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Works (57)
2024 journal article
Dietary Super-Doses of Cholecalciferol Fed to Aged Laying Hens Illustrates Limitation of 24,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol Conversion

2022 journal article
Characterization of vaccine-induced immune responses against coccidiosis in broiler chickens
VACCINE, 40(29), 3893–3902.

2022 journal article
Influence of incubation, diet, and sex on avian uncoupling protein expression and oxidative stress in market age broilers following exposure to acute heat stress

2021 journal article
Embryonic thermal manipulation and dietary fat source during acute heat stress: 1. effect on hatchability and broiler performance
2021 journal article
Embryonic thermal manipulation and dietary fat source during acute heat stress: 2. Effect on broiler carcass characteristics and breast muscle myopathies
2021 review
Implications of Vitamin D Research in Chickens can Advance Human Nutrition and Perspectives for the Future

2020 journal article
Effect of Limestone Particle Size and Potassium Supplementation on Growth Performance, Blood Physiology, and Breast Muscle Myopathy of Male Broiler Chickens
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7.
2020 journal article
Effect of broiler genetics, age, and gender on performance and blood chemistry
HELIYON, 6(7).
Contributors: M. Livingston*, A. Cowieson *, R. Crespo n , V. Hoang, B. Nogal, M. Browning n, n
2020 journal article
Effect of coccidial challenge and vaccination on the performance, veterinary postmortem scores, and blood biochemistry of broiler chickens
POULTRY SCIENCE, 99(8), 3831–3840.
Contributors: A. Cowieson *, M. Livingston*, B. Nogal, V. Hoang, Y. Wang, R. Crespo n , n

2020 journal article
Efficacy of 1-alpha-Hydroxycholecalciferol Supplementation in Young Broiler Feed Suggests Reducing Calcium Levels at Grower Phase

2020 journal article
Evaluation via Supervised Machine Learning of the Broiler Pectoralis Major and Liver Transcriptome in Association With the Muscle Myopathy Wooden Breast
2020 journal article
Potential Transfer of Peanut and/or Soy Proteins from Poultry Feed to the Meat and/or Eggs Produced
ACS Omega, 5(2), 1080–1085.

2020 journal article
The effects of high-oleic peanuts as an alternative feed ingredient on broiler performance, ileal digestibility, apparent metabolizable energy, and histology of the intestine
2019 journal article
Dietary potassium and available phosphorous on broiler growth performance, carcass characteristics, and wooden breast
Poultry Science, 98(7), 2813–2822.
2019 journal article
Effect of high concentrations of dietary vitamin D3 on pullet and laying hen performance, skeleton health, eggshell quality, and yolk vitamin D3 content when fed to W36 laying hens from day of hatch until 68 wk of age
Poultry Science.
2019 journal article
Meat quality and sensory attributes of meat produced from broiler chickens fed a high oleic peanut diet
Poultry Science, 98(10), 5188–5197.
2018 journal article
A novel non-invasive method for evaluating electroencephalograms on laying hens
Poultry Science, 97(3), 860–864.

2018 journal article
Assessment of the A.S.P.I.R.E. (ACT Supplemental Preparation in Rural Education) program as an effective extension tool to decrease deficits in ACT College entrance examination scores in rural high school students
NACTA, 62, 339–345.
2018 journal article
Black soldier fly larvae meal and oil can replace soybean meal and oil without adversely affecting chick growth performance during the starter phase
Poultry Science, 97(E-Suppl. 1), 6.
2018 journal article
Blood physiology of broilers presented with breast myopathies and supplemented with dietary glutamine and arginine
Poultry Science, 97(E-Suppl. 1), 267.
2018 journal article
Dietary amino acids under hypoxic conditions exacerbates muscle myopathies including wooden breast and white stripping
Poultry Science, 98(3), 1517–1527.

2018 journal article
Effects of diets containing salt versus bicarbonate and level of physical activity on white striping and woody breast
Poultry Science, 97(E-Suppl. 1), 34.
2018 journal article
Evaluation of Ventilation Shutdown in a Multi-level Caged System
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 27(4), 555–563.

