@article{pankratz_korman_emke_johnson_griffith_gruen_2021, title={Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Prospective Clinical Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of the Assisi Anti-anxiety Device (Calmer Canine) for the Treatment of Canine Separation Anxiety}, volume={8}, ISSN={["2297-1769"]}, DOI={10.3389/fvets.2021.775092}, abstractNote={Introduction: Separation anxiety (SA) is among the most common canine behavior disorders and affects quality-of-life for dogs and their owners. Dogs with SA show signs of anxiety during absence or perceived absence of their owners. While psychoactive medications are often helpful for treating SA, dog and human factors may limit their utility. This study explored the efficacy of a pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) device for treatment of canine SA. Materials and Methods: In this double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study, a screening questionnaire and baseline video confirmed the diagnosis of SA. Owners treated their dog with the device twice daily for 6 weeks, completed weekly questionnaires, and noted adverse events. Videos were taken of the dog while alone at weeks 4 and 6. Behaviors were coded and categorized as negative and positive. Questionnaire and video data at weeks 4 and 6 were compared to baseline. Results: Forty client-owned dogs with moderate to severe SA completed the study. There were no differences between groups for age, weight, or sex. In owner questionnaires, no difference in behavior or overall score was found between the active and sham groups ( p > 0.05). Videos of the active group compared to the sham group showed significant reduction in negative behaviors by week 6 ( p = 0.036) and higher percentage of success at week 4 ( Z = 2.83, p = 0.005), at week 6 ( Z = 1.65, p = 0.098), and across the full study ( Z = 1.99, p = 0.047). Adverse events were reported in eight dogs (6 active, 2 sham); all resolved and were unlikely to be related to treatment. Discussion: This study supports the efficacy and safety of this PEMF device for treatment of SA in dogs. Questionnaire results may not be sensitive enough to detect subtle negative behavioral states compared to video, and may not capture other owner observed behavioral changes. A caregiver placebo effect may account for some improvement seen in both groups. Video data appear better for diagnosis and monitoring dog's behavior when left alone. Future studies should assess PEMF's impact on other anxieties or combination of anxiety disorders in dogs.}, journal={FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE}, author={Pankratz, Katherine and Korman, Judy and Emke, Carrie and Johnson, Brianna and Griffith, Emily H. and Gruen, Margaret E.}, year={2021}, month={Dec} } @article{pankratz_ferris_griffith_sherman_2018, title={Use of single-dose oral gabapentin to attenuate fear responses in cage-trap confined community cats: a double-blind, placebo-controlled field trial}, volume={20}, ISSN={["1532-2750"]}, DOI={10.1177/1098612x17719399}, abstractNote={Objectives This double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluated the safety and efficacy of single-dose oral gabapentin administered for the attenuation of fear responses in cage-trap confined community cats. Methods Community cats presented in cage traps for trap–neuter–return (TNR) were recruited and screened for inclusion. Each enrolled cat was randomly assigned and administered one of three equal-volume, single-dose treatments: placebo, low-dose gabapentin (50 mg) or high-dose gabapentin (100 mg). At baseline, 1, 2, 3 and 12 h post-administration, a single, blinded observer scored each cat for signs of fear and sedation using published paradigms, calculated the respiratory rate and documented any observable facial injuries. Results Fifty-three cats met the inclusion criteria and completed the study. Cat stress score (a measure of fear) was lower in cats that received gabapentin (50 or 100 mg) than in cats that received placebo (50 mg: P = 0.027; 100 mg: P = 0.029), with the greatest reduction at 2 h post-treatment ( P = 0.0007). Respiratory rates did not differ between treatment groups. There was no difference in sedation scores between the groups ( P = 0.86) at any time point ( P = 0.09). Cat facial injuries did not vary by treatment group or over time. No adverse effects were detected specific to gabapentin administration. At 1 h, hypersalivation was observed in four cats across all treatment groups. All cats recovered from surgery and anesthesia uneventfully. Conclusions and relevance This study supports the hypothesis that 50 mg or 100 mg gabapentin (9.2–47.6 mg/kg per cat) reduces fear responses in confined community cats without measurable sedation over 3 h post-administration vs placebo. Gabapentin treatment was well tolerated in this population of cats. Further studies are recommended to investigate the use of oral gabapentin earlier in the TNR process, such as immediately after trapping or prior to transport for the prevention of confinement-related injuries.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF FELINE MEDICINE AND SURGERY}, author={Pankratz, Katherine E. and Ferris, Kelli K. and Griffith, Emily H. and Sherman, Barbara L.}, year={2018}, month={Jun}, pages={535–543} }