Khara Grieger
Works (116)
2024 journal article
Benchmarks for urine volume generation and phosphorus mass recovery in commercial and institutional buildings

2024 article
Effective Nutrient Management of Surface Waters in the United States Requires Expanded Water Quality Monitoring in Agriculturally Intensive Areas
Oates, C., Fajardo, H., Grieger, K., Obenour, D., Muenich, R. L., & Nelson, N. G. (2024, November 28). ACS ENVIRONMENTAL AU, Vol. 11.
2024 journal article
Environmental impacts of selected metal cations for phosphorus capture in natural waters: A synthesis
Chemosphere, 364, 143162.
Contributors: J. Jones n
2024 journal article
Positioning nanotechnology to address climate change
Environment Systems and Decisions, 44(4), 1039–1053.
2024 article
Researchers must address regulatory regimes to scale up adoption of urine diversion systems in the US
Merck, A., Grieger, K., Crane, L., & Boyer, T. (2024, June 1). ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH: INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUSTAINABILITY, Vol. 4.

2024 article
Stakeholder Views of Science and Technologies for Phosphorus Sustainability: A Comparative Analysis of Three Case Studies in Phosphorus Recovery in the US
Merck, A. W., Deaver, J. A., Crane, L., Morrison, E. S., Call, D. F., Boyer, T. H., … Grieger, K. (2024, August 13). SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES, Vol. 8.

2024 article
Towards realizing nano-enabled precision delivery in plants
Lowry, G. V., Giraldo, J. P., Steinmetz, N. F., Avellan, A., Demirer, G. S., Ristroph, K. D., … White, J. C. (2024, June 6). NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 6.

2024 journal article
What are stakeholder views and needs for achieving phosphorus sustainability?
Environment Systems and Decisions.
2023 chapter
Creating an alternative future for Earth’s phosphorus cycle in the Anthropocene via eco-prospecting, eco-mining, and eco-refining
In Treatise on Geochemistry.
2023 journal article
Development and application of screening-level risk analysis for emerging materials
Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 35, e00524.

2023 article
Ensuring Sustainable Novel Plant Biotechnologies Requires Formalized Research and Assessment Programs
Grieger, K., & Kuzma, J. (2023, October 19). ACS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 3, pp. 970–972.

2023 report
Guide to Understanding and Addressing PFAS in our Communities
2023 article
Identifying sustainability assessment parameters for genetically engineered agrifoods
Wei, W., Grieger, K., Cummings, C. L., Loschin, N., & Kuzma, J. (2023, July 22). PLANTS PEOPLE PLANET, Vol. 7.

2023 report
Let’s Talk About Risk: A Guide to Identifying, Assessing, Managing, and Communicating Risk
NC State Extension Publication.
2023 journal article
Phosphorus sustainability through coordinated stakeholder engagement: a perspective
Environment Systems and Decisions, 2.
2023 journal article
Phytoextraction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by weeds: Effect of PFAS physicochemical properties and plant physiological traits
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 454, 131492.

2023 weblog post
Reflections on COP15
2023 journal article
Using a Phosphorus Flow Diagram as a Boundary Object to Inform Stakeholder Engagement

2023 article
Views of RNAi approaches for weed management in turfgrass systems
Ethridge, S. R., Grieger, K., Locke, A. M., Everman, W. J., Jordan, D. L., & Leon, R. G. (2023, July 10). WEED SCIENCE, Vol. 7.

2022 journal article
Assessing the impacts of urbanization on stream ecosystem functioning through investigating litter decomposition and nutrient uptake in a forest and a hyper-eutrophic urban stream
Ecological Indicators, 138, 108859.

2022 journal article
Bioaccumulation and Translocation of 6:2 Fluorotelomer Sulfonate, GenX, and Perfluoroalkyl Acids by Urban Spontaneous Plants
ACS ES&T Engineering, 2(7), 1169–1178.

2022 report
Eliciting Stakeholder Perceptions Using a Novel Online Engagement Platform: A Case Study on Nano-Agrifoods
2022 chapter
Environmental Risk Assessment of Emerging Contaminants—The Case of Nanomaterials
In L. H. Guo & M. Mortimer (Eds.), Advances in Toxicology and Risk Assessment of Nanomaterials and Emerging Contaminants (pp. 349–371).
Ed(s): L. Guo & M. Mortimer
2022 journal article
Formulating best practices for responsible innovation of nano-agrifoods through stakeholder insights and reflection
Journal of Responsible Technology, 10, 100030.
2022 journal article
Fostering Responsible Innovation through Stakeholder Engagement: Case Study of North Carolina Sweetpotato Stakeholders
Sustainability, 14(4), 2274.

