Kenneth Royal
medical education, psychometrics, measurement, veterinary education, higher education, Rasch measurement, testing, assessment, evaluation, psychology, teaching and learning
Works (179)
2024 journal article
Approaches to ensure an equitable and fair admissions process for medical training
Communications Medicine.
2024 journal article
Development and initial evaluation of a rigid rhinoscopy model as a pedagogic tool in veterinary medicine

2024 journal article
The predictive validity of MCAT scores and undergraduate GPA for COMLEX-USA licensure exam performance of students enrolled in osteopathic medical schools
Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.
2023 journal article
Can dogs help chickens? Pet owners' willingness to pay for animal welfare-friendly pet food in the United States

2023 article
Hurdles of Cataract Surgery: Veterinary Ophthalmology Resident's Perspective (Part B)
Knight, L. T. N., Royal, K. D., & Robertson, J. B. (2023, March 6). JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EDUCATION, Vol. 3.

2023 article
Training Veterinary Ophthalmology Residents on Cataract Surgery (Part A: Diplomate's Survey)
Knight, L. T. N., & Royal, K. (2023, March 13). JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EDUCATION, Vol. 3.

2023 journal article
Veterinary education and experience shape beliefs about dog breeds Part 1: Pain sensitivity

2023 journal article
Veterinary education and experience shape beliefs about dog breeds. Part 2: Trust

2022 journal article
Effects of gender on income and family planning for diplomates of the American College of Zoological Medicine

2021 article
A Literature Review: Pet Bereavement and Coping Mechanisms
Park, R. M., Royal, K. D., & Gruen, M. E. (2021, June 7). JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL WELFARE SCIENCE, Vol. 6.

2021 journal article
A novel career development course for animal science students pursuing veterinary college admissions

2021 journal article
Association between Dog Owner Demographics and Decision to Seek Veterinary Care

2021 journal article
Evaluation of Retention of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Knowledge between Second-Year and Fourth-Year Clinical Pathology Courses
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 48(6), 664–669.

2021 article
The Impact of COVID-19 on Pre-Veterinary Opportunities and Recommendations for DVM Admissions
Trivedi, S., Clark, J. C., & Royal, K. D. (2021, May 17). JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EDUCATION.

2021 article
Veterinary Students' Use of Learning Objectives
Olin, S. J., Springer, C., & Royal, K. (2021, December 20). JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EDUCATION, Vol. 12.

2021 personal communication
What Matters Most to Residency and Intern Selection Committees in Veterinary Medicine?
Royal, K. D., & Hecker, K. G. (2021, June).

2020 personal communication
A Call for an AAVMC-Led Employer Survey of Veterinary Medical School Graduates
Royal, K. D., & Hedgpeth, M.-W. (2020, February).
2020 journal article
A Comparison of Public Perceptions of Physicians and Veterinarians in the United States

2020 journal article
A National Survey of Companion Animal Owners’ Self-Reported Methods of Coping Following Euthanasia
Veterinary Sciences.

2020 journal article
Cross-Sectional Assessment of the Emotional Intelligence of Fourth-Year Veterinary Students and Veterinary House Officers in a Teaching Hospital

2020 journal article
Identifying Barriers to Implementing Pain Management for Piglet Castration: A Focus Group of Swine Veterinarians
Animals, 10(7), 1202.

2020 journal article
Perceptions and attitudes of Small Animal Internal Medicine specialists toward the publication requirement for board certification
2019 article
"Physician, Heal Yourself!" The Importance of Understanding Scripture

2019 journal article
A Simple Methodology for Discerning Item Construction Flaws in Health Professions Examinations
Health Professions Education, 5(1), 82–89.

2019 journal article
Baseline Knowledge of Potential Pet Toxins among the US General Public
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 22(3), 219–228.

2019 journal article
Comparison of still image quality between traditional 35 mm digital and GoPro cameras in a surgical setting
Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, 42(3), 114–119.

2019 journal article
Effect of a mindfulness exercise on stress in veterinary students performing surgery
Veterinary Surgery, 48(3), 360–366.

