@article{mcchesney_campbell_wang_foster_2022, title={What is in a name? Effects of game-framing on perceptions of hiring organizations}, ISSN={["1468-2389"]}, DOI={10.1111/ijsa.12370}, abstractNote={AbstractThis Open Science Framework preregistered experiment examines the effects of game‐framing, the labeling of a selection test as a game without changing its content, on prospective applicants’ attitudes toward a fictitious hiring organization. Participants (N = 277) were asked to view a screenshot of a hypothetical organization's hiring assessment, which was labeled as either an online test or game. Aligned with signaling theory, game‐framing resulted in higher ratings of organizational innovation and increased organizational attraction. Surprisingly, openness to experience and propensity to innovate did not moderate this relationship. Implications of these findings for organizations using gamified and game‐based assessments are discussed along with directions for future research.}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SELECTION AND ASSESSMENT}, author={McChesney, Jenna and Campbell, Chelsi and Wang, Jet and Foster, Lori}, year={2022}, month={Jan} }