Jiayong Zhang

College of Sciences

Works (2)

Updated: August 2nd, 2023 21:15

2021 journal article

Study of Anharmonicity in Zirconium Hydrides Using Inelastic Neutron Scattering and Ab-Initio Computer Modeling


By: J. Zhang n, Y. Cheng*, A. Kolesnikov, J. Bernholc n, W. Lu n & A. Ramirez-Cuesta*

author keywords: zirconium hydrides; anharmonicity; density functional theory; inelastic neutron scattering
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: April 22, 2021

2019 journal article

Theoretical Study of Alkali-Metal Hydrides at High Pressures: A Case of NaH Supported by Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) Experiments at 1 and 2 GPa

JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 123(46), 10079–10085.

By: A. Pandey*, J. Zhang n, Y. Cheng*, L. Daemen* & A. Ramirez-Cuesta*

TL;DR: The inelastic neutrons scattering spectra of NaH are measured for the first time and used to validate INS simulated from the first-principles calculations using both local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
7. Affordable and Clean Energy (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: April 20, 2020

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