2022 report
Gene Drives in Agriculture: Workshop on Risk Assessment and Research Prioritization
In Gene Drives in Agriculture: Workshop on Risk Assessment and Research Prioritization. Workshop Report [Workshop report].
2022 journal article
How can we promote the responsible innovation of nano-agrifood research?

2022 journal article
Informing environmental health and risk priorities through local outreach and extension
Environment Systems and Decisions, 42(3), 388–401.
2022 report
Let’s Work Together in Addressing Environmental and Societal Issues - Guide to Engaging Stakeholders and Communities
2022 article
STEPS to Tackle Our Phosphorus Paradox
Grieger, K. (2022, August 11).
2022 report
Society for Risk Analysis Strategic Initiative Funding: Final Report
Society for Risk Analysis.
2022 report
Stakeholder Engagement in Risk Sciences
Society for Risk Analysis.
2022 article
Transitioning Machine Learning from Theory to Practice in Natural Resources Management
Saia, S., Nelson, N., Huseth, A., Grieger, K., & Reich, B. (2022, January 31). (Vol. 1). Vol. 1.
2022 journal article
What Role Does Regulation Play in Responsible Innovation of Nanotechnology in Food and Agriculture? Insights and Framings from U.S. Stakeholders
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 42(3), 85–103.
2021 journal article
(Broken) Promises of Sustainable Food and Agriculture through New Biotechnologies: The CRISPR Case
CRISPR JOURNAL, 4(1), 25–31.

2021 chapter
5 Risk screening tools for engineered nanomaterials
In Ethics in Nanotechnology (pp. 89–108).
2021 journal article
Barriers to responsible innovation of nanotechnology applications in food and agriculture: A study of US experts and developers

2021 journal article
Effect of microplastics on ecosystem functioning: Microbial nitrogen removal mediated by benthic invertebrates

2021 journal article
Influence of natural organic matter and pH on phosphate removal by and filterable lanthanum release from lanthanum-modified bentonite
Water Research, 202, 117399.
Contributors: Y. Zhi n, D. Call n , n , O. Duckworth n , J. Jones n & D. Knappe n

2021 journal article
Responsible Innovation Definitions, Practices, and Motivations from Nanotechnology Researchers in Food and Agriculture
NanoEthics, 15(3), 229–243.

2021 journal article
Responsible innovation of nano-agrifoods: Insights and views from U.S. stakeholders
NanoImpact, 24, 100365.

2020 journal article
Accessing Legacy Phosphorus in Soils
Soil Systems, 4(4), 74.

2020 article
Community-led governance for gene-edited crops A post-market certification process could promote transparency and trust
Kuzma, J., & Grieger, K. (2020, November 20). SCIENCE, Vol. 370, pp. 916–918.

2020 report
Complete list of requirements for a nano-specific risk governance framework
[Deliverable]. caLIBRAte European project, Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
2020 journal article
Emerging lanthanum (III)-containing materials for phosphate removal from water: A review towards future developments
Environment International, 145, 106115.
Contributors: Y. Zhi n, C. Zhang n, R. Hjorth *, A. Baun *, O. Duckworth n , D. Call n , D. Knappe n, J. Jones n , n

2020 chapter
Nanomaterials: Regulation and Risk Assessment
In Managing Human and Social Systems (2nd ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
2020 journal article
Pandemics Call for Systems Approaches to Research and Funding
Issues in Science and Technology.
2020 journal article
Transitioning Machine Learning from Theory to Practice in Natural Resources Management
Ecological Modelling, 435, 109257.

2019 journal article
Best practices from nano-risk analysis relevant for other emerging technologies
Nature Nanotechnology, 14(11), 998–1001.

2019 journal article
Biological interactions between nanomaterials and placental development and function following oral exposure

2019 journal article
Emerging risk governance for stratospheric aerosol injection as a climate management technology
Environment Systems and Decisions, 39(4), 371–382.

2019 article
From risk perception to risk governance in nanotechnology: a multi-stakeholder study
Porcari, A., Borsella, E., Benighaus, C., Grieger, K., Isigonis, P., Chakravarty, S., … Jensen, K. A. (2019, November). JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, Vol. 21.

2019 weblog post
Lessons Learned for Risk Governance of Synthetic Biology, Nanomaterials, and Other Emerging Technologies in a Post-2020 World
2019 journal article
Risk Governance of Nanomaterials: Review of Criteria and Tools for Risk Communication, Evaluation, and Mitigation
Nanomaterials, 9(5), 696.

2019 chapter
Sustainable Environmental Remediation Using NZVI by Managing Benefit-Risk Trade-Offs
In T. Phenrat & G. V. Lowry (Eds.), Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Particles for Environmental Restoration (pp. 511–562).
Ed(s): T. Phenrat & G. Lowry
2018 journal article
Application and testing of risk screening tools for nanomaterial risk analysis
Environmental Science: Nano, 5(8), 1844–1858.

