@article{bloom_yao_edwards_2021, title={Lessons Learned from the Development of the North Carolina Extension Master Food Volunteer Program}, volume={59}, ISSN={["1077-5315"]}, DOI={10.34068/joe.59.03.02}, abstractNote={This article describes the curriculum and program development process that was used to create the North Carolina Extension Master Food Volunteer program. We used a rigorous program development process, including conducting a needs assessment, piloting and evaluating the program, incorporating revisions based on feedback, and receiving external reviews that were incorporated into the final product. We provide lessons learned and best practices for others to follow. These include the importance of piloting the program, involving agents and key partners throughout the entire process, and providing flexibility and adaptability in program delivery.}, number={3}, journal={JOURNAL OF EXTENSION}, author={Bloom, J. Dara and Yao, Julia and Edwards, Harriett}, year={2021} } @article{hardison-moody_yao_2019, title={Faithful Families, Thriving Communities: Bridging Faith and Health Through a State-Level Partnership}, volume={109}, ISSN={["1541-0048"]}, DOI={10.2105/AJPH.2018.304869}, abstractNote={ Faith communities are increasingly being recognized as important leaders in community health work, both in the United States and globally. However, faith communities are also often working at or beyond capacity in terms of meeting the social, emotional, and health needs of the communities they serve. }, number={3}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH}, author={Hardison-Moody, Annie and Yao, Julia}, year={2019}, month={Mar}, pages={363–368} }