Works (30)
2024 journal article
Pooshing the Boundaries of Instagram Influencers: How Mainstream vs. Micro-celebrity Influencers Impact Source Credibility, Parasocial Interaction, and Intent to Follow
Journal of Creative Communications.
2024 journal article
The Try Guys Try Cheating: Social Media Influencers in Crisis
Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 40(1).

2023 journal article
Wyoming perceptions of extreme weather events
Cow Country: Wyoming Stock Growers Association Quarterly Magazine, (Spring).
2022 journal article
Taking Alternative Routes? Examining Mainstream and Alternative Media Consumption Based on Political Identity
Media Watch, 14(1), 10–32.
2021 journal article
The Impact of 280 Characters: An Analysis of Trump’s Tweets and Television News Through the Lens of Agenda Building
Electronic News, 15(1-2), 21–37.
2020 journal article
Spoofing presidential hopefuls: The roles of affective disposition, emotions, and intertextuality in prompting the social transmission of debate parody
International Journal of Communication, 14, 200–220.
2019 journal article
“And That’s a Fact!”: The Roles of Political Ideology, PSRs, and Perceived Source Credibility in Estimating Factual Content in Partisan News
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 63(2), 177–194.
2016 chapter
Humor Works in Funny Ways: Examining Satirical Tone as a Key Determinant in Political Humor Message Processing
In R. L. Holbert (Ed.), Entertainment media and politics: Advances in effects-based research (pp. 106–129).
Ed(s): R. Holbert
2016 journal article
The Impact of Pretrial Publicity on “Eye for an Eye” Retributivist Support and Malicious Perceptions of Criminal Offenders
Mass Communication and Society, 20(1), 116–135.

2016 journal article
The Indirect Effects of Partisanship and Partisan Media on Knowledge About Same-Sex Marriage Policy: Exploring the Knowledge and Belief Gap Hypotheses
Mass Communication and Society, 20(2), 192–212.
2015 journal article
Satire as uncertain territory: Uncertainty expression in discussion about political satire, opinion, and news
HUMOR, 28(4).
2015 journal article
Tweets, Polls, and Quotes: Gatekeeping and Bias in On-Screen Visuals During the Final 2012 Presidential Debate
Communication Studies, 66(2), 146–164.
2014 journal article
Humor Works in Funny Ways: Examining Satirical Tone as a Key Determinant in Political Humor Message Processing
Mass Communication and Society, 17(3), 400–423.
2013 journal article
Affinity for political humor: An assessment of internal factor structure, reliability, and validity
Humor, 26(4).
2013 journal article
Examining the Intertextuality of Fictional Political Comedy and Real-World Political News
Media Psychology, 16(3), 347–369.
2012 journal article
Filtering 2008 US presidential election news on YouTube by elites and nonelites: An examination of the democratizing potential of the internet
New Media & Society, 14(5), 832–849.
2011 journal article
Working Through Political Entertainment: How Negative Emotion and Narrative Engagement Encourage Political Discussion Intent in Young Americans
Communication Quarterly, 59(2), 200–220.
2010 journal article
The Influence of Late-Night TV Comedy Viewing on Political Talk: A Moderated-Mediation Model
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 15(4), 482–498.

2009 journal article
Fanning the Flames of a Partisan Divide
Communication Research, 36(2), 155–177.

2009 journal article
The Irony of Satire
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 14(2), 212–231.
2009 journal article
When is Fiction as Good as Fact? Comparing the Influence of Documentary and Historical Reenactment Films on Engagement, Affect, Issue Interest, and Learning
Mass Communication and Society, 12(4), 537–555.

2008 chapter
The representation of the European Union elections in news media coverage around the world
In L. L. Kaid (Ed.), The EU expansion: Communicating shared sovereignty in the parliamentary elections (pp. 153–173). New York: Peter Lang.
Ed(s): L. Kaid
2007 journal article
The Effects of Political Advertising on Young Voters
American Behavioral Scientist, 50(9), 1137–1151.

2006 journal article
Evolution of Online Campaigning: Increasing Interactivity in Candidate Web Sites and Blogs Through Text and Technical Features
Mass Communication and Society, 9(1), 21–44.
2006 chapter
The role of campaign web sites in promoting candidates and attracting campaign resources
In A. P. Williams & J. C. Tedesco (Eds.), The internet election: Perspectives on the web in campaign 2004 (pp. 99–110). Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Ed(s): A. Williams & J. Tedesco
2005 journal article
Blogging and Hyperlinking: use of the Web to enhance viability during the 2004 US campaign
Journalism Studies, 6(2), 177–186.
2005 chapter
Campaigning in the New Europe: News Media Presentations of the 2004 European Union Parliamentary Elections
In C. Holtz-Bacha (Ed.), Massenmedien im Europawahlkampf (The Mass Media in the European Election Campaign.
Ed(s): C. Holtz-Bacha
2004 chapter
Late night talk shows and war: Entertaining and informing through humor
In R. D. Berenger (Ed.), Global Media Go to War (pp. 131–138). Spokane, WA: Marquette Books.
Ed(s): R. Berenger
2003 journal article
Newspaper coverage of the Florida 2002 gubernatorial debates
University of Florida Journal of Undergraduate Research, 4(6).
2003 chapter
Under the International Spotlight: Marketing Politics through Debates
In J. Biberman & A. Alkhaji (Eds.), Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives: Vol. X (pp. 902–906). Saline, Michigan: International Academy of Business Disciplines and McNaughton & Gunn.
Ed(s): J. Biberman & A. Alkhaji