2018 report
Decision Analysis Support for Implementing a Risk-Informed Decision-Making System in the FDA Foods and Veterinary Medicine Program: Final Report
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
2017 journal article
A framework for One Health research
One Health, 3, 44–50.
2017 report
Comprehensive analysis of available tools and methodologies for Horizon Scanning
[Deliverable]. caLIBRAte research project.
2017 report
Develop and Validate Risk Ranking Model v3 to Inform RRM-PT List
United States Food and Drug Administration.
2017 journal article
The Use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Food Safety Risk-Benefit Assessment
Food Protection Trends, 37(2), 132–139.
2017 journal article
The role of alternative testing strategies in environmental risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials
Environmental Science: Nano, 4(2), 292–301.
2016 journal article
Applying comprehensive environmental assessment to research planning for multiwalled carbon nanotubes: Refinements to inform future stakeholder engagement
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 12(1), 96–108.
2016 report
Deliverable: Evaluate Options to Aggregate Risk Scores in RRM-PT
[Deliverable report]. United States Food and Drug Administration.
2016 report
Identify, Collect Data, and Perform Expert Elicitation for New Food-Hazard Pairs involving Human Food
[Deliverable report]. United States Food and Drug Administration.
2016 journal article
International Implications of Labeling Foods Containing Engineered Nanomaterials
Journal of Food Protection, 79(5), 830–842.
2016 journal article
Prioritizing research needs for analytical techniques suited for engineered nanomaterials in food
Trends in Food Science & Technology, 50, 219–229.
2016 report
Review Public Comments and Provide Recommendations Relevant for Animal Feed/Pet Food in RRM-PT
[Deliverable report]. United States Food and Drug Administration.
2015 journal article
Data dialogues: critical connections for designing and implementing future nanomaterial research
Environment Systems and Decisions, 35(1), 76–87.
2015 journal article
Emerging Technologies for Environmental Remediation: Integrating Data and Judgment
Environmental Science & Technology, 50(1), 349–358.
2015 weblog post
Nano-remediation: tiny particles cleaning up big environmental problems
2015 chapter
Risk Assessment, Life Cycle Assessment, and Decision Methods for Nanomaterials
In S. K. Brar, T. C. Zhang, M. Verma, R. Y. Surampalli, & R. D. Tyagi (Eds.), Nanomaterials in the Environment (pp. 383–419).
Ed(s): S. Brar, T. Zhang, M. Verma, R. Surampalli & R. Tyagi
2015 report
Safe Handling of Engineered Nanomaterials: Turning Knowledge Into Practice
2015 report
Update and Validate Risk Ranking Model to Inform High Risk Foods List: High-Risk Foods (HRF) Model
United States Food and Drug Administration.
2014 journal article
A relative ranking approach for nano-enabled applications to improve risk-based decision making: a case study of Army materiel
Environment Systems and Decisions, 35(1), 42–53.

2014 journal article
A web-based tool to engage stakeholders in informing research planning for future decisions on emerging materials
Science of The Total Environment, 470-471, 660–668.
2014 weblog post
Investigating the invisible: Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Science
2013 journal article
Benefit-risk trade-offs in retrospect: how major stakeholders perceive the decision-making process in the Barents Sea oil field development
Journal of Risk Research, 16(9), 1163–1185.
2013 report
Development of a Risk Ranking Tool for the Determination of High Risk Foods among FDA-regulated Products
United States Food and Drug Administration.
2013 journal article
Finding the Key to Responsible Nanomaterial Development
EHS Today.
2013 report
Identifying army materiel incorporating engineered nanomaterials and associated health risks
U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research.
2013 report
Implement and Evaluate the High Risk Foods (HRF) Model: For Recordkeeping and Product Tracing
United States Food and Drug Administration.
2013 journal article
Modeling Approaches for Characterizing and Evaluating Environmental Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials in Support of Risk-Based Decision Making
Environmental Science & Technology, 47(3), 1190–1205.
2013 chapter
Nanomaterials: Regulation and Risk Assessment
In S. E. Jorgensen (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environmental Management: Vol. III (pp. 1722–1732). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Ed(s): S. Jorgensen
2013 chapter
Nanoparticles: Uncertainty Risk Analysis
In Encyclopedia of Environmental Management: Vol. III (pp. 1742–1751). New York: Taylor & Francis.
2013 journal article
Operationalization and application of “early warning signs” to screen nanomaterials for harmful properties
Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 15(1), 190–203.
2012 journal article
Analysis of current research addressing complementary use of life-cycle assessment and risk assessment for engineered nanomaterials: have lessons been learned from previous experience with chemicals?
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14(7).
2012 journal article
Improving Risk Governance of Emerging Technologies through Public Engagement: The Neglected Case of Nano- Remediation?
International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 10(1), 61–78.
2012 report
Nanomaterial Case Study Workshop Process: Identifying and Prioritizing Research for Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
[Deliverable report]. United States Environmental Protection Agency.
2011 magazine article
Assessing the Potential Risks of Nano-Materials – Emerging Tools for Emerging Risks
European Safety and Reliability Association Newsletter, September, 4–5.
2011 journal article
Conceptual modeling for identification of worst case conditions in environmental risk assessment of nanomaterials using nZVI and C60 as case studies
Science of The Total Environment, 409(19), 4109–4124.

