Works (5)
2016 journal article
Credibility and Multiple SEOs: What Happens When Firms Return to the Capital Market?
2015 journal article
Hedge funds and corporate innovation
Financial Management, 44(2), 353–385.
2014 journal article
It Makes a Village: Residential Relocation after Charter School Admission
REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS, 42(4), 1008–1041.

2013 journal article
Entrenchment or incentive? CEO employment contracts and acquisition decisions
Journal of Corporate Finance (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 22, 124–152.
2013 journal article
The Regulatory Implications of Hydroquinone for the Multifunctional Enzyme Dehaloperoxidase-Hemoglobin from Amphitrite ornata
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 117(47), 14615–14624.