2019 journal article
Use of a Versatile, Inexpensive Ophthalmoscopy Teaching Model in Veterinary Medical Student Education Increases Ophthalmoscopy Proficiency

2018 journal article
A survey of point-of-care ultrasound use in veterinary general practice
Education in the Health Professions, 1(2), 50.
2018 journal article
Automated Item Generation: The Future of Medical Education Assessment?
European Medical Journal: Innovations, 2(1), 8–92.
2018 journal article
Comparing Item Performance on Three- Versus Four-Option Multiple Choice Questions in a Veterinary Toxicology Course
Veterinary Sciences, 5(2), 55.

2018 journal article
Evaluating the readability levels of medical infographic materials for public consumption

2018 journal article
Exploring Shyness among Veterinary Medical Students: Implications for Mental and Social Wellness
Veterinary Sciences.

2018 journal article
Forty-five common rater errors in medical and health professions education
Education in the Health Professions, 1(2), 33.

2018 journal article
How common are experimental designs in medical education? Findings from a bibliometric analysis of recent dissertations and theses
Education in the Health Professions, 1, 28–30.
2018 journal article
Hydrogen peroxide plasma sterilization of a waterproof, high‐definition video camera case for intraoperative imaging in veterinary surgery
Veterinary Surgery.

2018 journal article
Is verification of peer review service necessary to support scientific growth?
The American Journal of Surgery, 216(2), 202–203.
2018 journal article
Medical Students Rate Black Female Peers as Less Socially Connected

2018 journal article
Ophthalmoscopy skills in primary care: a cross-sectional practitioner survey
VETERINARY RECORD, 182(15), 435-+.

2018 journal article
Pharmacists' Knowledge of Veterinary Pharmacotherapy and the Impact of an Educational Intervention

2018 journal article
Psychometric Validation of a Medical and Health Professions Course Evaluation Questionnaire
American Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), 38–42.

2018 journal article
Readability Evaluations of Veterinary Client Handouts and Implications for Patient Care

2018 book
2018 book
2018 journal article
Strategies Used for Making Healthy Eating Choices among Veterinary Medical Students
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 45(3), 364–380.

2018 journal article
Teaching Tip A Method for Evaluating Learning Evidence when Using Cumulative Final Examinations

2018 journal article
Think Subscores Are a Helpful Form of Feedback? Think Again

2018 journal article
Using readability software to enhance the health literacy of equine veterinary clients: An analysis of 17 American Association of Equine Practitioners’ newsletter and website articles
Equine Veterinary Journal, 51(4), 552–555.

2018 journal article
Using Educational Handoffs to Improve Curricular Integration and Overcome Faculty Disconnectedness
Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 7(2), 10.
2018 journal article
Veterinary Medical Students' Motivations for Exercise
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 45(3), 367–373.

2018 journal article
Veterinary Medical Students' Motivations for Exercise
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 1, 1–7.
2017 journal article
A Guide for Making Valid Interpretations of Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) Results
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 44(2), 316–322.

2017 journal article
A Plea to Discontinue Acknowledging “Face Validity” as a Legitimate Type of Validity Evidence
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 44(2), 206–206.

2017 journal article
An Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Behavior Change Strategies for Healthy Eating Scale
Journal of Nursing Measurement, 25(3), 411–420.

2017 journal article
Baseline knowledge of potential pet toxins: a survey of pharmacists
Pharmacy Practice, 15(4), 1058–1058.

2017 journal article
Clarifying the Instructional Role of Faculty in Medical and Health Professions Programs
Education in Medicine Journal, 9(2), 75–77.
2017 journal article
Evaluation of 3D Additively Manufactured Canine Brain Models for Teaching Veterinary Neuroanatomy

2017 journal article
Four tenets of modern validity theory for medical education assessment and evaluation

2017 journal article
Good teaching is not a race to cover content: Less can be more
Earn, Nose & Throat Journal, 96(10-11), 402-.
2017 journal article
Improving student wellness by promoting social fitness
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 251(8), 890–890.
2017 personal communication
Improving student wellness by promoting social fitness
2017 personal communication
Quality Teaching Matters More than Innovative Curricula
Royal, K. D. (2017, April).

