Jeffrey Doser Gilbert, N. A., Amaral, B. R., Smith, O. M., Williams, P. J., Ceyzyk, S., Ayebare, S., … Zipkin, E. F. (2024). A century of statistical Ecology. Ecology. Bajcz, A. W., Glisson, W. J., Doser, J. W., Larkin, D. J., & Fieberg, J. R. (2024). A within-lake occupancy model for starry stonewort, Nitellopsis obtusa, to support early detection and monitoring. Scientific Reports. Zipkin, E. F., & Doser, J. W. (2024). Context matters in ecological forecasting: Lessons in predicting species distributions. Global Change Biology. Quinlan, G. M., Doser, J. W., Kammerer, M. A., & Grozinger, C. M. (2024). Estimating genus-specific effects of non-native honey bees and urbanization on wild bee communities: A case study in Maryland, United States. Science of The Total Environment. Kellner, K. F., Doser, J. W., & Belant, J. L. (2024, November 20). Functional R code is rare in species distribution and abundance papers. ECOLOGY, Vol. 11. Doser, J. W., Kéry, M., Saunders, S. P., Finley, A. O., Bateman, B. L., Grand, J., … Zipkin, E. F. (2024). Guidelines for the use of spatially varying coefficients in species distribution models. Global Ecology and Biogeography. Doser, J. W., Finley, A. O., Saunders, S. P., Kéry, M., Weed, A. S., & Zipkin, E. F. (2024). Modeling Complex Species-Environment Relationships Through Spatially-Varying Coefficient Occupancy Models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics. Kovalenko, V., Doser, J. W., Bate, L. J., & Six, D. L. (2024). Paired acoustic recordings and point count surveys reveal Clark's nutcracker and whitebark pine associations across Glacier National Park. Ecology and Evolution. Doser, J. W., Finley, A. O., Kéry, M., & Zipkin, E. F. (2024). spAbundance: An R package for single‐species and multi‐species spatially explicit abundance models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Zipkin, E. F., Doser, J. W., Davis, C. L., Leuenberger, W., Ayebare, S., & Davis, K. L. (2023). Integrated community models: A framework combining multispecies data sources to estimate the status, trends and dynamics of biodiversity. Journal of Animal Ecology. Doser, J. W., Finley, A. O., & Banerjee, S. (2023). Joint species distribution models with imperfect detection for high‐dimensional spatial data. Ecology. Doser, J. W., & Stoudt, S. (2024). “Fractional replication” in single‐visit multi‐season occupancy models: Impacts of spatiotemporal autocorrelation on identifiability. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Doser, J. W., Leuenberger, W., Sillett, T. S., Hallworth, M. T., & Zipkin, E. F. (2022). Integrated community occupancy models: A framework to assess occurrence and biodiversity dynamics using multiple data sources. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Doser, J. W., Finley, A. O., Kéry, M., & Zipkin, E. F. (2022). spOccupancy: An R package for single‐species, multi‐species, and integrated spatial occupancy models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Doser, J. W., Finley, A. O., Weed, A. S., & Zipkin, E. F. (2021). Integrating automated acoustic vocalization data and point count surveys for estimation of bird abundance. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Doser, J. W., Weed, A. S., Zipkin, E. F., Miller, K. M., & Finley, A. O. (2021). Trends in bird abundance differ among protected forests but not bird guilds. Ecological Applications, 31(6). Doser, J. W., Finley, A. O., Kéry, M., & Zipkin, E. F. (2021, November 23). spOccupancy: An R package for single species, multispecies, and integrated spatial occupancy models. ArXiv. Retrieved from Doser, J. W., Finley, A. O., Kasten, E. P., & Gage, S. H. (2020). Assessing soundscape disturbance through hierarchical models and acoustic indices: A case study on a shelterwood logged northern Michigan forest. Ecological Indicators, 113, 106244. Doser, J. W., Hannam, K. M., & Finley, A. O. (2020). Characterizing functional relationships between anthropogenic and biological sounds: a western New York state soundscape case study. Landscape Ecology, 35(3), 689–707. Teimouri, M., Doser, J. W., & Finley, A. O. (2020). ForestFit: An R package for modeling plant size distributions. Environmental Modelling & Software, 131, 104668.