Justin Graham Alexander Whitehill
My research utilizes genomics approaches to enhance forest tree genetics and ultimately prepare our forests and tree species for current and future challenges presented by an ever-changing climate. Specifically, I am an expert in deciphering forest tree-insect/pathogen interactions from the ecological to functional genomic level. I work towards the development of novel pest management strategies against devastating forest pests through the application and integration of forest health genomics. Forest pest interactions with trees are relatively unexplored at the level of molecular mechanism. Some forest trees possess natural resistance to pests which include chemical and physical defense systems working together to enable tree survival. These mechanisms and defense systems are controlled and regulated by specific genes and gene families that contribute to the ultimate phenotypic expression of resilience traits. Once important genes/genomic regions are identified, I use functional and quantitative genomics approaches to develop pest management strategies to improve ecological and economic gains for the forestry industry and associated stakeholders.
Works (24)
2023 article
A phoenix glimmers within the ashes: generalized defensive traits suggest hope for plants under attack by invasive pests
Johnson, T. D., & Whitehill, J. G. A. (2023, August 26). NEW PHYTOLOGIST, Vol. 8.

2023 article
Transcriptome features of stone cell development in weevil-resistant and susceptible Sitka spruce
Whitehill, J. G. A., Yuen, M. M. S., Chiang, A., Ritland, C. E., & Bohlmann, J. (2023, July 4). NEW PHYTOLOGIST, Vol. 7.

2022 journal article
Spruce giga‐genomes: structurally similar yet distinctive with differentially expanding gene families and rapidly evolving genes
The Plant Journal.

2022 article
The genome of the forest insect pest Pissodes strobi reveals genome expansion and evidence of a Wolbachia endosymbiont
Gagalova, K. K., Whitehill, J. G. A., Culibrk, L., Lin, D., Levesque-Tremblay, V., Keeling, C. I., … Jones, S. J. M. (2022, February 16). (S. Smith, Ed.). G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, Vol. 12.
Ed(s): S. Smith

2021 journal article
Constitutive and insect‐induced transcriptomes of weevil‐resistant and susceptible Sitka spruce
Plant-Environment Interactions.
2020 journal article
Gymnosperm glandular trichomes: expanded dimensions of the conifer terpenoid defense system
Scientific Reports, 10(1).
Contributors: J. Celedon *, J. Whitehill *, L. Madilao * & J. Bohlmann *

2019 journal article
A molecular and genomic reference system for conifer defence against insects
Plant Cell and Environment, 42(10), 2844–2859.
Contributors: J. Whitehill * & J. Bohlmann*
2019 journal article
Functions of stone cells and oleoresin terpenes in the conifer defense syndrome
New Phytologist, 221(3), 1503–1517.
Contributors: J. Whitehill *, M. Yuen *, H. Henderson*, L. Madilao*, K. Kshatriya*, J. Bryan *, B. Jaquish*, J. Bohlmann*

2018 journal article
Histology of resin vesicles and oleoresin terpene composition of conifer seeds
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 48(9), 1073–1084.
Contributors: K. Kshatriya*, J. Whitehill *, L. Madilao*, H. Henderson*, A. Kermode *, D. Kolotelo*, J. Bohlmann*

2016 journal article
Function of Sitka spruce stone cells as a physical defence against white pine weevil.
Plant, Cell & Environment, 11(11), 2545–2556.
Contributors: J. Whitehill *, H. Henderson*, W. Strong*, B. Jaquish* & J. Bohlmann*

2016 journal article
Histology and cell wall biochemistry of stone cells in the physical defence of conifers against insects
Plant Cell and Environment, 39(8), 1646–1661.
Contributors: J. Whitehill *, H. Henderson*, M. Schuetz *, O. Skyba *, M. Yuen *, J. King*, A. Samuels *, S. Mansfield *, J. Bohlmann*