2011 journal article
Environmental risk analysis for nanomaterials: Review and evaluation of frameworks
Nanotoxicology, 6(2), 196–212.
2011 report
Modeling the Perception of Emerging Risks. Deliverable for iNTeg-Risk: Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology Related, Risks
2011 report
Occupational safety assessment. Deliverable for PlasmaNice: Plasmas for Nanoscale Industrial Surface Processing
2011 report
Uncertainty handling (unknown phenomena). Deliverable for iNTeg-Risk: Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology Related, Risks.
2011 journal article
Understanding and assessing potential environmental risks of nanomaterials: Emerging tools for emerging risks - a PhD project
Miljø Og Sundhed, 17(1), 43–46.
2010 journal article
Conscious worst case definition for risk assessment, part I
Science of The Total Environment, 408(18), 3852–3859.
2010 report
DTU Environment Green Account Report 2009
[DTU Environment Green Account Report 2009.]. Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.
2010 journal article
Environmental benefits and risks of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) for in situ remediation: Risk mitigation or trade-off?
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 118(3-4), 165–183.
2010 journal article
Nature and Nanotechnology: Science, Ideology and Policy
International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 8(1), 5–23.
2010 journal article
Risikable nanomaterialer?- øget anvendelse af nanomaterialer sætter nye krav til riskovurdering
Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 3, 30–32.
2010 thesis
Understanding and assessing environmental risks of nanomaterials: Emerging tools for emerging risks
(PhD thesis,). Technical University of Denmark.
2009 journal article
Adopting eco-innovation in Danish polymer industry working with nanotechnology: Drivers, barriers and future strategies
Nanotechnology Law & Business, 6(3), 416–440.
2009 book
DTU Environment Green Account Report 2008
Denmark: Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby.
2009 chapter book
Human Health Risks of Engineered Nanomaterials
Contributors: A. Elder *, I. Lynch *, * , S. Chan-Remillard*, A. Gatti *, H. Gnewuch*, E. Kenawy *, R. Korenstein *

2009 chapter
Limitations of current regulation of nanomaterials
In M. Craye (Ed.), Governance of Nanotechnologies : Learning from Past Experiences with Risks and Innovative Technologies (pp. 54–58).
Ed(s): M. Craye
2009 chapter
Limitations of current risk assessment of nanomaterials and uncertainty analysis related to nanomaterials
In M. Craye (Ed.), Governance of Nanotechnologies : Learning from Past Experiences with Risks and Innovative Technologies (pp. 45–54).
Ed(s): M. Craye
2009 journal article
Redefining risk research priorities for nanomaterials
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 12(2), 383–392.
2009 journal article
Risikovurdering i nano-dimensioner: Øget anvendelse af nanomaterialer sætter nye krav til riskovurdering
Dansk Kemi, 90(3), 14–16.
2009 journal article
Setting the limits for engineered nanoparticles in European surface waters – are current approaches appropriate?
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 11(10), 1774.
2009 chapter book
Strategic Approaches for the Management of Environmental Risk Uncertainties Posed by Nanomaterials
2009 journal article
The known unknowns of nanomaterials: Describing and characterizing uncertainty within environmental, health and safety risks
Nanotoxicology, 3(3), 222–233.
2008 journal article
Ecotoxicity of engineered nanoparticles to aquatic invertebrates: a brief review and recommendations for future toxicity testing
Ecotoxicology, 17(5), 387–395.
2006 thesis
Pesticide regulations in drinking water versus other beverages: A case of an unjustified discrepancy
(MSc thesis,). Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.
2003 report
Spatial and temporal patterns in the spread of Austrian pine in four Lake Michigan sand dune habitats: Final report, including brochures, pamphlets, and public information booklets
[Final report, including brochures,]. State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources.
2003 thesis
Spatial and temporal patterns of Pinus nigra (Austrian pine) spread in four Lake Michigan sand dune habitats
(Master's thesis). Michigan State University.
Updated: September 25th, 2022 19:13
2020 - present