@article{bybee-finley_muller_white_bowles_cavigelli_han_schomberg_snapp_viens_2024, title={Deriving general principles of agroecosystem multifunctionality with the Diverse Rotations Improve Valuable Ecosystem Services (DRIVES) network}, ISSN={["1435-0645"]}, DOI={10.1002/agj2.21697}, abstractNote={Abstract Long‐term agricultural field experiments (LTFEs) have been conducted for nearly 150 years. Yet lack of coordination means that synthesis across such experiments remains rare, constituting a missed opportunity for deriving general principles of agroecosystem structure and function. Here, we introduce the Diverse Rotations Improve Valuable Ecosystem Services (DRIVES) project, which uses legacy data from North American LTFEs to address research questions about the multifunctionality of agriculture. The DRIVES Project is a network of researchers who have compiled a database of primary (i.e., observations) and secondary (i.e., transformed observations or modeling results) data from participating sites. It comprises 21 LTFEs that evaluate how crop rotational diversity impacts cropping system performance. The Network consists of United States Department of Agriculture, university, and International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center scientists (20 people) who manage and collect primary data from LTFEs and a core team (nine people) who organize the network, curate network data, and synthesize cross‐network findings. As of 2024, the DRIVES Project database contains 495 site‐years of crop yields, daily weather, soil analysis, and management information. The DRIVES database is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable, which allows integration with other public datasets. Initial research has focused on how rotational diversity impacts resilience in the face of adverse weather, nutritional quality, and economic feasibility. Our collaborative approach in handling LTFE data has established a model for data organization that facilitates broader synthesis studies. We openly invite other sites to join the DRIVES network and share their data.}, journal={AGRONOMY JOURNAL}, author={Bybee-Finley, K. Ann and Muller, Katherine and White, Kathryn E. and Bowles, Timothy M. and Cavigelli, Michel A. and Han, Eunjin and Schomberg, Harry H. and Snapp, Sieglinde and Viens, Frederi}, year={2024}, month={Oct} } @article{bybee-finley_muller_white_cavigelli_hang_schomberg_snapp_viens_correndo_deiss_et al._2024, title={Rotational complexity increases cropping system output under poorer growing conditions}, volume={7}, ISSN={["2590-3322"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.oneear.2024.07.008}, abstractNote={Growing multiple crops in rotation can increase the sustainability of agricultural systems and reduce risks from increasingly adverse weather. However, widespread adoption of diverse rotations is limited by economic uncertainty, lack of incentives, and limited information about long-term outcomes. Here, we combined 36,000 yield observations from 20 North American long-term cropping experiments (434 site-years) to assess how greater crop diversity impacts productivity of complete rotations and their component crops under varying growing conditions. Maize and soybean output increased as the number of species and rotation length increased, while results for complete rotations varied by site depending on which crops were present. Diverse rotations reduced rotation-level output at eight sites due to the addition of lower-output crops such as small grains, illustrating trade-offs. Diverse rotations positively impacted rotation-level output under poor growing conditions, which illustrates how diverse cropping systems can reduce the risk of crop loss in a changing climate.}, number={9}, journal={ONE EARTH}, author={Bybee-Finley, K. Ann and Muller, Katherine and White, Kathryn E. and Cavigelli, Michel A. and Hang, Eunjin and Schomberg, Harry H. and Snapp, Sieglinde and Viens, Frederi and Correndo, Adrian A. and Deiss, Leonardo and et al.}, year={2024}, month={Sep}, pages={1638–1654} }