2017 journal article
Results of a Flipped Classroom Teaching Approach in Anesthesiology Residents
Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 6.

2017 journal article
Robust (and Ethical) Educational Research Designs
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 6, 1–5.

2017 journal article
School Climate in American Secondary Schools: A Psychometric Examination of PISA 2009 School Climate Scale
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching.

2017 journal article
Severity of Nasal Inflammatory Disease Questionnaire for Canine Idiopathic Rhinitis Control: Instrument Development and Initial Validity Evidence

2017 journal article
Success Rates Depend on the Appropriateness of the Outcome Measures
Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, 7(1).
2017 journal article
Survey Incentives in Medical Education: What Do Students Say Will Entice Them to Participate in Surveys?
Medical Science Educator, 27(2), 339–344.
2017 journal article
The Prevalence of Item Construction Flaws in Medical School Examinations and Innovative Recommendations for Improvement
European Medical Journal, 1(1), 61–66.
2017 journal article
The impact of 3-option responses to multiple-choice questions on guessing strategies and cut score determinations
Journal of Advances in Medical Education and Professionalism, 5(2), 84–89.
2017 journal article
Turning a blind eye: How lack of communication with ER nurses nearly cost a patient permanent vision loss
Patient Experience Journal, 4(3), 12–14.
2017 journal article
Understanding the Cognitive Development of Medical Students and Residents
Education for Primary Care, 28(6), 356–356.

2017 journal article
Using a Modified Bookmark Procedure to Help Identify Reasonable Consequences for Academic Integrity Violations
Using a modified bookmark procedure to help identify reasonable consequences for academic integrity violations. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 45(1), 43–50.

2017 journal article
Using the Spearman-Brown Prophecy Formula to Improve Medical School Examination Quality
Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 5(2), 1.

2017 journal article
Why Veterinary Medical Educators Should Embrace Cumulative Final Exams
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 1, 1–5.

2016 article
"Face validity'' is not a legitimate type of validity evidence
Royal, K. (2016, November). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Vol. 212, pp. 1026–1027.

2016 journal article
A Comprehensive Wellness Program for Veterinary Medical Education: Design and Implementation at North Carolina State University
International Journal of Higher Education, 6(1), 74.
2016 journal article
A Guide for Assessing the Interpretive Validity of Student Evaluations of Teaching in Medical Schools
Medical Science Educator, 26(4), 711–717.

2016 journal article
An Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of an Advising Survey for Medical and Professional Program Students
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 6(1), 195.
2016 journal article
Do All Dogs Go to Heaven? Investigating the Association between Demographic Characteristics and Beliefs about Animal Afterlife
ANTHROZOOS, 29(3), 409–420.

2016 journal article
Exploring Aberrant Responses Using Person Fit and Person Response Functions
Journal of Applied Measurement.
2016 journal article
Investigating the Financial Awareness and Behaviors of Veterinary Medical Students
International Journal of Economics and Finance.
2016 journal article
Missing data as a validity threat for medical and healthcare education research: problems and solutions
International Journal of Healthcare, 2(2).

2016 personal communication
More on Diversity and Inclusion in Academic Medicine: The Isolation of Black Females
Royal, K. D., Cannedy, A. L., & Dent, G. A. (2016, July).

2016 personal communication
More on standard setting
Royal, K. (2016, February).

2016 journal article
Prohibiting Students from Asking Questions during Exams: A Guideline for Promoting Fairness and Preserving Score Validity
Prohibiting students from asking questions during exams: A guideline for promoting fairness and preserving score validity. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 44(2), 343–345.

2016 journal article
Rater Errors in Clinical Performance Assessments

2016 journal article
Social Media and Impression Management: Veterinary Medicine Students' and Faculty Members' Attitudes toward the Acceptability of Social Media Posts
Journal of Advances in Medical Education and Professionalism, 4(4), 155–162.
2016 journal article
Students' Perceptions of and Experiences With Educational Technology: A Survey
JMIR Medical Education.

2016 journal article
The 10 most wanted test cheaters in medical education
MEDICAL EDUCATION, 50(12), 1241–1244.