2016 journal article
Progress and gaps in understanding mechanisms of ash tree resistance to emerald ash borer, a model for wood-boring insects that kill angiosperms
New Phytologist, 209(1), 63–79.
Contributors: C. Villari *, D. Herms *, J. Whitehill *, D. Cipollini* & P. Bonello *
2014 journal article
Decreased emergence of emerald ash borer from ash treated with methyl jasmonate is associated with induction of general defense traits and the toxic phenolic compound verbascoside.
Oecologia, 12(4), 1047–1059.
Contributors: J. Whitehill *, C. Rigsby *, D. Cipollini*, D. Herms * & P. Bonello *
2014 journal article
Effects of water availability on emerald ash borer larval performance and phloem phenolics of Manchurian and black ash
Plant, Cell and Environment, 37(4), 1009–1021.
Contributors: S. Chakraborty *, J. Whitehill *, A. Hill *, S. Opiyo*, D. Cipollini*, D. Herms *, P. Bonello *

2014 journal article
Reserves Accumulated in Non-Photosynthetic Organs during the Previous Growing Season Drive Plant Defenses and Growth in Aspen in the Subsequent Growing Season
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 40(1), 21–30.
Contributors: A. Najar*, S. Landhäusser *, J. Whitehill *, P. Bonello * & N. Erbilgin *
2013 journal article
The Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato type III effector HopM1 suppresses Arabidopsis defenses independent of suppressing salicylic acid signaling and of targeting AtMIN7.
PloS One, 8(12).
Contributors: A. Gangadharan*, M. Sreerekha*, * , J. Ham * & D. Mackey *
2012 journal article
Interspecific comparison of constitutive ash phloem phenolic chemistry reveals compounds unique to manchurian ash, a species resistant to emerald ash borer.
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 5(5), 499–511.
Contributors: J. Whitehill *, S. Opiyo*, J. Koch *, D. Herms *, D. Cipollini* & P. Bonello *

2012 journal article
Nutritional attributes of ash (Fraxinus spp.) outer bark and phloem and their relationships to resistance against the emerald ash borer.
Tree Physiology, 12(12), 1522–1532.
Contributors: A. Hill *, J. Whitehill *, S. Opiyo*, P. Phelan* & P. Bonello *
2012 journal article
The U-Box/ARM E3 ligase PUB13 regulates cell death, defense, and flowering time in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiology, 5(1), 239–250.
2011 journal article
Differential response in foliar chemistry of three ash species to emerald ash borer adult feeding
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 37(1), 29–39.
Contributors: Y. Chen *, J. Whitehill *, P. Bonello * & T. Poland *

2011 journal article
Distinguishing defensive characteristics in the phloem of ash species resistant and susceptible to emerald ash borer.
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 5(5), 450–459.
Contributors: D. Cipollini*, Q. Wang *, J. Whitehill *, J. Powell *, P. Bonello * & D. Herms *

2011 journal article
Feeding by emerald ash borer larvae induces systemic changes in black ash foliar chemistry
Phytochemistry, 72(16), 1990–1998.
Contributors: Y. Chen *, J. Whitehill *, P. Bonello * & T. Poland *

2011 journal article
Interspecific proteomic comparisons reveal ash phloem genes potentially involved in constitutive resistance to the emerald ash borer.
PloS One, 6(9).
Contributors: J. Whitehill *, A. Popova-Butler*, K. Green-Church*, J. Koch *, D. Herms * & P. Bonello *

2007 journal article
Ips pini (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) is a vector of the fungal pathogen, Sphaeropsis sapinea (Coelomycetes), to Austrian Pines, Pinus nigra (Pinaceae)
Environmental Entomology, 36(1), 114–120.
Contributors: J. Whitehill *, J. Lehman* & P. Bonello *

Updated: August 26th, 2020 00:33
2020 - present
2019 - 2020
2016 - 2020
2011 - 2016
Updated: August 24th, 2020 11:36
2006 - 2011
2001 - 2006
2001 - 2006