2018 journal article
Evaluation of environmental and physiological parameters during Ventilation Shutdown in turkey hens
Poultry Science, 97(E-Suppl. 1), 89.
2018 journal article
The effect of stocking density on the stress response in broilers
Poultry Science, 97(E-Suppl. 1), 337.
2018 journal article
The effect of stocking density on the stress response in turkeys
Poultry Science, 97(E-Suppl. 1), 336.
2018 journal article
Ventilation shutdown in conjunction with CO2 results in a quicker depopulation method with reduced stress
Poultry Science, 97(E-Suppl. 1), 72.
2018 journal article
Vitamin D3 cholecalciferol concentration effects on MQNCSU macrophage cell proliferation and macrophage activation
Poultry Science, 97(E-Suppl. 1), 158.
2018 journal article
Wooden breast myopathies start with changes in calcium signaling and ends with cancer
Poultry Science, 97(E-Suppl. 1).
2017 journal article
Effect of dietary glutamine and arginine on woody breast muscle myopathy and muscular calcium, potassium, and phosphorus in broiler chickens
Poultry Science, 96(Suppl. 1), 152.
2017 journal article
Effect of stocking density on carcass and cut up yields, and meat quality of broilers up to 49 d
Poultry Science, 96(Suppl. 1), 14.
2017 journal article
Effect of stocking density on live performance and leg health on broilers up to 49 d
Poultry Science, 96(Suppl. 1), 14.
2017 journal article
Effect of ventilation shut down (VSD) on changes in heat shock protein 70 and blood chemistry throughout depopulation
Poultry Science, 96(E-Suppl. 1), 99.
2017 journal article
Effects of supplemental dietary glutamine and arginine on broiler live performance, blood chemistry, and incidence of white striping and wooden breast
Poultry Science, 96(Suppl. 1), 206.
2016 journal article
Assessment of the A.S.P.I.R.E. (ACT Supplemental Preparation in Rural Education) program as an effective extension tool to decrease deficits in ACT college entrance examination scores in rural high school students
Poultry Science, 95(Suppl. 1), 112.
2016 journal article
Effect of corn distillers solubles oil on broiler chicken skin pigmentation and plasma carotenoid content
Poultry Science, 95(Suppl. 1), 13.
2016 journal article
Evaluating laying hen EEGs in response to environmental stressors during ventilation shutdown (VSD) for the development of humane methodologies used for mass depopulation amid a disease outbreak
Poultry Science, 95(Suppl. 1), 30.
2016 journal article
Evaluating the Poultry Science Summer Institute as a recruitment tool for high school students to enter the Poultry Science department
Poultry Science, 95(Suppl. 1), 222.
2016 journal article
Specification grading in a distance-education nutrition course reduces students’ stress and improves grade distributions
Poultry Science, 95(Suppl. 1).
2014 journal article
Evaluation of Calsporin and IMW50 on production performance in laying hens from 16 to 32 weeks of age
Poultry Science, 93(Suppl. 1), 20.
2014 journal article
Evaluation of Calsporin and IMW50 on pullets raised in a cage-free system
Poultry Science, 93(Suppl. 1), 198.
2014 journal article
Pretreating primary macrophages (MΦ) with Bacillus subtillus but not mannan oligosaccharide increases nitric oxide production after Salmonella enteritidis challenge
Poultry Science, 93(Suppl. 1), 195.
2013 journal article
CD4 T-helper cell cytokine phenotypes and antibody response following tetanus toxoid booster immunization
Journal of Immunological Methods, 390(1-2), 18–29.
2012 chapter
Vitamin A deficiency and the neonatal immune system: possible effects of vitamin A supplementation at birth
In Report: WHO technical consultation on vitamin A in newborn health: mechanistic studies. Geneva: World Health Organization.
2011 journal article
CD4 T-helper cell cytokine phenotypes following tetanus toxoid immunization
Journal of Immunology, 186(Supplement 1), 52.3.
2011 journal article
Retinyl palmitate does not have an adjuvant effect on the antibody response of chicks to keyhole limpet hemocyanin regardless of vitamin A status
Poultry Science, 90(5), 965–970.

2009 journal article
Vitamin supplements and vaccines: maximize benefits, evaluate potential risks
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 90(3), 457–458.

2008 journal article
Challenging Hy-Line W36 chicks with KLH in conjunction with retinyl palmitate does not increase antibody response regardless of vitamin A status
Poultry Science, 87(Suppl. 1), 83.
2008 journal article
Inadequate vitamin A during development increases bursacyte apoptosis in chicks
Poultry Science, 87(Suppl. 1), 52.
2006 journal article
The Vitamin A requirement for optimum growth, egg production, and hatchability in japanese quail
Poultry Science, 85(Suppl. 1), 28.
2005 journal article
Citric acid improves phytate phosphorus utilization in crossbred and commercial broiler chicks
Poultry Science, 84(9), 1370–1375.
2005 journal article
Hy-Line W-36 and Hy-Line W-98 laying hens respond similarly to dietary phosphorus levels
Poultry Science, 84(5), 757–763.
2005 journal article
The effects of various organic acids on phytate phosphorus utilization in chicks
Poultry Science, 84(9), 1356–1362.
2004 journal article
Evaluation of low-energy diets for non-feed withdrawl laying hen molt program
Poultry Science, 83(Suppl. 1), 399.
2004 journal article
Organic acids improve phyate phosphorus utilization in chicks fed a corn-soybean meal diet
Poultry Science, 83(Suppl. 1), 149.
2003 journal article
Citric acid improves phytate phosphorus utilization in two breeds of chicks fed a corn-soybean meal diet
Poultry Science, 82(Suppl. 1), 142.
journal article
Evaluating the Poultry Science Summer Institute (PSSI) as a recruitment tool for high school students to enter the Prestage Department of Poultry Science
Whitaker, B., Worley-Davis, L., Brierton, S., Osborne, J., Anderson, K., & Livingston, K. A. NACTA, 61, 279–283.