Works (37)
2024 journal article
New distributional records of the genus Tetragonoderus Dejean, 1829 from the United States of America, including an updated key to species (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Fragmenta Entomologica, 56(1), 65–72.
2023 journal article
An illustrated type catalog of Trichodesma LeConte, 1861 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) from Mexico, with description of a new species
Insecta Mundi, (1024), 1–19.
2023 journal article
Catalog of the world species of Trichodesma LeConte, 1861 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) and associated genera
Insecta Mundi, (1000), 1–19.
2023 conference paper
The Impact of Research Associates on the Growth of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods
Entomological Collection Network Annual Meeting. Presented at the Entomological Collection Network Annual Meeting.
Event: Entomological Collection Network Annual Meeting
2022 journal article
A Survey of the Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) in Several Natural Areas Across Indiana, U.S.A.
The Great Lakes Entomologist, 54(2).

2022 journal article
A new species of Phyllophaga Harris (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from Puerto Rico
Insecta Mundi, (0914), 1–7.
2022 journal article
First Report of Iccius Champion (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from Florida, USA
The Coleopterists Bulletin, 76(2).
2022 journal article
Trachyderes succinctus (Linnaeus), a longhorn beetle, a new continental USA record
Tri-Ology, 61(1), 8.
2022 conference paper
Trichodesma (Coleoptera: Ptinidae): A study in the importance of insect collections
Entomological Collections Network Annual Meeting. Presented at the Entomological Collections Network Annual Meeting.
Event: Entomological Collections Network Annual Meeting
2021 journal article
A new subterranean species of Anillinus Casey (Carabidae, Trechinae, Anillini) from Florida
Subterranean Biology, 39, 33–44.
2021 journal article
Iccius cylindricus Champion, a tenebrionid beetle, a new Florida state record
Tri-Ology, 60(4), 8.
2021 journal article
Pentispa sallaei (Baly) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Chalepini) Established in Florida, USA, with the First Report of a Host Plant
The Coleopterists Bulletin, 75(1).
2021 journal article
Phaenomerus foveipennis (Morimoto) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Conoderinae) in the Southeastern USA
The Coleopterists Bulletin, 75(2).
2021 journal article
Phylogenetic Placement of the Plesioclytini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae)
Diversity, 13(11), 597.
2021 journal article
Taxonomic Changes in Nearctic Paederinae, New Records and a Redescription of the Enigmatic Genus Acrostilicus Hubbard (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
The Coleopterists Bulletin, 75(4).

2020 journal article
A new species of Ataenius Harold (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) from the southeastern United States, with a lectotype designation
Insecta Mundi, (0841), 1–7.
2020 journal article
An annotated catalog of the type material of Adephaga and Myxophaga (Coleoptera) deposited in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods in Gainesville, Florida, United States of America
Zootaxa, 4744(1).
2020 report
Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky), Asian longhorn beetle (ALB) and Anoplophora chinensis (Forster), citrus longhorn beetle (CLB), potential threats to the southeastern United States
[Pest Alert]. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
2020 conference paper
Are all lamellate antennae created equal? Rhipiceridae of the New World, with a review of U.S. Phyllophaga
Entomological Society of American Annual Meeting. Presented at the Entomological Society of American Annual Meeting.
Event: Entomological Society of American Annual Meeting
2020 journal article
Phaenomerus foveipennis (Morimoto), conoderine weevil, a new Florida state record
Tri-Ology, 59(2), 8.
2020 journal article
Report of an Established Population of Belionota prasina (Thunberg) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Buprestinae) in Florida, USA
The Coleopterists Bulletin, 74(1), 124.
2020 journal article
Review of Carpophilus (Ecnomorphus) Motschulsky, 1858 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Carpophilinae), in the West Indies
Insecta Mundi, (0840), 1–8.
2020 conference paper
The Buprestidae of Eastern North America
Center for Systematic Entomology Annual Meeting. Presented at the Center for Systematic Entomology Annual Meeting.
Event: Center for Systematic Entomology Annual Meeting
2019 journal article
Notes on the natural history of Plesioclytus morrisi Wappes and Skelley, 2015 and Plesioclytus relictus Giesbert, 1993 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Insecta Mundi, (0734), 1–8.
2019 journal article
Pentispa sallaei (Baly), a leaf beetle, a new continental USA record and new host record, found on Malpighia emarginata, Barbados cherry
Tri-Ology, 58(4), 7.
2019 journal article
The beetle fauna associated with the peduncle of <i>Sabal mexicana</i> (Arecaceae) in southern Texas
Journal of Natural History, 53(35-36), 2183–2193.
2019 journal article
Three new synonymies in Phyllophaga Harris, 1827 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), with lectotype and neotype designations
Insecta Mundi, (0742), 1–6.
2018 journal article
A New Species of Sandalus Knoch (Coleoptera: Rhipiceridae), with an Updated Key to the Species of the Eastern USA
The Coleopterists Bulletin, 72(2), 241.
2017 journal article
Agrilus fuscipennis Gory, a buprestid beetle, recorded from Florida with definitive locality
Tri-Ology, 56(3), 10.
2017 journal article
First reports of non-phytophagous Nearctic chrysaugine moths (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae
Insecta Mundi, (0553), 1–8.
2015 journal article
Terrestrial arthropods of Steel Creek, Buffalo National River, Arkansas. I. Select beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae, Carabidae, Cerambycidae, Curculionoidea excluding Scolytinae)
Biodiversity Data Journal, 3, e6832.
2013 conference paper
Coleoptera of the Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge
Powell, G. S., Schnepp, K. E., & Brattain, R. M. (2013, October). Poster.
2013 journal article
First Records of <i>Dicrepidius serraticornis</i> Champion, 1894 (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Dicrepidiini) in the United States (Arizona), with a Key to the Species of<i>DICREPIDIUS</i>Eschscholtz in America North of Mexico
The Coleopterists Bulletin, 67(1), 54–55.
2013 report
Pre-treatment assemblages of wood-boring beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae, Cerambycidae) of the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment
In R. K. Swihart, M. I. Saunders, R. Kalb, S. Haulton, & C. Michler (Eds.), The Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment: A Framework for Studying Responses to Forest Management (General Technical Report No. NRS-P-108; pp. 218–236). Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station.
Ed(s): R. Swihart, M. Saunders, R. Kalb, S. Haulton & C. Michler
2012 conference paper
Beetle Diversity at Indiana Dunes State Park
Brattain, R. M., Schnepp, K. E., & Holland, J. D. (2012, November). Poster.
2012 journal article
Notes on the distribution and habits of Omethes marginatusLeConte (Coleoptera: Omethidae)
Insecta Mundi, (0244), 1–6.
2012 conference paper
Window to the Past: The Fossil Lagerstätte of Indiana Pennsylvanian Age Coal Deposits
Shukle, J. T., Schnepp, K. E., Clark, M. E., Mager, T. W., Bledsoe, L., & Holland, J. D. (2012, April). Poster.