Kátia Fernandes
Works (29)
2024 journal article
Landcover-categorized fires respond distinctly to precipitation anomalies in the South-Central United States

2023 article
Subseasonal fire forecast in the Amazon using week-2 precipitation forecast combined with a vegetation health indicator
Fernandes, K., Bell, M., & Muñoz, Á. (2023, May 15).
2022 journal article
Combining precipitation forecasts and vegetation health to predict fire risk at subseasonal timescale in the Amazon
Environmental Research Letters, 17(7), 074009.
2022 journal article
The Sustainable Expansion of the Cocoa Crop in the State of Pará and Its Contribution to Altered Areas Recovery and Fire Reduction
Journal of Geographic Information System.
2021 journal article
Detecting vulnerability of humid tropical forests to multiple stressors
One Earth, 4(7), 988–1003.
2020 journal article
Multidecadal Changes in Wet Season Precipitation Totals Over the Eastern Amazon
Geophysical Research Letters, 47(8).

2020 journal article
Pan American interactions of Amazon precipitation, streamflow, and tree growth extremes
Environmental Research Letters.

2019 journal article
Improving seasonal precipitation forecast for agriculture in the Orinoquía Region of Colombia
Weather and Forecasting.
2018 journal article
Predictability of seasonal precipitation across major crop growing areas in Colombia
Climate Services.
2018 journal article
Understanding the roles of fuels, climate and people in predicting fire: taking the long view
Past Global Changes Magazine.

2017 journal article
Climate change and sugarcane expansion increase Hantavirus infection risk
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
2017 journal article
Fragmentation increases wind disturbance impacts on forest structure and carbon stocks in a western Amazonian landscape
Ecological Applications.

2017 journal article
Heightened fire probability in Indonesia in non-drought conditions: the effect of increasing temperatures
Environmental Research Letters.

2016 journal article
Local ecological knowledge and incremental adaptation to changing flood patterns in the Amazon delta
Sustainability Science.

2015 journal article
Climate, landowner residency, and land cover predict local scale fire activity in the Western Amazon
Global Environmental Change.

2015 journal article
Decadal covariability of Atlantic SSTs and western Amazon dry‐season hydroclimate in observations and CMIP5 simulations
Geophysical Research Letters, 42(16), 6793–6801.

2015 journal article
Two summers of São Paulo drought: Origins in the western tropical Pacific
Geophysical Research Letters.

2014 journal article
Climate and environmental monitoring for decision making
Earth Perspectives.
2014 journal article
Land cover change interacts with drought severity to change fire regimes in Western Amazonia
Ecological Applications.
2014 journal article
What controls the interannual variation of the wet season onsets over the Amazon?
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

2013 journal article
Increased dry-season length over southern Amazonia in recent decades and its implication for future climate projection
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

2012 journal article
Depopulation of rural landscapes exacerbates fire activity in the western Amazon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
2011 journal article
Revista Brasileira De Climatologia.
2011 journal article
High-yield oil palm expansion spares land at the expense of forests in the Peruvian Amazon
Environmental Research Letters.

2011 journal article
North Tropical Atlantic influence on western Amazon fire season variability
Geophysical Research Letters.
2009 journal article
Comparison of Precipitation Datasets over the Tropical South American and African Continents
Journal of Hydrometeorology.

2009 journal article
Impact of biomass burning aerosol on the monsoon circulation transition over Amazonia
Geophysical Research Letters.

2008 journal article
How well does the ERA40 surface water budget compare to observations in the Amazon River basin?
Journal of Geophysical Research.

2008 journal article
Observed change of the standardized precipitation index, its potential cause and implications to future climate change in the Amazon region
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Updated: February 19th, 2024 14:13
2024 - present
2019 - 2023
2009 - 2019
1997 - 2002
Updated: February 19th, 2024 12:49
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: February 19th, 2024 13:02