Works (47)
2023 journal article
Anisotropic superconductivity at KTaO3(111) interfaces
Contributors: E. Arnault *, A. Al-Tawhid n, S. Salmani-Rezaie *, D. Muller *, D. Kumah n , M. Bahramy *, G. Finkelstein *, n
2023 article
Enhanced Critical Field of Superconductivity at an Oxide Interface
Al-Tawhid, A. H. H., Poage, S. J. J., Salmani-Rezaie, S., Gonzalez, A., Chikara, S., Muller, D. A. A., … Ahadi, K. (2023, July 27). NANO LETTERS, Vol. 7.
Contributors: A. Al-Tawhid n, S. Poage n, S. Salmani-Rezaie *, A. Gonzalez n, S. Chikara *, D. Muller *, D. Kumah n , M. Gastiasoro *, J. Lorenzana *, n

2023 journal article
Molecular beam epitaxy of KTaO3

2022 article
Complex High-kappa Oxides for Gate Dielectric Applications
Ahadi, K., & Cadien, K. (2022, June 22). JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 6.
2022 article
Oxygen Vacancy-Induced Anomalous Hall Effect in a Nominally Non-magnetic Oxide
Al-Tawhid, A. H., Kanter, J., Hatefipour, M., Irving, D. L., Kumah, D. P., Shabani, J., & Ahadi, K. (2022, September 24). JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 9.
Contributors: A. Al-Tawhid n, J. Kanter*, M. Hatefipour *, D. Irving n, D. Kumah n , J. Shabani *, n

2022 article
Superconductivity and Weak Anti-localization at KTaO3 (111) Interfaces
Al-Tawhid, A. H., Kanter, J., Hatefipour, M., Kumah, D. P., Shabani, J., & Ahadi, K. (2022, August 19). JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 8.
Contributors: A. Al-Tawhid n, J. Kanter*, M. Hatefipour *, D. Kumah n , J. Shabani * & n

2021 journal article
Hf1-xZrxO2 and HfO2/ZrO2 gate dielectrics with extremely low density of interfacial defects using low temperature atomic layer deposition on GaN and InP
2021 article
Topological Quantum Matter to Topological Phase Conversion: Fundamentals, Materials, Physical Systems for Phase Conversions, and Device Applications
(2021, February 11).
2021 review
Topological quantum matter to topological phase conversion: Fundamentals, materials, physical systems for phase conversions, and device applications

2021 journal article
Two-dimensional electron systems and interfacial coupling in LaCrO3/KTaO3 heterostructures
Contributors: A. Al-Tawhid n, D. Kumah n & n

2021 journal article
Weak localization and dimensional crossover in compositionally graded AlxGa1-xN
Contributors: A. Al-Tawhid n, A. Shafe n, P. Bagheri n, Y. Guan n, P. Reddy* , S. Mita*, B. Moody*, R. Collazo n , Z. Sitar n, n
2020 journal article
Correlating magnetic structure and magnetotransport in semimetal thin films of Eu1−xSmxTiO3
Physical Review Materials.
2020 journal article
High Current Density SmTiO3/SrTiO3 Field-Effect Transistors
ACS Applied Electronic Materials.

2020 journal article
Magnetoelastic coupling to coherent acoustic phonon modes in the ferrimagnetic insulator GdTiO3
Physical Review B.
2020 journal article
Order-Disorder Ferroelectric Transition of Strained SrTiO3
Physical Review Letters.
2020 journal article
Polar Nanodomains in a Ferroelectric Superconductor
Nano Letters.
2020 journal article
Possible signatures of mixed-parity superconductivity in doped polar SrTiO3 films
Physical Review B.
2020 journal article
Probing the Polar Instability of Strained SrTiO3 with HAADF-STEM
Microscopy and Microanalysis.

2019 journal article
Anisotropic magnetoresistance in the itinerant antiferromagnetic EuTiO3
Physical Review B.
2019 journal article
Controlling a Van Hove singularity and Fermi surface topology at a complex oxide heterostructure interface
Nature Communications.
2019 journal article
Enhancing superconductivity in SrTiO3 films with strain
Science Advances.
2019 journal article
Ferroelectric enhancement of superconductivity in compressively strained SrTiO3 films
Physical Review Materials.
2019 journal article
Lattice relaxations around individual dopant atoms in SrTiO3
Physical Review Materials.
2019 journal article
Probing the Local Lattice Distortions in Doped SrTiO3 Using Quantitative STEM
Microscopy and Microanalysis.
2018 journal article
Carrier density control of magnetism and Berry phases in doped EuTiO3
APL Materials.
2018 journal article
Electron nematic fluid in a strained Sr3Ru2O7 film
Physical Review B.
2018 journal article
Spontaneous Hall effects in the electron system at the SmTiO3/EuTiO3 interface
APL Materials.
2017 journal article
Electric field effect near the metal-insulator transition of a two-dimensional electron system in SrTiO3
Applied Physics Letters.
2017 journal article
Evidence of a topological Hall effect in Eu1−xSmxTiO3
Applied Physics Letters.
2017 journal article
Freestanding hierarchical porous carbon film derived from hybrid nanocellulose for high-power supercapacitors
Nano Research.
2017 journal article
Growth of strontium ruthenate films by hybrid molecular beam epitaxy
APL Materials.
2017 journal article
Novel Metal-Insulator Transition at the SmTiO3/SrTiO3 Interface
Physical Review Letters.
2017 journal article
Response of the Lattice across the Filling-Controlled Mott Metal-Insulator Transition of a Rare Earth Titanate
Physical Review Letters.
2017 journal article
Transparent and highly luminescent dysprosium- doped GdVO4 thin films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition
Thin Solid Films.
2017 journal article
Understanding the Effects of a High Surface Area Nanostructured Indium Tin Oxide Electrode on Organic Solar Cell Performance
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
2016 journal article
Strain-induced electrostatic enhancements of BiFeO3 nanowire loops
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
2016 journal article
Structure and optical band gaps of (Ba,Sr)SnO3 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films.
2016 journal article
Ultra low density of interfacial traps with mixed thermal and plasma enhanced ALD of high-κ gate dielectrics
RSC Advances.
2013 journal article
Effect of simultaneous chemical substitution of A and B sites on the electronic structure of BiFeO3 films grown on BaTiO3/SiO2/Si substrate
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics.

2012 journal article
Conductor–insulator transition and electronic structure of Ca-doped BiFeO3 films
Materials Letters.
2012 journal article
Effect of chemical substitution on the morphology and optical properties of Bi1−xCaxFeO3 films grown by pulsed-laser deposition
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics.

2012 journal article
Synthesis of sodium tungsten oxide nano-thick plates
Materials Letters.

2012 journal article
The effect of dynamic strain aging on room temperature mechanical properties of high martensite dual phase (HMDP) steel
Materials Science and Engineering: A.
2011 journal article
Effect of Iron Oxide and Silica Doping on Microstructure, Bandgap and Photocatalytic Properties of Titania by Water-in-Oil Microemulsion Technique
Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society.
2011 journal article
Electronic structure and morphological study of BaTiO3 film grown by pulsed-laser deposition
Materials Letters.
2011 journal article
Investigation of dark and light conductivities in calcium doped bismuth ferrite thin films
Materials Letters.
2010 journal article
Photoconductivity and diode effect in Bi rich multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films grown by pulsed-laser deposition
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics.
Updated: March 17th, 2024 20:00
2023 - present
2020 - 2023
Updated: January 4th, 2020 00:10
2016 - 2019
2013 - 2015