2016 journal article
The Impact of Item Sequence Order on Local Item Dependence: An Item Response Theory Perspective
Survey Practice, 9(5).
2016 journal article
There's Education, and Then There's Education in Medicine
Journal of Advances in Medical Education and Professionalism, 4(3), 150–154.
2016 review
Understanding Reliability: A Review for Veterinary Educators

2015 journal article
A Case for Differentiated Grades
Med.Sci.Educ., 25(3), 323–325.
2015 journal article
A Method for Investigating "Instructional Familiarity" and Discerning Authentic Learning

2015 journal article
A Novel Method for Evaluating Examination Item Quality
IJPS, 7(1).

2015 journal article
A cautionary note about focus groups in medical education
Education for Primary Care, 26(6), 449–449.

2015 journal article
Academic outcomes of a community-based longitudinal integrated clerkships program.
Medical Teacher, 37(9), 862–867.
Contributors: R. Latessa *, N. Beaty, * , G. Colvin*, D. Pathman & J. Heck*

2015 journal article
Balancing Test Length with Sufficiently Reliable Scores
EIMJ, 7(1).
2015 journal article
Building Collaborative Learning Opportunities between Future Veterinary and Design Professionals
Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(5), 43–51.
2015 journal article
Comparing Veterinary Student and Faculty Perceptions of Academic Misconduct
International Research in Higher Education, 1(1).
2015 journal article
Differences Among Veterinary Students’ and Faculty Members’ Perceptions of Appropriate Interactions with Corporate Entities at One US College of Veterinary Medicine
Medical Science Educator, 26(1), 35–38.
2015 journal article
Does Mathematical Precision Ensure Valid Grades? What Every Veterinary Medical Educator Should Know

2015 journal article
Educational Research Report: Changes in Students' Levels of Empathy during the Didactic Portion of a Veterinary Program
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 42(3), 194–205.

2015 journal article
Examining Job Satisfaction among Kentucky Head Principals Using the Rasch Rating Scale Model
JSE, 5(3), 135.
2015 journal article
Further Validation of the Inventory of Mental Toughness Factors in Sport (IMTF-S)
IJPS, 7(3).
2015 journal article
How Much Content Knowledge Do Graduating Medical Students Retain from Their Pre-Clinical and Clinical Courses?
Medical Science Educator, 26(1), 117–122.

2015 journal article
Measuring Factors that Influence Decisions to Become a Veterinarian
Research and Development in Medical Education, 4(1), 23–29.

2015 journal article
On Requiring Medical Student Participation on Course and Faculty Evaluations: Ethical and Methodological Implications
Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics, 5(3), 195.
2015 journal article
On the appropriateness of norm- and criterion-referenced assessments in medical education
Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal, 94(7), 252-.
2015 journal article
On the appropriateness of norm- and criterion-referenced assessments in medical education.
& Throat Journal, 94(7), 252–254.
2015 journal article
Post-Exam Reviews: A Consideration of Costs and Unintended Consequences
Med.Sci.Educ., 25(3), 327–329.
2015 journal article
Teaching medical students the art of the 'write-up'.
Clinical Teacher, 12(4), 246–249.

2015 journal article
The Impact of Repeated Exposure to Items
Contributors: T. O’Neill*, L. Sun*, M. Peabody * & n

2015 journal article
The Predictive Validity of the ABFM's In-Training Examination.
Family Medicine, 47(5), 349–356.
2015 journal article
The myth of learning styles: What medical educators need to know
Ear, Nose and Throat Journal, 94(4-5), 132–134.
2015 journal article
The myth of teaching styles: What medical educators need to know [Editorial].
& Throat Journal, 94(4-5), 132–134.
2015 journal article
The predictive validity of the ABFM’s in-training examination
Family Medicine, 47(5), 349–356.
2015 journal article
Using the Nudge and Shove Methods to Adjust Item Difficulty Values
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 42(3), 239–241.

2014 journal article
436 Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mobile Application for Point-of-Care Data Collection in Assessing Trainee Skills During Colonoscopy Training: a Pilot Study
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 79(5), AB139–AB140.
2014 journal article
A Novel Approach for Investigating Curricular Redundancy
EIMJ, 6(4).

