@article{franco_perez-diaz_connelly_diaz_2020, title={Isolation of Exopolysaccharide-Producing Yeast and Lactic Acid Bacteria from Quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa) Sourdough Fermentation}, volume={9}, ISSN={["2304-8158"]}, DOI={10.3390/foods9030337}, abstractNote={Quinoa, a nutritional grain, can be used as an ingredient in gluten-free sourdoughs. This study characterizes quinoa flour spontaneous fermentation with emphasis in the isolation of exopolysaccharide (EPS) producer bacteria. Real, red and black grains were studied. Dough yield, microbiota composition and fermentation biochemistry were determined for a total of 36 quinoa flour fermentations. The fermentation biochemistry was monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis, pH measurement and titratable acidity. Changes in the microbiota were monitored by plating on deMann Rogosa and Sharp 5 agar (MRS5) and yeast and mold agar (YMA) plates and with metagenetic analysis. The ability to produce exopolysaccharides was screened in selected lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolates. Production of organic acids in the spontaneous fermentation dropped the pH to 4.0 ± 0.3. The community of presumptive LAB reached 8.37 ± 0.01 log colony forming units (CFU)/mL by day 8 of back-slopped fermentations. The microbiota was composed of Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, Leuconostoc, Lactococcus, Pediococcus and Weissella. P. pentosaceous, L. citreum and W. cibaria were able to produce EPS in a starch-rich medium. P. pentosaceous showed higher exopolysaccharide yield, rapid acidifying kinetics and was able to drop the dough broth pH to values below 4.0 and a positive fermentation quotient after 24 h of incubation. Therefore, the bacterium might be a potential candidate for quinoa sourdough production.}, number={3}, journal={FOODS}, author={Franco, Wendy and Perez-Diaz, Ilenys M. and Connelly, Lauren and Diaz, Joscelin T.}, year={2020}, month={Mar} } @article{diaz_foegeding_lila_2021, title={Whey protein-polyphenol aggregate particles mitigate bar hardening reactions in high protein bars}, volume={138}, ISSN={["1096-1127"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.lwt.2020.110747}, abstractNote={Formulating high protein bars is a challenge since concentrated proteins can negatively affect texture and reduce shelf life, causing the products to be unacceptable for consumers. This study examined the functionality of protein-polyphenol aggregate particles formulated with whey protein isolate (WPI) and polyphenol-rich cranberry juice (or imitation juice) in model high protein bars. Differences in texture and structure of protein bars during 43 days of storage at 32 °C were dependent on the type of protein (unmodified WPI or aggregate particle) and the drying technique (freeze-drying or spray-drying) used in particle formation. Bars prepared with WPI-cranberry spray-dried particles (WPI–C SD) were softer and less elastic than those formulated with unmodified WPI or polyphenol-free (WPI-IC FD, WPI-IC SD) particles (firmness range 0.09–0.85 kPa). Bars formulated with WPI-cranberry freeze-dried particles (WPI–C FD) were softer than control bars made with WPI; but, only up until 31 days of storage, and less elastic than control bars up until 11 days. The addition of protein-polyphenol particles not only increased the nutritional content of the protein bars, but also inhibited rheological and structural changes, and could be used as a novel approach for functional delivery of protein in the formulation of high protein bars.}, journal={LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, author={Diaz, Joscelin T. and Foegeding, E. Allen and Lila, Mary Ann}, year={2021}, month={Mar} } @article{diaz_perez-diaz_messer_safferman_2018, title={Physical properties of NaCl-free cucumber fermentation cover brine containing CaCl2 and glycerin and apparent freezing injury of the brined fruits}, volume={42}, ISSN={["1745-4549"]}, DOI={10.1111/jfpp.13582}, abstractNote={Use of glycerin and CaCl₂ to reduce the freezing point and improve quality of bulk stored fermented cucumbers brined without NaCl, was explored. The incidence of pre‐freezing injury on the fruits, caused by deposition in tanks containing cushion brine prepared with 2.5% CaCl₂, was excluded by determining the liquid and fruits densities and buoyancy force. The NaCl‐free cover brine thermal properties and freezing point, and the frozen fruits water loss were determined to estimate freezing damage. Cover brines supplemented with 14.5% glycerin, 18% CaCl₂, or 14% glycerin and 5% CaCl₂ were needed to match the freezing point of the 6% NaCl cover brine, typically used for fermentation. Thermal properties of the NaCl‐free cover brine were insignificantly affected by temperature or composition. Water loss was the main freezing injury in brined cucumbers. Supplementation of CaCl₂ and/or glycerin in fermentation cover brines helped minimize fermented cucumbers water loss associated with freezing. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: This study presents an assessment of brine composition that can prolong processed pickle quality and bulk storage at temperatures below zero. Fermented cucumbers stored in cover brine containing 14.5 vol % glycerin, 18 wt % CaCl₂, or 14 vol % glycerin and 5 wt % CaCl₂ have a reduced freezing point, which theoretically extends the window for acceptable product quality. The use of 14% glycerin above the cover boards to reduce the freezing point and, consequently, ice formation on the surface of the open‐top tanks is to enable the removal of fermented fruits during winter with minimal tissue injury.