Works (9)
2011 journal article
Variability for Resistance to Phytophthora nicotianae Within a Collection of Nicotiana rustica Accessions
PLANT DISEASE, 95(11), 1443–1447.

2009 journal article
Changes in Genetic Diversity of US Flue-Cured Tobacco Germplasm over Seven Decades of Cultivar Development
CROP SCIENCE, 49(2), 498–508.

2008 journal article
Bartonella sp. Bacteremia in Patients with Neurological and Neurocognitive Dysfunction
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 46(9), 2856–2861.

2008 journal article
Evaluation of tobacco germplasm for seedling resistance to stem rot and target spot caused by Thanatephorus cucumeris
PLANT DISEASE, 92(3), 425–430.

2008 journal article
Use of transferable Nicotiana tabacum L. microsatellite markers for investigating genetic diversity in the genus Nicotiana
GENOME, 51(8), 547–559.

2007 journal article
AFLP and SCAR markers linked to Tomato spotted wilt virus resistance in tobacco
CROP SCIENCE, 47(5), 1887–1894.

2007 article
Amplicon-plus Targeting Technology (APTT) for rapid production of a highly unstable vaccine protein in tobacco plants (vol 64, pg 619, 2007)
Azhakanandam, K., Weissinger, S. M., Nicholson, J. S., Qu, R., & Weissinger, A. K. (2007, July). PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, Vol. 64, pp. 619–619.
2007 journal article
Amplicon-plus targeting technology (APTT) for rapid production of a highly unstable vaccine protein in tobacco plants
Plant Molecular Biology, 63(3), 393–404.

2006 journal article
Aspects of the evolution of Nicotiana tabacum L. and the status of the United States Nicotiana Germplasm Collection