2014 journal article
A student-led methodology for evaluating curricular redundancy
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 10(23), 1–8.
2014 journal article
Are Repeat Exam Scores Trustworthy? A Note about Measurement Error and the Need for Genuine Instructional Remediation
Med.Sci.Educ., 24(1), 39–41.

2014 journal article
Are Teacher Course Evaluations Biased Against Faculty That Teach Quantitative Methods Courses?
IJHE, 4(1).

2014 journal article
Community size and organization of practice predict family physician recertification success.
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 27(3), 383–390.
Contributors: B. Schulte*, D. Mannino *, * , S. Brown *, L. Peterson * & J. Puffer*

2014 journal article
Social Network Analysis and Rasch Measurement as Complementary Methods
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 28(2), 1466–1467.
2014 journal article
The Flipped Classroom Improved Medical Student Performance and Satisfaction in a Pre-clinical Physiology Course
Med.Sci.Educ., 25(1), 35–43.

2014 journal article
The consequential validity of ABFM examinations
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 27(3), 430–431.
2014 journal article
The consequential validity of ABFM examinations.
Annals of Family Medicine, 12(3), 280–282.
2014 journal article
Using Rasch measurement to score, evaluate, and improve examinations in an anatomy course.
Anatomical Sciences Education, 7(6), 450–460.
Contributors: , K. Gilliland * & E. Kernick* *

2014 journal article
You Say Tomato, I Say “Tomahto”: the Semantics of Blended Learning
Med.Sci.Educ., 25(1), 81–82.

2013 journal article
A cautionary tale about item equating with fluctuating samples
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 27(2), 1417.
2013 journal article
A closer look at recertification candidate pass rates.
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 26(4), 478–489.
2013 journal article
A closer look at recertification candidate pass rates.
Annals of Family Medicine, 11(4), 389–390.
2013 journal article
A more accurate pain scale?
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 26(4), 1398.
2013 journal article
A psychometric validation of the beliefs toward mental illness scale.
Journal of Nursing Measurement, 21(3), 516–524.
2013 journal article
Achievement Goal Validation Among African American High School Students: CFA and Rasch Results
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 31(3), 284–299.
Contributors: C. Hart*, C. Mueller *, * & M. Jones *

2013 journal article
Criterion-referenced examinations: implications for the reporting and interpretation of examination results.
Annals of Family Medicine, 11(2), 185–187.
2013 journal article
Developing a psychometric ruler: An alternative presentation of Rasch Measurement output
Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 8(3), 1–10.
2013 journal article
Dimensionality of the maintenance of certification for family physicians examination: Evidence of construct validity
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 26(3), 342–344.

2013 journal article
Dimensionality of the maintenance of certification for family physicians examination: evidence of construct validity.
Annals of Family Medicine, 11(3), 286–288.

2013 journal article
G. ENGELHARD, JR. (2013) Invariant Measurement: Using Rasch Models in the Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences.: New York: Routledge. 312 pages. US$44.95. ISBN: 978-0-415-87125-9
Psychometrika, 79(4), 733–735.
2013 journal article
Investigating guessing strategies and their success rates on items of varying difficulty levels
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 27(1), 1407–1408.
2013 journal article
Is now the time for a Rasch measurement MOOC?
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 27(3), 1437–1438.
2013 journal article
Objectively Measuring Change across Time in Higher Education Assessment
Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness, 3(1), 19.

2013 journal article
Social Achievement Goals: Validation Among Rural African American Adolescents
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 31(6), 566–577.
Contributors: M. Jones *, C. Mueller *, * , S. Shim * & C. Hart*
2012 journal article
A suggestion for taking Rasch-based survey results even further
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 25(4), 1341.
2012 journal article
Cheating: Its implications for American Board of Family Medicine examinees
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 25(3), 400–401.
2012 journal article
Cheating: its implications for ABFM examinees.
Annals of Family Medicine, 10(3), 274–275.
2012 dataset
Examining Achievement Goal Orientations in Rural African American High School Students: CFA Results
PsycEXTRA Dataset.