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION}, author={Diaz, Joscelin T. and Perez-Diaz, Ilenys M. and Messer, Nadya and Safferman, Steven I.}, year={2018}, month={Apr} } @misc{zhai_perez-diaz_diaz_2018, title={Viability of commercial cucumber fermentation without nitrogen or air purging}, volume={81}, ISSN={["0924-2244"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.tifs.2018.05.017}, abstractNote={Bloated cucumber defect, resulting from the accumulation of the biologically produced carbon dioxide (CO2) in the fruit, reduces yield and economic gains for the pickling industry worldwide. It was the aim of this review to identify commonalities among effective strategies to reduce bloater defect and determine the theoretical viability of commercial cucumber fermentations without bloater defect and/or purging. This article summarizes the known causes of fermented cucumber bloating defect, including sources of CO2, and the strategies developed to mitigate the production of the carbonic gas such as controlled fermentation, inoculation of selected starter cultures, cover brine acidification and reformulation and the application of air or nitrogen purging. It was understood that microbial activity during fermentation, cucumber tissue respiration, as well as the pressure in the fruits and fermentation tanks, ambient temperature and cover brine composition, impact the levels of dissolved CO2 in the system. Although the biological conversion of oxygen to CO2 reduces the cucumbers internal gas pressure, the dissipation of the gas from the tissue is reduced by brining. Once the gas accumulates in the cucumber tissue in concentrations high enough to displace it, the irreversible formation of hollow cavities or bloaters occurs. Residual CO2 is produced by acid-preserved cucumbers, presumably by tissue respiration, which results in the absence of bloating. Thus, microbial activity seems to contribute most of the CO2 needed for cucumbers to bloat. It is speculated that colonization of the internal cucumber tissue by indigenous microbes, in particular aerobic gram-negative bacteria, results in the localized production of CO2 causing bloating defect early in the fermentation. It is concluded that effective manipulation of the microbiota, reduction of dissolved oxygen levels and the use of adequately selected starter cultures may enable cucumber fermentations of acceptable quality without purging.}, journal={TRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY}, author={Zhai, Yawen and Perez-Diaz, Ilenys M. and Diaz, Joscelin T.}, year={2018}, month={Nov}, pages={185–192} } @article{zhai_pérez-díaz_diaz_lombardi_connelly_2017, title={Evaluation of the use of malic acid decarboxylase-deficient starter culture in NaCl-free cucumber fermentations to reduce bloater incidence}, volume={124}, ISSN={1364-5072}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jam.13625}, DOI={10.1111/jam.13625}, abstractNote={Accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) in cucumber fermentations is known to cause hollow cavities inside whole fruits or bloaters, conducive to economic losses for the pickling industry. This study focused on evaluating the use of a malic acid decarboxylase (MDC)‐deficient starter culture to minimize CO2 production and the resulting bloater index in sodium chloride‐free cucumber fermentations brined with CaCl2.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Applied Microbiology}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Zhai, Y. and Pérez-Díaz, I.M. and Diaz, J.T. and Lombardi, R.L. and Connelly, L.E.}, year={2017}, month={Dec}, pages={197–208} } @article{diaz_pérez-díaz_simunovic_sandeep_2017, title={Winterization strategies for bulk storage of cucumber pickles}, volume={212}, ISSN={0260-8774}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.03.027}, DOI={10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.03.027}, abstractNote={Cucumbers are commercially fermented and stored in bulk in outdoor open top fiberglass tanks. During winter, snow and ice that accumulates around and on top of tanks influence heat transfer in an unpredictable manner, often compromising quality. This study evaluates the performance of inexpensive and resilient fermentation tank insulation and provides an estimate of heat loss associated with strategies for storage and preservation of fermented cucumbers during winter. Three insulation configurations were explored: conical top-cover, flat top-cover, and perimeter insulation. Changes in temperature during storage were experimentally studied in different tank configurations. A mathematical model was developed to simulate temperature profiles and heat loss in an idealized fermentation/storage vessel. Comparisons of the insulated tank configurations suggested a significant difference in temperature between a flat cover and uncovered tank when exposed to temperatures characteristic of the spring season in Pinconning, MI.}, journal={Journal of Food Engineering}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Diaz, Joscelin T. and Pérez-Díaz, Ilenys M. and Simunovic, Josip and Sandeep, K.P.