Works (69)
2024 article
Identifying Best Performance Scenarios For Micro Nuclear Reactors During Grid Disruption
Ivey, C., Kay, M., Thoney-Barletta, K., Hodgson, T., & McConnell, B. (2024, December 23). Transactions on Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 78–89.
Contributors: C. Ivey, , R. King, T. Hodgson n, B. McConnell n & K. Thoney-Barletta n
2024 article
Implementing A Letter Of Credit Style Business Process For Small-Scale Contracting Using Smart Contracts
Fukuzawa, M., Kay, M., McConnell, B., Thoney-Barletta, K., & Warsing, D. (2024, November 7).
2024 article
Implementing trades of the National Football League Draft on blockchain smart contracts
Fukuzawa, M. B., McConnell, B. M., Kay, M. G., Thoney-Barletta, K. A., & Warsing, D. P. (2024, January 12). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MARKETING & SPONSORSHIP, Vol. 1.
2023 article
Two-stage stochastic programming model of US Army aviation allocation of utility helicopters to task forces
Nelson, R. J., Werner, J., Kay, M. G., King, R. E., McConnell, B. M., & Thoney-Barletta, K. (2023, November 18). JOURNAL OF DEFENSE MODELING AND SIMULATION-APPLICATIONS METHODOLOGY TECHNOLOGY-JDMS, Vol. 11.

2022 article
Designing a manufacturing network with additive manufacturing using stochastic optimisation
Ahmed, R., Heese, H. S., & Kay, M. (2022, April 1). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, Vol. 4.

2021 article
Minimizing Total Logistics Cost for Long-Haul Multi-Stop Truck Transportation
Kay, M. G., Karagul, K., Sahin, Y., & Gunduz, G. (2021, September 23). TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, Vol. 2676.

2021 conference paper
On-Demand Logistics Service for Packages: Package Bidding Mechanism vs. Platform Pricing
2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC).
2021 journal article
Performance tradeoffs for spare parts supply chains with additive manufacturing capability servicing intermittent demand
Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 179–213.
2020 journal article
Challenges and opportunities to integrate the oldest and newest manufacturing processes: metal casting and additive manufacturing

2020 journal article
Digital Facility Layout Planning

2020 journal article
Modeling and transportation planning for US noncombatant evacuation operations in South Korea
Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics, 4(1), 41–69.

2019 journal article
Rethinking reverse logistics: role of additive manufacturing technology in metal remanufacturing
Contributors: D. Strong*, n , T. Wakefield*, I. Sirichakwal*, B. Conner * & G. Manogharan *

2019 journal article
Assessing uncertainty and risk in an expeditionary military logistics network
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology, 18(2), 154851291986059.
Contributors: B. McConnell n , T. Hodgson n, n , R. King n , Y. Liu n, G. Parlier n, K. Thoney-Barletta n, J. Wilson n

2018 journal article
Hybrid manufacturing-Locating AM hubs using a two-stage facility location approach
Contributors: D. Strong*, n , B. Conner *, T. Wakefield* & G. Manogharan *

2019 journal article
Route planning methods for a modular warehouse system
An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 10(1), 17.

2019 conference paper
Time series anomaly detection from a markov chain perspective
Proceedings - 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2019, 1000–1007.
Contributors: I. Vasheghani Farahani *, A. Chien*, R. King n, n & B. Klenz*
2018 journal article
A Military Logistics Network Planning System
Military Operations Research, 23(4), 5–24.
Contributors: M. Rogers, B. McConnell , T. Hodgson , , R. King , G. Parlier, K. Thoney-Barletta
2018 journal article
A new method for generating initial solutions of capacitated vehicle routing problems
Gazi University Journal of Science, 31(2), 489–513.
2018 journal article
Hybrid manufacturing - integrating traditional manufacturers with additive manufacturing (AM) supply chain
Contributors: D. Strong*, n , B. Conner *, T. Wakefield* & G. Manogharan *

2017 journal article
Allocation heuristics for high-altitude long-endurance UAV image intelligence platforms
Military Operations Research, 22(3), 5–19.
Contributors: G. Kim, T. Hodgson , R. King , Y. Liu &
2015 journal article
On the economic lot scheduling problem: stock-out prevention and system feasibility
Contributors: B. Hanson n, T. Hodgson n , n , R. King n & K. Thoney-Barletta n

2013 journal article
Combined DES/SD model of breast cancer screening for older women, II: screening-and-treatment simulation
IIE Transactions, 46(7), 707–727.

2014 conference paper
Multi-objective optimization of 3D packing problem in additive manufacturing
IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2014, 1485–1494.
2013 conference paper
Combined DES/SD simulaton model of breast cancer screening for older women: An overview
Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference - Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, WSC 2013, 41–53.
Contributors: J. Tejada, K. Diehl n, J. Ivy n, J. Wilson n, R. King n, M. Ballan n, * , B. Yankaskas*

2010 article
Using a mathematical programming model to examine the marginal price of capacitated resources
Kefeli, A., Uzsoy, R., Fathi, Y., & Kay, M. (2011, May). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, Vol. 131, pp. 383–391.

2010 conference paper
Teaching IE: Common mistakes and reflections on an IE class
IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2010 Proceedings.
2008 journal article
Estimating LTL rates using publicly available empirical data
Contributors: & D. Warsing n n

2008 conference paper
Waiting time approximation in public logistics network
IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2008, 543–548.
2007 conference paper
A comparison of meta-heuristics for large scale facility location problems with economies of scale
IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2007 - Industrial Engineering's Critical Role in a Flat World - Conference Proceedings, 1410–1415.
2007 conference paper
Public logistics network protocol design and implementation
IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2007 - Industrial Engineering's Critical Role in a Flat World - Conference Proceedings, 1593–1598.
2006 conference paper
A modified ALA procedure for logistic network designs with scale economies
2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition.
2006 conference paper
Supply chain multi-objective simulation optimization
4th International Industrial Simulation Conference 2006 : ISC'2006 ; June 5 - 7, 2006, Palermo, Italy /, 125–132. Ostend: EUROSIS-ETI.
2006 conference paper
Supply chain multi-objective simulation optimization
4th International Industrial Simulation Conference 2006, ISC 2006, 377–383.
2005 conference paper
Implementing a pricing mechanism for public logistics networks
IIE Annual Conference and Exposition 2005.
2004 conference paper
Pricing a public logistics network
IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition 2004, 439.
2003 conference paper
2002 hybrid genetic algorithms and random linkage
CEC'02 : proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation : May 12-17, 2002, Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2, 1733–1738.
Contributors: J. Joines n & *
2002 conference paper
Supply chain multi-objective simulation optimization
Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, 2, 1306–1314.
2000 journal article
A hybrid genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell design
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 17(5), 549–564.

2000 journal article
Characterizing search spaces for tabu search and including adaptive memory into a genetic algorithm
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 17(5), 527–536.
Contributors: J. Joines n , C. Houck n & n
1999 journal article
Evaluation of cylindricity using combinatorics
IIE Transactions, 31(1), 39–47.
Contributors: T. Hodgson* , * , R. Mittal* & S. Tang*
1999 journal article
Evaluation of cylindricity using combinatorics
IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), 31(1), 39–47.
Contributors: T. Hodgson n, n , R. Mittal* & S. Tang*
1998 journal article
Evaluation of AGV routeing strategies using hierarchical simulation
Contributors: R. Seifert, & J. Wilson* *

2002 conference paper
Fusing a hyper-ellipsoid clustering Kohonen network with the Julier-Uhlmann-Kalman filter for autonomous mobile robot map building and tracking
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2, 1405–1410.
Contributors: J. Janet n, M. White n, n , J. Sutton n & J. Brickley n

1997 journal article
A methodology for optimally designing console panels for use by a single operator
HUMAN FACTORS, 39(3), 389–409.
1997 journal article
Autonomous mobile robot global motion planning and geometric beacon collection using traversability vectors
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 13(1), 132–140.

1997 journal article
Empirical Investigation of the Benefits of Partial Lamarckianism
1997 conference paper
Multi-layered fuzzy behavior fusion for reactive control of an autonomous mobile robot
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1, 579–584.
1996 journal article
Comparison of genetic algorithms, random restart, and two-opt switching for solving large location-allocation problems
Computers & Operations Research, 23(6), 587–596.
Contributors: C. Houck n, J. Joines n & n
1996 journal article
Multilayered fuzzy behavior fusion for real-time reactive control of systems with multiple sensors
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 43(3), 387–394.
Contributors: S. Goodridge n, n & R. Luo n

1996 conference paper
Multimedia sensor fusion for intelligent camera control
IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, 655–662.
1995 conference paper
Autonomous mobile robot self-referencing with sensor windows and neural networks
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), 2, 1124–1129.
2002 conference paper
Essential visibility graph: an approach to global motion planning for autonomous mobile robots
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2, 1958–1963.
1995 conference paper
Evaluation of AGV routing strategies using hierarchical simulation
Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, 850–856.
1995 journal article
Implementation and utilization of a decentralized storage system: Costing model
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 15(9), 210–219.

1994 conference paper
Autonomous mobile robot motion planning enhanced with extended configuration-space and half-planes
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), 2, 1088–1093.
1994 conference paper
Future trends in multisensor integration and fusion
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 7–12.
1994 conference paper
Multi-layered fuzzy behavior fusion for real-time control of systems with many sensors
IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, 272–279.
1993 conference paper
Global vision for the control of free-ranging AGV systems
Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2, 14–19.
1993 conference paper
Sonar windows and geometrically represented objects for mobile robot self-referencing
2005 conference paper
Camera Placement for Global Vision
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2, 917–924.
1992 conference paper
Selection of sensor-based free-ranging AGV systems
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA, 1992-August, 184–189.

1991 conference paper
Hierarchical target representation for autonomous recognition using distributed sensors
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1383, 537–544.
1990 conference paper
A tutorial on multisensor integration and fusion
IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), 1, 707–722.
1989 journal article
Multisensor integration and fusion in intelligent systems
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 19(5), 901–931.
1988 journal article
Mathes: An expert system for material handling equipment selection
Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 14(4), 297–310.

1988 journal article
Multisensor integration and fusion: ISSUES and approaches
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 931, 42–49.
1988 conference paper
Multisensor integration and fusion: Issues and approaches
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 931, 42–49.
2005 conference paper
The role of multisensory integration and fusion in the operation of mobile robots
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 1988-October, 259–264.
Implementing Trades of the National Football League Draft on Blockchain Smart Contracts
Fukuzawa, M., Kay, M., McConnell, B., Thoney-Barletta, K., & Warsing, D. (2025, February 24).
Updated: October 27th, 2018 06:58
1992 - present