2012 journal article
Measuring Liberal/Conservative Voting Tendencies among U.S. Senators
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 26(2), 1366–1367.
2012 journal article
Measuring protestant Christians' willingness to seek professional psychological help for mental illness: A Rasch Measurement analysis
Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 31(3), 195–204.
2012 journal article
The reliability of american board of family medicine examinations: Implications for test takers
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 25(1), 131–133.
2012 journal article
Understanding the "sum of subtest to overall score discrepancy" on the MC-FP examination.
Annals of Family Medicine, 10(1), 81–82.
2012 journal article
Understanding the "sum of subtest to overall score discrepancy" on the maintenance of certification-family practice examination
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 25(2), 260–261.
2012 journal article
Using Stylometric Techniques to Evaluate New Testament Authorship
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 8(19), 1–7.
2011 journal article
A survey of attitudes about methods of assessment
Assessment Update, 23(3), 1–15.
2011 journal article
Demonstrating the Construct Stability of a Translated Exam for Family Medicine Residents
The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 6(2), 31–41.
2011 journal article
Evaluating the due process and crime control perspectives using Rasch measurement analysis
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 7(16), 48–65.

2011 dataset
Examination of a Modified Achievement Goal Questionnaire for African American Middle School Students: A Rasch Analysis
PsycEXTRA Dataset.

2011 journal article
Explaining discrepancies between the sum of subtest scale-scores to total scale-scores
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 25(3), 1338.
2011 journal article
Measuring education majors perceptions of academic misconduct: An Item Response Theory perspective
International Journal for Education Integrity, 7(1), 18–29.

2011 journal article
Media Review: Demonstrating Student Success: A Practical Guide to Outcomes-Based Assessment of Learning and Development in Student Affairs
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 48(3), 381–383.

2011 journal article
Performance on the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) certification examination: are superior test-taking skills alone sufficient to pass?
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 24(2), 175–180.
2011 journal article
Psychometric properties of the death anxiety scale (DAS) among terminally ill cancer patients
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 29(4), 359–371.
2011 journal article
The reliability of ABFM examinations: implications for test-takers.
Annals of Family Medicine, 9(5), 463–464.
2011 journal article
Understanding reliability in higher education student learning outcomes assessment
Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 2(2), 8–15.
2011 journal article
Using the CUTLO procedure to investigate guessing
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 25(1), 1319–1320.
2010 journal article
Evaluating faculty perceptions of student learning outcomes: A Rasch Measurement Analysis
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 6(14), 18–31.
2010 journal article
Exploring community college faculty perceptions of student outcomes: Findings of a pilot study
Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 34(7), 523–540.
Contributors: , J. Eli* & K. Bradley * *
2010 journal article
How skeptical are magicians?
Rasch Measurement Transactions, 24(3), 1291.
2010 journal article
Making meaningful measurement in survey research: A demonstration of the utility of the Rasch model
IR Applications, 28, 1–16.
2010 journal article
Rating scale optimization in survey research: An application of the Rasch Rating Scale Model
Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 5(4), 607–617.,issue-4/7_royal_ellis_ensslen_homan.php.
2008 journal article
An investigation of honesty check items in higher education course evaluations
Journal of College Teaching and Learning, 5(8), 39–48.

2008 journal article
What constitutes good educational research? A consideration of ethics, methods, and theory
Mid-Western Educational Research Journal, 21(1), 26–35.
2006 journal article
Applying the Rasch rating scale model to gain insights into students' conceptualisation of quality mathematics instruction
Mathematics Education Research Journal, 18(2), 11–26.
Contributors: K. Bradley *, S. Sampson * & *
2005 journal article
Evaluating Interactive Television Courses: An Identification of Factors Associated with Student Satisfaction
Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 8(2).
2005 journal article
Interactive television courses and students satisfaction
Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 8(4).
On Algorithms, ‘Big Data’ and the Future of Psychometrics
Royal, K. Authorea.
Updated: November 17th, 2022 21:17
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2013 - 2022
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2008 - 2012