Works (5)
2023 article
A chromosome-level genome assembly of longnose gar, Lepisosteus osseus
Mallik, R., Carlson, K. B., Wcisel, D. J., Fisk, M., Yoder, J. A., & Dornburg, A. (2023, April 29). (N. Whiteman, Ed.). G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, Vol. 4.
Ed(s): N. Whiteman

2023 article
Ancient fish lineages illuminate toll-like receptor diversification in early vertebrate evolution
Carlson, K. B., Nguyen, C., Wcisel, D. J., Yoder, J. A., & Dornburg, A. (2023, August 9). IMMUNOGENETICS, Vol. 8.

2022 article
Transcriptome annotation reveals minimal immunogenetic diversity among Wyoming toads, Anaxyrus baxteri
Carlson, K. B., Wcisel, D. J., Ackerman, H. D., Romanet, J., Christiansen, E. F., Niemuth, J. N., … Yoder, J. A. (2022, April 28). CONSERVATION GENETICS, Vol. 4.

2021 journal article
Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Mitchill, 1815) early life stage consumption evidenced by high-throughput DNA sequencing

2021 journal article
High-throughput sequencing outperforms traditional morphological methods in Blue Catfish diet analysis and reveals novel insights into diet ecology
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 11(10), 5584–5597.