@article{cole_2024, title={Perspective: Can we actually do anything about inbreeding?}, volume={107}, ISSN={["1525-3198"]}, DOI={10.3168/jds.2023-23958}, abstractNote={We are faced with increasingly complex problems in animal production, such as the management of genetic diversity in cattle populations, and there are no easy solutions to these challenges. There is a fundamental conflict in our selection programs because the demand for elite genetics drives the ongoing loss of genetic diversity. Managing this challenge will require the participation of many stakeholders in this complex system, each of which has different incentives. Achieving necessary buy-in will require solid, objective evidence of an actual problem and tangible solutions. We are faced with increasingly complex problems in animal production, such as the management of genetic diversity in cattle populations, and there are no easy solutions to these challenges. There is a fundamental conflict in our selection programs because the demand for elite genetics drives the ongoing loss of genetic diversity. Managing this challenge will require the participation of many stakeholders in this complex system, each of which has different incentives. Achieving necessary buy-in will require solid, objective evidence of an actual problem and tangible solutions.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE}, author={Cole, John B.}, year={2024}, month={Feb}, pages={643–648} }