experimental production of bovine respiratory tract disease with bovine virus diarrhea (BVD) virus
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 45(8), 1582–1585.
1984 journal article
Isolation of bovine herpesvirus 1 from vesicular lesions of the bovine udder
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 45(4), 783–785.
1984 journal article
Use of fiberoptic bronchoscopy in experimental production of bovine respiratory tract disease
American Journal of Veterinary Research, 45(5), 1015–1019.
1980 journal article
Genome of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus
Journal of Virology, 34(2), 410–415.
1979 journal article
Bovine coronavirus genome
Journal of Virology, 29(1), 293–300.
1978 chapter
Bovine Coronavirus RNA
In Proc Int Symp on Neonatal Diarrhea (pp. 30–32). Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan.