@article{mayhew_winkler_staples_singer_shaheen_rockenbach_2022, title={The Evangelical Puzzle Partially Explained: Privileged Prejudice and the Development of Appreciative Attitudes Toward Evangelical Christianity}, volume={6}, ISSN={["2504-284X"]}, DOI={10.3389/feduc.2021.775303}, abstractNote={Background: Evangelical Christian college students simultaneously experience the privileges that accompany dominant religious identities and feel a need to conceal their identity and perspectives on college campuses. Consistently and empirically, the college campus has been studied for its potential to help students develop appreciative attitudes toward religious, secular, and spiritual worldviews. Yet, few studies have investigated evangelical Christian appreciation longitudinally over 4 years of college, and even fewer through the additional use of a mixed-methods design.}, journal={FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION}, author={Mayhew, Matthew J. and Winkler, Christa E. and Staples, B. Ashley and Singer, Kevin and Shaheen, Musbah and Rockenbach, Alyssa N.}, year={2022}, month={Sep} }