Works (3)
2013 journal article
Monolignol Pathway 4-Coumaric Acid: Coenzyme A Ligases in Populus trichocarpa: Novel Specificity, Metabolic Regulation, and Simulation of Coenzyme A Ligation Fluxes
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 161(3), 1501–1516.
Contributors: H. Chen n, n, C. Williams n , C. Shuford n, J. Liu n, J. Wang n , Q. Li n, R. Shi n
2009 journal article
Label-free in situ imaging of lignification in the cell wall of low lignin transgenic Populus trichocarpa
PLANTA, 230(3), 589–597.
2006 journal article
Genetic transformation of Populus trichocarpa genotype Nisqually-1: A functional genomic tool for woody plants
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 47(11), 1582–1589.