Kate Emma Annett-Hitchcock
Works (37)
2023 book
The Intersection of Fashion and Disability
2022 article
Consumer perceptions and concerns regarding aesthetic attributes of textile-based assistive devices: a qualitative analysis of online retail product reviews
Nartker, K., Annett-Hitchcock, K., & Hoque, S. M. A. (2022, August 31). RESEARCH JOURNAL OF TEXTILE AND APPAREL, Vol. 8.
2021 article
A retrospect on the US apparel industry: expert predictions and reality data
Kincade, D. H., & Annett-Hitchcock, K. E. (2021, May 18). RESEARCH JOURNAL OF TEXTILE AND APPAREL, Vol. 5.
2020 journal article
Clothing Experiences of Consumers with Body Asymmetry and their Interaction with Three-Dimensional (3D) Visualization Technology
The International Journal of Design in Society, 14(4), 1–18.
2020 journal article
On Being a Female Entrepreneur in the Arts: Comparative Experiences
Journal of Arts Entrepreneurship Education, 2(1), 57–64.
2019 conference paper
Challenges faced by apparel and textile entrepreneurs seeking US production and sourcing–a study of startup survey data
In M. Miller Dr. (Ed.), Fashion: ID (pp. 140–149). http://fashioninstitute.mmu.ac.uk/documents/iffti2019.pdf
Ed(s): M. Miller
Event: International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institute Annual Conference at Manchester, UK on April 8-12, 2019
2019 journal article
Comparison of body measurements between Chinese and U.S. females
The Journal of The Textile Institute, 110(12), 1716–1724.
2018 journal article
Price and perceived product quality: a comparison of denim jeans in three price categories
2017 conference paper
All fashion is local: Assessing the needs of fashion and textile startups in an era of global fashion dissonance
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Fashion Federation of Technical Institutes, Amsterdam, Netherlands, March 28-31, 2017.
2016 journal article
The Development of an Herb-Infused Bag that Regenerates Aromatherapy Textiles
The International Journal of Designed Objects, 10(2), 17–30.
2015 chapter
Fashion And Disability
In Fashion Design for Living. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge.
2015 journal article
Shopping and virtual communities for consumers with physical disabilities
International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(2), 136–144.
2014 journal article
A critical review of aroma therapeutic applications for textiles
Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 9(1).
2014 chapter
Fashion and Disability, including snapshots on Universal Design and fashion, and sports clothing for athletes with disabilities
In Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion (Vol. 11). Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
2014 conference paper
Identification of Contemporary Fashion Trends, Social and Cultural Influences on Domestic Fashion, and Contribution to the Global Fashion Industry in Peru
Conference Proceedings: The Power of Fashion, 119–130. http://iffti.org/downloads/papers-presented/xvi-The-Power-of-Fashion.pdf
Event: 16th Annual Conference for the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes at Bunka Gakuen University on January 27-31, 2014
2014 conference paper
Identification of tactics to engage consumers on Facebook
International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference.
2014 journal article
Investigation into the feasibility of inductively coupled antenna for use in smart clothing
International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 26(1), 25–37.
2013 conference paper
Assessment of factors affecting student creativity in Fashion and Textile Design
The Business & Marketing of Icons: Conference Proceedings, 290–299. http://iffti.org/downloads/papers-presented/xv-PaperPresented-Enclosure.pdf
Event: 15th Annual Conference for the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes at Los Angeles, CA on April 2-6, 2013
2013 journal article
Textile and clothing applications for health monitoring of athletes and potential applications for athletes with disabilities
Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 8–1.
2013 journal article
Voluntary simplicity: The Great American Apparel Diet
2012 journal article
Effect of fabric substrate and coating material on the quality of conductive printing
Journal of the Textile Institute, 104(2), 213–222.
2012 journal article
Universal bra for women in developing nations: The Peace Bra
Design For All Institute of India, 7(7), 41–69.
2011 chapter
Effect of Protective Coating on the Performance of Wearable Antennas
[Paper]. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 84–93).
Event: HCI International at Orlando, FL, USA
2011 journal article
Innovative and complementary approaches to enhancing elders? ability to age in place
Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 103(2), 24–34.
2010 journal article
An Examination of Clothing Issues and Physical Limitations in the Product Development Process
2010 entry reference
Clothing Design Potential for Athletes with Disabilities
2010 journal article
Critical review on smart clothing product development
Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 6(4).
2010 entry reference
Disability, Its Effect on the Body, and the Clothing Perspective
2010 journal article
From Interiors to Apparel: Nature as Teacher
Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal—Annual Review, 4(3), 367–382.
2010 journal article
Retail Product Development and Brand Management Collaboration between Industry and University Student Teams
2010 entry reference
Snapshot: Use of Universal Design Principles for Disability Designs
2010 journal article
Socially-smart computing to support older adults with severe visual impairments: Proof-of- concept
International Journal of Gerontechnology, 9(2), 472–483.
2009 conference paper
Fashion, work and disability
Proceedings of the 11th International Federation of Fashion Technology Institutes Annual Conference. Presented at the International Federation of Fashion Technology Institutes Annual Conference- Fashion and Well-Being, London College of Fashion. http://iffti.org/downloads/papers-presented/xi-LCF,%202009/Carroll_Kate.pdf
Event: International Federation of Fashion Technology Institutes Annual Conference- Fashion and Well-Being at London College of Fashion on March 31, 2009
2009 chapter
Implications of Participatory Design for a Wearable Near and Far Environment Awareness System (NaFEAS) for Users with Severe Visual Impairments
[Paper]. In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Addressing Diversity (pp. 86–95).
Event: Fifth International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction at San Diego, CA, USA
2008 article
Universal access to shopping: Apparel acquisition preferences for the working woman with physical disabilities
2007 journal article
Exercise clothing for children in a weight- management program
Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 99(1), 68–72.
2007 journal article
Inclusive Design in Apparel Product Development for Working Women With Physical Disabilities
Updated: January 3rd, 2020 13:20
2008 - present
2004 - 2008
1998 - 2004
1991 - 1994
1989 - 1991
Updated: January 3rd, 2020 13:24
1998 - 2002
1988 - 1991
1984 - 1987