}, year={2017}, month={Nov}, pages={12–17} } @article{diaz_veal_chinn_2014, title={Development of NIRS models to predict composition of enzymatically processed sweetpotato}, volume={59}, ISSN={0926-6690}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.05.012}, DOI={10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.05.012}, abstractNote={This study was conducted to develop calibration models to predict the major constituents (moisture, protein, fiber, alcohol insoluble solids (AIS), and starch) of enzymatically processed sweetpotatoes using a non-destructive near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technique. Prediction of these constituents is of interest since starch content can be used to estimate crop potential and efficiency of processing enzymes used to convert starch into valuable products needed for industrial applications. Wet chemistry procedures are expensive, laborious, and time consuming; however, NIRS is a reliable and fast tool that can be used to quantify components and identify composition changes occurring during sweetpotato processing. Freeze-dried samples of sweetpotato roots (clones: NC-413, DM02-180, and Covington) were scanned over the near infrared wavelengths at different stages of processing (unprocessed material, wet samples after liquefaction, and wet samples after saccharification) and chemically analyzed. Calibration models were established by Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) analysis and developed to predict moisture, AIS, protein, fiber, and starch content. Spectral range and the number of MLR factors were examined in a stepwise manner that yielded the lowest standard error of calibration (SEC) and highest correlation coefficient of determination (R2). Calibration models based on all sweetpotato clones adequately predicted moisture, AIS, and starch compounds in unprocessed and processed treatments. Protein was successfully predicted with 99% confidence for unprocessed material and an approximate quantitative prediction in processed treatments (R2 = 0.69). Fiber was predicted with 85% confidence for Covington sweetpotato and with 65% for both NC-413 and DM02-180 sweetpotato clones. Starch was successfully predicted with 91% and 97% confidence for unprocessed and processed treatments, respectively. Our results indicated that NIRS technique is a tool able to rapidly predict with reasonable accuracy the composition of different constituents present in sweetpotato samples before and during its processing to value-added products.}, journal={Industrial Crops and Products}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Diaz, Joscelin T. and Veal, Matthew W. and Chinn, Mari S.}, year={2014}, month={Aug}, pages={119–124} } @article{diaz_chinn_truong_2014, title={Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of industrial sweetpotatoes for ethanol production and anthocyanins extraction}, volume={62}, ISSN={["1872-633X"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.indcrop.2014.07.032}, abstractNote={A simultaneous saccharification fermentation (SSF) system was studied for ethanol production in flour industrial sweetpotato (ISP) feedstocks (lines: white DM02-180 and purple NC-413) as an integrated cost saving process, and to examine the feasibility of extracting anthocyanins from flour purple ISPs under a simultaneous extraction and fermentation (SEF) system. Furthermore, a separate hydrolysis fermentation (SHF) configuration was carried out to establish a baseline in sugar consumption and ethanol production from the ISP lines. The thermotolerant ethanol producing yeast strain Kluyveromyces marxianus NCYC 851 and the mesophilic Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ethanol Red were evaluated, using commercial alpha amylases for hydrolysis of available ISP starch to sugars. Fermentation by S. cerevisiae during SHF had an ethanol yield of 0.32 g/g dry ISP, a 1.1-fold increase above that produced by K. marxianus. Subsequent studies showed that ethanol yield could be increased in a SSF system with a maximum ethanol yield of 0.39 g/g dry ISP achieved, a 15% increase compared with using a SHF system when S. cerevisiae was used. Simultaneous extraction and fermentation of flour purple-fleshed NC-413 ISPs was studied to evaluate the effect of pH on extraction of total monomeric anthocyanins (TMA) and ethanol production. On average, maximum ethanol yield ranged from 0.31 to 0.34 g/g dry ISP and TMA concentration ranged from 45 to 64 mg cyanidin-3-glu/100 g dry powder (10–22 mg/100 g fresh weight) with the greatest ethanol production coming from non-adjusted pH fermentations. The highest anthocyanin recovery, 64 mg cyanidin-3-glu/100 g dry powder was obtained at 35 °C and pH 4.5 using S. cerevisiae Ethanol Red. This study showed the feasibility of extracting anthocyanins and producing ethanol simultaneously in one unit operation without the need of purified solvents.}, journal={INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS}, author={Diaz, Joscelin T. and Chinn, Mari S. and Truong, Van-Den}, year={2014}, month={Dec}, pages={53–60} } @inproceedings{lucia_jameel_banerjee_venditti_phillips_diaz_2010, title={Green liquor as a novel pretreatment agent to derive higher value wood products}, booktitle={Research Progress in Paper Industry and Biorefinery (4th ISETPP), vols 1-3}, author={Lucia, L. A. and Jameel, H. and Banerjee, S. and Venditti, R. and Phillips, R. and Diaz, J.}, year={2010}, pages={708–711} } @article{diaz_bittencourt_lucia_2010, title={Modified green liquor (MGL) for bioenergy production: a novel and potentially more efficient wood pretreatment methodology relative to existing methods}, volume={71}, number={11}, journal={O papel}, author={Diaz, J. and Bittencourt, E. and Lucia, L.}, year={2010}, pages={35–43} }