Works (30)
2022 article
Solid waste optimization life-cycle framework in Python (SwolfPy)
Sardarmehni, M., Anchieta, P. H. C., & Levis, J. W. (2022, January 13). JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY, Vol. 1.

2021 journal article
Development of Streamlined Life-Cycle Assessment for the Solid Waste Management System
Environmental Science & Technology, 55(8), 5475–5484.

2021 journal article
Life-Cycle Assessment of a Regulatory Compliant US Municipal Solid Waste Landfill

2021 journal article
Life-cycle modeling of nutrient and energy recovery through mixed waste processing systems
Contributors: M. Sardarmehni n & n

2021 journal article
Repurposing the Ebola and Marburg Virus Inhibitors Tilorone, Quinacrine, and Pyronaridine: In Vitro Activity against SARS-CoV-2 and Potential Mechanisms
ACS OMEGA, 6(11), 7454–7468.

2020 journal article
Application of LCA modelling in integrated waste management
WASTE MANAGEMENT, 118, 313–322.

2020 journal article
Exploring alternative solid waste management strategies for achieving policy goals
Engineering Optimization, 53(5), 1–14.

2020 journal article
What Is the Best End Use for Compost Derived from the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste?
Contributors: M. Sardarmehni n , n & M. Barlaz n

2019 journal article
An Assessment of the Dynamic Global Warming Impact Associated with Long-Term Emissions from Landfills

2019 journal article
Approaches to fill data gaps and evaluate process completeness in LCA—perspectives from solid waste management systems
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 24(9), 1587–1601.

2019 journal article
Economics of Enhancing Nutrient Circularity in an Organic Waste Valorization System
Environmental Science & Technology, 53(11), 6123–6132.

2019 journal article
Solid Waste Management Policy Implications on Waste Process Choices and Systemwide Cost and Greenhouse Gas Performance
Environmental Science & Technology, 53(4), 1766–1775.

2018 journal article
Application and testing of risk screening tools for nanomaterial risk analysis
Environmental Science: Nano, 5(8), 1844–1858.

2017 journal article
A review of the airborne and waterborne emissions from uncontrolled solid waste disposal sites
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 47(12), 1003–1041.

2017 journal article
Application of a Life Cycle Model for European Union Policy-Driven Waste Management Decision Making in Emerging Economies
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 22(2), 341–355.

2017 journal article
Construction and Setup of a Bench-scale Algal Photosynthetic Bioreactor with Temperature, Light, and pH Monitoring for Kinetic Growth Tests
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 6(124).
Contributors: A. Karam n, C. McMillan n, Y. Lai n, F. Reyes n, H. Sederoff n , A. Grunden n, R. Ranjithan n, n, J. Ducoste n

2017 journal article
Construction and setup of a bench-scale algal photosynthetic bioreactor with temperature, light, and ph monitoring for kinetic growth tests
Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments, (124).
2017 journal article
Evaluation of Externality Costs in Life-Cycle Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems
Environmental Science & Technology, 51(6), 3119–3127.

2017 conference paper
Life-cycle modeling of municipal solid waste landfills
Geotechnical frontiers 2017: waste containment, barriers, remediation, and sustainable geoengineering, (276), 355–368.
2017 journal article
National Estimate of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Release to U.S. Municipal Landfill Leachate
Environmental Science & Technology, 51(4), 2197–2205.

2016 journal article
Characterization of municipal solid waste collection operations
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 114, 92–102.
Contributors: M. Jaunich n , n, J. DeCarolis n, E. Gaston n, M. Barlaz n , S. Bartelt-Hunt *, E. Jones *, L. Hauser*, R. Jaikumar *

2016 journal article
Lifecycle Process Model for Municipal Solid Waste Collection
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 142(8), 04016037.
Contributors: M. Jaunich n , n, M. Barlaz n & J. Decarolis n

2016 journal article
Systematic Evaluation of Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Food Waste Management Strategies in the United States
Environmental Science & Technology, 50(16), 8444–8452.

2014 journal article
Analysis of material recovery facilities for use in life-cycle assessment
Waste Management, 35, 307–317.

2014 journal article
Systematic Exploration of Efficient Strategies to Manage Solid Waste in U.S. Municipalities: Perspectives from the Solid Waste Optimization Life-Cycle Framework (SWOLF)
Environmental Science & Technology, 48(7), 3625–3631.

2013 journal article
A generalized multistage optimization modeling framework for life cycle assessment-based integrated solid waste management
Environmental Modelling & Software, 50, 51–65.

2011 journal article
Is Biodegradability a Desirable Attribute for Discarded Solid Waste? Perspectives from a National Landfill Greenhouse Gas Inventory Model
Environmental Science & Technology, 45(13), 5470–5476.

2011 journal article
Quantifying the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions Associated with Recycling Hot Mix Asphalt
Road Materials and Pavement Design, 12(1), 57–77.

2011 journal article
What Is the Most Environmentally Beneficial Way to Treat Commercial Food Waste?
Environmental Science & Technology, 45(17), 7438–7444.

2010 journal article
Assessment of the state of food waste treatment in the United States and Canada
Waste Management, 30(8-9), 1486–1494.